Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015

Good morning,

10 PSD Extreme Kickboxing is done :)

Cookie - I totally agree on everything you said about Jessica :) That made me laugh, you bought two sweaters and another pair of jeans but nothing to wear to the wedding :) That sounds like me :) My pallets are getting delivered tomorrow. I am ready for winter as far as stocking up on things:D

Debbie - that was a long time ago :) I also did a round of STS last year :) Nicely done on Gym Style Back & shoulders.

Kirstin - so far, I am liking all the updates on the new workouts :) I was wondering where is Lorraine, Brenda and Cidie? Way too many push ups in STS :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Belinda, glad you're ready for winter. Perhaps that means we'll have a very lovely winter with very little snow and even less ice. Figure I have a couple of weeks til the wedding, but I really can't keep shopping. I really miss seeing Lorraine and CeeDee. Can't imagine a series without Brenda. Hope you feel better soon.
Kristin, it's no joke. Incredible. I'm looking forward to ICE.
Deb, glad you'll have two weeks vacation. You're wise to baby the calf b/c cardio will affect it. Will you visit your dad while you're there?
Did another firm workout. Charged my fitbit and forgot to put it back on til I was leaving for work. Can't believe I forgot to put it on. Of course, I could put in the info, but I won't.

Today I did GS bi's & lots of running around. I still have some packing to do tomorrow. I went and had a pedicure this morning, so relaxing . . . should have planned it more after the RT.

Belinda - It's funny how we forget about the push-ups, until we do STS again . . . sort of like child birth;)

Kristin - I keep forgetting to check the updates but soon will be checking them too much:)

Cookie - My brother is visiting my Dad now, so will visit him in the Spring. Since so many people we know are moving to Florida, we are trying to break up our visits LOL. I don't think Brenda has ever missed a series even after her injury.

Hey girls,

I did D2 earlier this morning, just getting around to post it :)

Cookie - I am prepared for winter :D Last year there we couldn't find pallets anywhere, WTH? I agree, hopefully it's a lighter winter. My pallets will last us though out the next coming years, lol:p I agree with you on Cathe's old crew. Miss them too. The workouts/cloth look amazing :)

Debbie - there are way to many push ups in M1 :) Have fun at the RT :) Hope you get to relax.

Kirstin - are you keeping up with all the updates on ICE :) I am loving it so far :) I ordered the shorts and bra. At least they are affordable :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout,
Hey guys. Just finished Super Cuts. I changed my rest day to yesterday because I just didn't have it in me to workout. Today it was really busy with my son's swim class, but I pushed myself to workout, and I am glad I got 'er done.

Belinda- I am excited. I am planning on preordering with my next paycheck. I hope the price doesn't go up before then, the 16th. Fingers crossed.

Deb- are you leaving tomorrow? I wish I was going! Wonder if you might be shown some sneak peek clips of the new videos. That would be cool.

Cookie- I used to do firm workouts years ago. I think they still make new ones. I haven't done a firm workout since the TransFirmer series.

Okay, bb tomorrow.

Good morning,

I will do cardio after my coffee.

Kirstin - they are done filming ICE. I hope you get the resale price :)

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Belinda, wow, didn't that filming seem like it went by fast! Were any clips up last week, or was it only this week? Are Lorraine, Brenda and CeeDee not in it at all? The Zombie step sounds fun. I remember starting that one a couple of years ago, can't remember if I did the whole thing. I
Kristin, sometimes you need a rest day. I'm taking one today - long day and feel like I'm getting a sinus infection. How's are your boys' school year this time 'round? I've done the Firm since they first started, and often will go back for a while to some of the more original series. They always given me good results. Think you're going to like ICE.
Deb, did you leave already for Florida? Hope you have a great time, and that you calf is completely recovered. Hope it is also great weather.
Decided to rest this morning knowing today was a long day. Just got in, and still have to cook dinner. Work, meeting, and a wake.
Cookie - so far, I only saw pictures from ICE no clips :( I don't think Lorraine, Brenda and Ciedie are in her new series. I can't believe they already done filming. That was quick :)
Plyo Hiit 2 plus abs 1 all done. I really am glad I did the workout, because I almost wimped out. DH was working late and the boys drove me crazy today with their silliness.

Belinda- after doing the bills tonight. . . I definitely have to wait until next paycheck so I hope the presale price stays for at least another week, fingers crossed. We definitely overspent this summer :(.

Cookie- I haven't preordered yet, but I want the series. See above as to why, lol.

Deb- hope you had a good flight and you have fun!


I made it to Daytona last night everything went smoothly just a long day. They were calling for showers but the sun is shinning. We just had 1st class and it was kickboxing:) Cathe said she will be doing moves from ICE this weekend! Cathe also brought her sister & Mom with her & they watched the 1st class. I'm jumping in the shower, dinner outside by pool & stretch class will follow.

