Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015

Good morning,

I will do Jenny F. TB cardio and abs shortly.

Cookie - OMG, how awesome you are going to see the pope on Friday :) I also would love to hear all about it. Take lots of pictures!! Trust me, traffic is already bad enough without the pope coming :)

Debbie - glad your calf is feeling better. I haven't seen/heard anything about pic of the new series?

I will try to be back later today. Happy Hump Day :)
Hey guys. Just finished RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I don't know why, but I always start out ok with the triceps, overhead extensions with a 20#. Then when we do the BB extensions, I have to drop down to 10# DB, then 8# and I still struggle. It frustrates the heck out of me. Anyway. . .

Yesterday ended up being a rest day. I wanted to catch the new Muppets series on ABC with my kids. We watched it and it was funny, but I was a little disappointed. There were a few very "adult" issues on the show and it ticked me off a bit. I grew up with the Muppets, and I know that some of the things they have done and said in the old show and movies was for the adults in the audience, but this was different. I felt let down a bit because they didn't need to do that in order to get us 30 somethings that grew up with Kermit to watch it with their families. We were looking forward to it even though we are grown up. I think I was the most excited in my house to watch it. I don't know. Now Kermit is dating some other chick pig and he makes a comment about how they met, and how they "hooked up" and it was. . . ewww. I read reviews online and a few say the show gets better. I will watch it again because I have always been a fan. Just disappointed that even the Muppets have to be tainted in 2015. Rant over!

Today I took Baxter to a different dog beach with my neighbor and her boxer. We had the whole beach to ourselves practically. The dogs loved it and got very tired, lol. It was a rocky beach, so Baxter couldn't take off, like he likes to do. The dog can run. He tried to bolt, but quickly realized that jogging might be better, lol. He was tired when we got home.

Belinda- I am waiting for pics or updates on the workouts. I cannot believe they haven't started filming yet.

Cookie- that is awesome that you are going to see the Pope! What an amazing experience it will be for you. I would love to see pictures too.

Deb- glad that your calf is feeling better. Like I said, that happens to me from time to time. Maybe we aren't stretching enough, although with the yoga, I am pretty sure you are stretching enough. . . maybe I am not though, lol.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did S&H tri's & bi's. A busy day for me tomorrow but off on Friday:) Today, I was so tempted to get Halloween candy but I didn't.

Belinda - I haven't heard anything but thought I missed something about the new series;)

Kristin - I wasn't too happy about Kermit breaking up with Miss Piggy & picking up so quickly! I know your a Yankee fan, sad about Yoggi passing away but I didn't realize there were so many yogisms.

Cookie - Are you taking public transportation?

Good afternoon.

I did Jenny F. Cardio Interval today.

Debbie - I haven't heard/seen anything about the new series? I am sure Cathe will give us an update :) I have way to many dvd's until the new series arrives :p Stay away from the Halloween candy :D:p:D

Kirstin - I have a feeling Cathe already started filming :) Maybe she is waiting until she is completely finish ? I remember watching the Muppets with my kids, a long time ago :) Awww…about the Muppets series. That's disappointing :( Sounds almost like the Simpsons, hah?

Good night, ladies.

Today I took a yoga class. Half way through the class I re-injured my calf muscle:mad:. I iced it when I came home from work & will be extremely careful since the RT is 2 weeks away. Last year I had a pulled muscle in my lower back for the Daytona RTo_O. Geez!!!

Belinda - I looked at the post I was looking at in Ask Cathe about clothes for the dvds, but didn't realize it was from 2014:oops:

Waves hi to everyone;)

Good morning,

Yesterday I did Jenny's TB workout. Today I will do a stretch.

Debbie - I am going to check the Ask Cathe forum. I didn't realize it was from 2014:oops:

I will be back later.

Yesterday I did GS back, shoulders & bi's, today was GS chest & tri's. My calf actually felt better when I was wearing heelso_O Do you think I could take RT classes wearing high heels;) At this point I am lightly stretching my calf and hope for a speedy recovery.

Belinda - A stretch sounds good!!

Waves hi to everyone

Good evening,

Yesterday DH and I went to DC visiting my son and his fiancé. We had a lot of fun :) Ate way to much :( I gave my son's fiancé German cooking lessons :D My son wanted a Wiener Schnitzel with cucumber salad which we ate for dinner today. And he wanted a pot roast with Kloese (German potato dumplings) for tomorrow :D

Debbie - good job on your weight workout today. Hope your calf is feeling better soon.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. Good night, ladies.
Belinda, you're making me hungry thinking of those foods, esp. the wiener schnitzel with cucumber salat! I love that. I also wonder if she didn't start filming already. Maybe Debbie can get some info when she goes on the rt. I'll bet you have enough dvds to keep you busy for a while.
Kristin, that dog beach sounds great - esp. having it to yourselves. I didn't hear that about the new Muppet show. Isn't it interesting how we feel we know them as people?
Deb, hope your calf continues to heal. Mine bother me but it is related to my sciatica. Could it be also for you. A low heel, about an inch, works best for me, or up to 2 on shoes with wedges. Has your son recovered?
NYC was wonderful. DH and I had a great time. Huge crowd with the Pope, but we felt it was worth the experience. Had dinner one evening with youngest son and his gf. Did tons of walking and took one of the tours at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. Walked the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Williamsburg bridges and the neighborhoods around there. We drove in Thursday evening and stayed at downtown, so we were able to get in a lot of steps walking up to Central Park on Friday. Popemania was certainly everywhere.
Walking and more walking. Took the dogs out on a walk today and did JS strength interval wo. I am so ready for Cathe's new series. Since a newsletter will come out tomorrow, I'm hoping there's an update on it.

