Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

We had a lot of fun this weekend :) Yesterday was my DD's birthday. Went to a museum in DC, we got in a lot of walking. We did workout in the morning before heading to DC :) We did JS Walk On: 30 Day 30 min walk + 15 min Fat Burn walk.

Today I did STS Total Body Workout DVD - Premixes: 4.Timesaver - No Bonus Burn - 60.32 min + 30 min walk.

Debbie - we celebrated Aleisa's birthday all weekend :) We all had so much fun. Good job with your workouts.

Hallo Kirstin and Cookie :)

It's cold outside :( Not liking this weather.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
So, here I think I moved to suburbia, but I guess not. No a single trick or treater. None in our prior house in the middle of no where and none here. My neighbor pointed out our driveway is hidden, so while the house is visible, the driveway isn't. Oh well, more candy for my dh, and he's very happy about that.
Belinda, you are so smart to start downsizing now. I also have a great fondness for dishes. I have some from my grandmother, my mil, my husband's aunt, plus ours. Some I'm saving to pass on to my kids, but Others I'm going to have to donate. Have you considered donating to homeless shelters or Habitat for Humanity? While you don't sell it, there is a tax deduction, and we've been happy with that.
Kristin, are you and your dad at your meeting? Glad the hot yoga is so relaxing. I'm finding it very hard to squeeze everything in.
Deb, an hour from Albany?!! I'm about 20 minutes from downtown. Next time, I'd love to meet up. I put 21 DF on my things to look for on Black Friday thanks for yours and Kristin's comments.
Still struggling with a low-grade fever and headache, but trying to get in a lot of steps. Went to a pot luck dinner on Sunday evening and met a lot of neighbors.

Today I did ICE bicep Meltdown. The last couple of years we haven't had too much holiday items but this year we have so many. I'm already getting tired of set-ups and trying to find my merchandise in boxes piled to the ceiling. I will try and finish up tomorrow and get a couple of days off before I plan for Black Friday.

Belinda - Celebrating is so much fun!! It's great that you were able to workout too:) It will be hot here tomorrow 70's hopefully you too.

Cookie - So you are moving closer and closer to the city and more neighbors! Which do you like better? You have lived in many different areas that is really nice.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Cookie - usually I donate to Goodwill, but like I said they wouldn't pick the couch up :( I have no way to get the couch to them. We have the same problem with homeless shelters or Habitat for Humanity.They won't pick up heavy stuff. We live in a small town, they want you donate $$ not used stuff. Trust me, I rather donate than have to sell it. We tried for months:( But I wanted to get rid of the couch, listing it worked for us. The couch is gone!

Debbie - we did celebrate Aleisa's birthday :) I am not liking this weather :( Sent some of that sun my way.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back later.
Happy Hump Day,

XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact Hiit - Premixes:# 11 Timesaver Floor and Step Cardio + Core #1 - 43:25 + walking is done.

I am done for today, have a great workout and day everyone.
Belinda, glad you were able to get a buyer for the coach. That must have been frustrating with wanting to make a donation, but not having any one willing/able to come pick it up. Was this a milestone birthday for your dd? How many steps are you getting a day?
Kristin, Halloween should be on the weekend not during the school week. What did your boys dress up as?
Deb, my favorite place that we've lived was Manhattan. Just loved it. However, I have to say at this stage of my life, having a smaller house, less commute, and being on the lake is nice. While I'm in suburbia and can walk to a minimart, I only really have two neighbors, and there's a bit of distance between us. I like my space. Were you looking for a new yoga place?

Today I did ICE shoulder meltdown. I wasn't able to finish work but will be done early tomorrow. I'm going to pick up my son's dog and take her for the day, they are busy with work this week.

Belinda - Maybe tomorrow you will have sun. Are you thinking of a challenge for next week?

Kristin - I hope you were able to get to hot yoga. I am missing it.

Cookie - I would love to live in NYC but only for a month:) Sort of like the movie "The Holiday" with Carmen Diaz just switch houses. On Friday I'm going to try a studio my favorite yoga instructor went to which is warm yoga.

ood evening,

Did my workout this morning, just getting around to post. Cleaned my house and went grocery shopping. This morning I did Lower Body Blast Workout DVD - Premixes: 5.Standing + Leg Conditiong Drills (No Cardio Burst) - 63.15 min + pilates + walk.

Cookie - it was very frustrating not getting rid of the couch for free. I didn't mind the money either. I am so glad it's gone. Alesia turned 31 years :) I average 1400 and up each day. I hear you on a smaller house, less cleaning. You only have 2 neighbors? Your house sounds lovely.

Debbie - I am not doing any challenge this time around. Sun came out today.