Belinda - I don't think we will see clips, tomorrow night is a Q&A so maybe Cathe will talk about it.

Kristin - Hopefully they are busy with RT & prices won't change (fingers crossed).

Cookie - Sounds like you need a vacation too!

Good evening,

I just got my workout in, I did D3 and abs.

Kirstin - I hope the presale isn't going up anytime soon. You still should get ICE and than start saving $$ :p I regret not getting RWH :) I am not skipping another one :D Yes, you can buy them later, but the cost a lot more $$ :D I am liking what I see so far. I also like the cloth :)

Debbie - I am pretty sure you guys will :D Have lots of fun and keep us posted :) Maybe I will go next year ?

Good night, ladies.
Hey guys. Yesterday ended up being an unplanned rest day. I had originally planned to workout after my DS's baseball game. Well, they started playing and then the downpour came with lightning and thunder. . . they delayed the game (tournament game) and kept us there until after 8, before finally calling the game off. By the time I got home, I was too exhausted to workout. I made up for it today with two walks with Baxter and then Push and Pull.

I've been looking at all the Daytona RT pictures. Looks like everyone is having such a blast. I would love to do a destination trip one year.

Belinda- I really like the outfits they are wearing in the pics too. I wasn't a big fan of the Feel Fitwear after awhile. It looked like the same outfit over and over again. I really liked how they mixed and matched things up with RWH. I am thinking the presale price will be good still by Friday. They normally give out a warning before the price goes up. I will wait to see what the newsletter says on Monday. Fingers crossed it is in my favor, lol.

Deb- I saw a pic of Cathe with her sister and mom. Too cool! I see Paulette went too. I wish I was with you guys! Have fun. Fill us in on the new moves when you can :).

Waving hello to Cookie!

Good morning,

Today is a rest day for me :) I going to Bethesda meeting up with my kids :)

Cookie - you must be busy, hah? Hope all is well.

Kirstin - I agree on Feel Fitwear :) I do like all the active wear in ICE. Went to Target yesterday and more cloth. Like I need more active wear :( I do like the colors. I bought also bought a few outfits from :D Their prices are great.

Debbie - can't wait to hear all about the RT :)

Have a great Sunday, everyone.
Belinda, they finished filming already?!! Wow, that was fast. I'm disappointed CeeDee, Lorraine and Brenda won't be in this series. Hope all is well with them. Is Jai in it? I forgot Kimberly Spreen was in some of the Firm workouts until doing a few this week.
Kristin, I can certainly relate to overspending! I remember those days of waiting forever for games to end. Once my daughter was in sectionals and thunder started. Had to wait 30 minutes to see if thunder continued. It stopped. Sectionals started again. So did the thunder about 45 minutes later. The meets started and stopped for hours. It was a nightmare and then a 1.5 hour drive home on a school night. Think we got in around 11! Two walks with Baxter sounds like fun tho.
Deb, saw you in the group photo! Beautiful smile as always. How do I find the photo w/Cathe and her mother? The group one was posted on OD. Enjoy.
Had to work Friday night and yesterday delivering professional development. Getting ready to take the dogs out for a walk before heading to a hockey game this afternoon.
Cookie - yes, Cathe is finish filming :) I agree, that was fast :) They only filmed 2 or 3 day's, that's it:) You are not the only one being disappointed not seeing the old crew in ICE. You can read more on VF :) You find Cathe's pic from her sister and mom on FB :)
Hey guys. Just finished Low Max. I haven't done that one in soooo long. Halfway through I always feel like stopping, but I love the step routines when we get to combo six and seven, lol. Anyway, I will probably take Baxter for a walk and then I have a ton of work to do.

Cookie- that is crazy! I hate it when they schedule games or practices late on school nights. DS is supposed to have a practice on Wednesday at 7!!! By the time we get home and get him in bed it'll be 9:30-10. That is too late for a ten year old on a school night. It really gets me angry. I was actually thinking about skipping that one practice. DH is going to be away this week for work, and we have so much going on. . .

Belinda- I have a few things from Champion and I agree, they are great and the price is right :).

BB tomorrow.

Good morning,

I will do D4 and abs after my coffee.

Kirstin - I went a little shopping crazy for workout cloth this weekend. had some really good deals going on. I also bought a few nice workout cloth in Kohl's yesterday. After we came home from DC, DH and I stopped at Kohl's :D I also did some shopping on base in Bethesda, they had the cutest workout cloth:D I am done….no more workout cloth :p

Waving Hi to everyone that stops by today. BBL!
Good morning,

D4 and extended stretch is done :)

Have a great workout, girls. I will be back later this evening or tomorrow.

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