Today I did Turbo Barre, except for the calf work. I actually think I could have done it but was not taking any chances. I think it is more lateral moves that are causing problems.

Belinda - Your dishes sound so so good, wish I could have a lesson;) It's also great that his fiance wants to learn.

Kristin - How was your weekend?

Cookie - Your trip to NYC sounds awesome!! It seems like it was so inspiring to see the Pope from what I saw in the news. He's seems to be so down to earth & a people's person. I don't think it's sciatica more of a slight tear. At this point flats are out & you are right a slight heel works. I also bought heel inserts today for my sneakers.

Good morning,

I will do cardio interval and upper body today.

Cookie - glad you had fun and a great time in NY. The Wiener Schnitzel with cucumber salad was amazing. I ate way to much :( My son finally fixed my fitbit.

Debbie - glad you bought heel inserts for your sneakers :) They do take some time to get used. I will give you German cooking lessons any time.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. I'm still alive. I came down with a wicked head cold. Sinuses were/are a mess. Horrible headache and sore throat. Yesterday was my first workout since getting sick. I didn't workout Thursday Friday or Saturday. Yesterday was RWH LIHI back shoulders biceps. I might try cardio today if I feel up to it. I will catch up with personals later.
Hey girls,

I finished my workout this morning. I did Jenny's Cardio Interval + upper weights.

Kirstin - I am so sorry you came down with the cold :) Please, be careful :) Good job yesterday.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and evening.
Hey guys. I did a cardio workout today. I did PRS #1. I got all the moves down! I did trip up here and there at the end when we did all six combos together twice, but I was mighty proud of myself for getting it done! I felt much better today, just a bit stuffed in the nose. Throat and ears feel better though.

Belinda- did you see the Cathe newsletter? The filming hasn't started yet, but we will be getting behind the scenes looks soon. I still haven't preordered yet. I won't be able to until my next paycheck!

Deb- the thought of doing the Cathe RT in heels made me laugh. That would be something! Just be careful with it. The RT is coming up for you soon, huh? It's in less than 2 weeks at this point. I wish I was going!

Cookie- your time in NYC sounds fantastic. glad you had such a good time. Did you see what I wrote to Belinda about the new workouts? ^^ I am assuming filming hasn't even started yet. . . hopefully soon.

Be back tomorrow.

Belinda, what was the problem with your fitbit? While I don't sync mine everyday, I usually do look at my total before going to bed.
Kristin, hope you're doing better. Lots of folks have colds around me, so my days are probably numbered. Great job with prs 1.
Deb, take it easy on your calf then. I don't think you're going to want to try high heels. Hope the insert works.
She must have very fast production if filming hasn't started. I'm sure she's meticulous with her planning.
Did JS wo this morning. Wanted to fit in another this evening, but I'm whipped.

Today I did X-train burn sets for bi's & tri's. I forgot how much it burns LOL! It was DH's birthday today, I made him dinner & dessert will be tomorrow!

Belinda - I noticed today that Macy's was setting-up a fit bit display. It seems like everyone is selling them now.

Kristin - It seems like a lot of people are coming down with something, happy you are feeling better. It seems like such a long time since we went to NJ RT:confused: I wish you guys were coming:(

Cookie - You must be so tired from all the walking you did this weekend!

Good morning,

Today I am finishing up Jenny Ford's 30 Day Challenge. I will do Marching with moves + lower body weights and core today.

Cookie - my battery was bad. I had to charge my fitbit 4 times a day :) Fitbit sent me a new battery, but for some reason my anti virus rejected the new fitbit? My son figured it out Sunday. It's all good :) I got a working fitbit again.

Kirstin - I saw the newsletter, I was going to posted here but forgot :) I can't wait to get more updates.

Debbie-you can find Fitbit's everywhere these day's. Even Costco is selling them :) Happy Birthday to your husband.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Good afternoon,

Workouts are done :) Now, I need to plan my next rotation.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Belinda, glad your son was able to figure out the fitbit. I've had this one for 2 1/2 years now, so guess I'm lucky. Did you plan your next rotation?
Kristin, hope your work day was good. Today is the first day I've thought seriously about retiring! So, now I'm one day closer to whenever I do. Hope yours was better than mine.
Deb, please wish your dh happy belated from me also. He gets dinner one day and dessert the next? I was tired, and think it caught up with me today, so I took a rest day.
In case I've never mentioned, I dislike meetings. Whenever I retire, I will take great pleasure in not having to attend any that I do not want to.

Today I did Burn sets chest, back & shoulders. I worked some long days to take off a few days & started cleaning out my clothes closet. All this talk on the news about the hurricane is making me nervous, ugh!! I told DH I couldn't stand another 10 days without power.

Belinda - What will you do next? Did you like the JF challenge?

Kristin - I have a wedding on Friday, I think in Coram, need to check.

Cookie - I worked late & we ate late so decided to wait another day for dessert:oops: I once read that one CEO would only have standing meetings because he felt most of them were unnecessary & took too long.


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