Good night, everyone.
Hey guys. I am so sorry for not checking in the last week. Friday of last week was my scheduled rest day. Although, I did not rest because we had the field trip to the MONH in NYC. I was exhausted when I got home. Saturday I took Baxter to the beach in the morning to let him run around. When I got home I was about to hit play when my dad called me and told me my mom had passed out and the ambulance was taking her to the hospital. The hospital wanted to keep her for observation and with dementia/alzheimer's patients, they lose even more congitive ability when they are in a strange place like a hospital, so I did not want to leave her alone. I ended up staying with her Saturday night to Sunday afternoon. My sister stayed with her Sunday to Monday morning. My dad was with her Monday. I thought they would release her Monday, but they decided to keep her another night, so I called in sick Tuesday and after teaching and trick-or-treating with the boys, I went back to the hospital and spent another night with my mom. They finally released her Tuesday and I was home at 6. They are not sure if the pincient was caused by her heart or if it was neurological. So they inserted like a chip, if you will, in my mom's chest to record her heart activity. They will take it out in three to four weeks and review the data. It was really tough to have my mom in there for so many days. What made it worse was the fact that we realized how bad she has gotten. When the nurse asked for her name, she didn't know her last name. When the nurse asked her for her birthday, she didn't know. When the nurse asked her who I was, she said, "My daughter." When the nurse asked her for my name. . . she didn't know. HEARTBREAKING! The amount of tears we shed the last few days. . . Went back to work Wednesday and had a union meeting after school. I did manage to get to my hot yoga class last night, which I am glad I did because I needed it.

Anyway. . . today I was back at it. I did 21 DFE Lower Body Extreme. My legs were shaking, I was sweating and it felt good. I needed a tough workout.

Belinda- let me know about the paypal payment when you can. Any updates? I guess I should check the forum.

Deb- I am glad I did not have to miss the hot yoga. Like I said, I soooo needed it.

Cookie- I would like to have a bigger lot of land one day too. I would love to be able to run around a lake with the dog, sounds peaceful.

Okay, I plan on working out tomorrow. I am so glad it is Friday. I feel like I haven't had a true day off since two weekends ago. My husband asked me what I wanted to do this weekend.. .I said NOTHING. and I mean it!


Today I didn't workout but took my son's dog for a long walk. On our walk we saw a huge buck it looked like a reindeer it must have been over 200lbs (maybe it was Prancer;) took some pictures.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts & for having the energy to do chores afterwards:)

Kristin - I am so sorry you are going through so much:( Your Mom and Dad are lucky to have you as a daughter and I am sure they are very proud. I am happy you were able to get yoga & your workout in today:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Good afternoon,

XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact Hiit - Premixes #9 Timesaver Step and Disc Cardio + Core #1 - 35:34 + walk and stretching is done.

Debbie - how cool is that? The dog didn't go crazy seeing a huge buck?

Kirstin - I saw your post on FB about your mom, I didn't wanted to border you. I am so sorry you and your dad are going through is (((HUGS))) Very heartbreaking. I will sent you the info this weekend.

Have a great Friday, everyone.
Good morning,

STS Total Body workout : Premix # 7.Timesaver - Compound Only + No Abs - 44.53 min + Full body pilates + walk is done.

Have a wonderful day and weekend. I will take it easy until Monday.

Yesterday I tried the new yoga studio in town it is a beautiful space/loft with big windows. The class was tough it was 1 1/2, I was so sore afterwards and tired. They offered a good deal for one month but after that will just buy a package and try and go once a week. Specialty Studios in our town are so expensive. I took a rest day today.

Belinda - The dog wasn't afraid of the buck but afraid of the small new puppy across the streeto_O Great job with your workouts! Did the weather get better by you?

Kristin & Cookie - I hope you are enjoying the weekend!

Belinda, I can't believe I forgot about sts tb! That's a great workout. How's the basement coming along?
Kristin, I'm really sorry you're going thru so much. Like Deb said, your parents must be so thankful to have raised such a wonderful daughter. Glad you got your hot yoga in.
Deb, what small new puppy?!!! Our smallest dog, Bella, is a Cairn terrier, and she barks the loudest and tries to chase away deer. Our other two just watch. Bet you were like a wet noodle after that class.
Up early trying to get so work in. Guys have started doing work on house, and they're supposed to come back after 9:30. Yesterday they removed the fireplace wall surround, moulding and some of the wall and insulation in living room. Today they're supposed to enlarge opening between living room and porch. But what I mostly want done is to get the dog door installed! Anyway, once they come, I won't get anything else done. So, off to work.
Hey guys. The last two days were needed rest days. I just did not feel like working out at all. I don't want to beat myself up about it. My legs were still really sore from Thursday's workout and I did a lot of cleaning yesterday. My house was a disaster with all the running around we have been doing. I consider that some exercise. I also walked the dog today and then did Chisel Endurance.

This week is a three day week for the kids, for me it is four. We have conference day on Tuesday. I am more excited about getting this terrible election over with. Friday is Veteran's Day. I am hoping with these breaks in the week, I can get my workouts in and focus on my nutrition more.

We are having my parents over today for football and I am making my mom's favorite meal, pernil (Puerto Rican pork) and Spanish rice.

Belinda- thanks. You guys would never be bothering me. I appreciate the support I get online and offline. This is a very difficult time for my family.

Deb- I am addicted to the hot yoga. If they offered it every day, I would be going more often. Too funny about Prancer. My dog would have been barking or trying to run with the deer, lol.

Cookie- the work you are doing on the house sounds exciting!


Today I did Long & Sculpted Cathe Live workout. It was standing leg work, barre & stability ball work. It was a good workout. I wonder if she will run out of names for her Live workouts:) I also made my monthly sauce & worked on my schedule for this month.

Belinda - I hope you are enjoying your rest day!

Kristin - Is pernil like pulled pork? We have a few hot yoga studios in the area (so it must be popular) I also notice more men in hot yoga than regular yoga:confused:

Cookie - It sounds like you are having a lot of work done. I bet the dogs can't wait for the dog door too. Probably a silly question :oops: but how do they know how to use it?

Hi ladies,

Today I did STS Total Body Workout DVD = 66 min - Premixes: 5.Timesaver - No Bonus Burn + No Abs - 51.40 min + walk + stretch is done.

Our water heater broke this weekend :( Had the plumber here this morning, we need a new water heater. It's always something. I put all my stuff from my basement/workout room in the room where the water heater is, had to take everything out again. Grrrrr....Hopefull we get the new heater this week. We are done in the basement, except the floors. Which we have to wait until the new water heater is in. I am not taking everything in and out of the room 50 times :)

Cookie - posting all my workouts, it's helping me not to forget what I have/premixes.

Debbie - I walked yesterday, but the rest of the day I did relax. Hope you did too. Are you still doing Cathe Live? Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - if you need anything let us know. Good job on the hot yoga class. I need to take one day.

Have a great day, everyone.

Today I took a warm yoga class. I saw someone from my old gym at class which was nice. I will be doing a lot of yoga this month in order to take advantage of the new member discount:)

Not really looking forward to election day tomorrow but will still go out and vote.

Belinda - Sometimes when your water heater goes it can be a mess (water all over). I hope that didn't happen to you. I'm still doing Cathe Live but need to get in the habit of picking a workout and doing it once a week.

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Hey guys. I forgot to check in last night. I did 21 DFE Dirty 30. I am starting to miss the Cathe workouts. Maybe after this week or so, I will go back to the ICE series or RWH to change it up. Today is my third Superintendent's Conference Day. I hope it goes by fast. We are allowed to leave at 1:15, which is early. I am happy about that. I have so much grading to do and I feel like today is a waste of my time.

Anyway. . . dinner on Sunday was good. My mom seemed a little more with it. I took her with me to Michael's and bough t a nice wreath for my front door as well as some Christmas ornaments. Everything was 50% off and I could not resist.

Deb- nice job on the yoga class. If I could take more classes, I would too. I am loving the experience at the place I am going to. I cannot wait for my class tomorrow. Pernil is kind of like a pulled pork. It falls apart and shreds easily. It has different seasonings, obviously. I love it but whenever I eat it, my stomach gets all bloated and I feel gross, lol.

Belinda- I was thinking the same thing as Deb- did water get everywhere? I am hoping with all the work you were doing that there wasn't any damage. I don't have a hot water heater. . . but I need one. Now that we have the heat on, the water takes a long time to heat up and it is annoying when you are trying to take a fast shower in the morning, let me tell you.

Waving hello to Cookie!

Hi girls,

I did JS new dvd = 70 min today. I liked it, nothing new. Not crazy about about the set, I like her outdoor settings/mom living room. I think the set is boring looking :( I will not count the premixes on that dvd, they are not premixes, IMO!

DH noticed the water heater was leaking a little. The new water heater should be here tomorrow.

Kirstin - LOL, I was thinking about doing 21 DF soon. I need a break from Cathe :)

Debbie - I hear you on picking a workout. I am already overwhelmed with all my dvd's, can't imagine, having a subscription too. I have way to many dvd's, lol.

Hi Cookie :)

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Have a great day and workout.​

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