Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015

Good morning,

I will do STS D7 today.

Cookie - glad you had fun :) LOL, about wine and food pairing class. Sounds interesting . I agree, it's a lot to learn. I also agree, on your how our tastes in workouts can change over time? I sure changed over the years :)

Kirstin - sorry you had a rough week. Hope this one is a better one. Hang in there, my friend :)

Debbie - where are you? Still on vacation?

I will be back later. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Supersets done! I actually stuck with the idea that I would workout today no matter how I felt. I also walked Baxter for 45 minutes.

I had to turn my heat on last night :(. I actually do not like to turn it on until November, but it was soooo cold in the house. The dog kept snuggling with us on the couch and then on the bed, lol. They are saying it should warm up tomorrow. I hope they are right. I do not want it to be this cold already.

Belinda- thanks! How are you liking STS this time around? You haven't done heavy lifting in a while right?

Waving hello to Cookie and Deb.
Belinda, you're the one who introduced me to the premixes on sjp. Remember when you were doing a rotation of premixes?
Kristin, glad you stuck to the idea. Guess you were committed to it! It's freezing here also. We had snow on Saturday but thankfully it didn't stay.
Deb, how much longer are you in Florida? Hope you're having a great time.
Did Cathe's yoga today. Haven't done that one in forever, but it sure felt great. Taking my mom and sister to see Book of Mormon tomorrow evening, so might not post.
Hey girls,

I ended up doing Karen Voight Sleek Essentials Sweat Effect and 25 min yoga. I am so sore the last few day's :) Need to make sure I stretch more often.

Cookie - :D I do remember. Love premixes, they get the job done. Good job on the yoga. Need to pull that one out this week. I am super tight. My neck is stiff :(

Kirstin - my heater is kicking since it got colder :p I can't take the cold :) STS is one of my favorite Cathe program. Loving it :) I backed off on the shoulder and back, I don't go as heavy as I did last time. My shoulders looking pretty good and my back is killing me.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day,everyone.
Hey everyone. Just finished Hard Strikes, plus bonus abs 1. It was a great workout. I am chaperoning an after school field trip tomorrow. We are going to Zombie Lazertag. It should be fun!

Belinda- Nice job with your defined shoulders! I think defined shoulders are super sexy, lol. I cannot take the cold either. . . I just hate paying for oil, lol.

Cookie- Have fun at Book of Mormon! I really want to see that show! I need to do more yoga.

Waving hello to Deb!


Sorry I have been MIA, the time is flying by. We get back on Saturday. We have been walking on the beach everyday & we went to the gym once. We ran into Hulk Hogan again LOL. Ugh, do not want to step on the scale:( & can't wait to get back into a routine with workouts & eating right.

Not sure if I told you guys but they are hoping to get ICE to us by beginning of December but no guarantees.

Belinda - It seems like you are going through STS fast. I like your mix of workouts. I didn't take in my plants so hopefully it is not getting too cold.

Kristin - I watched Still Alice on the plane to Daytona, in someways I was sorry I watched it, it really bothered me and was certainly a tearjerker. I was thinking about you, your Mom & my MIL & DH so hard for everyone involved. You would have liked Daytona wished all of you could have been there.

Cookie - I have to look at the pictures on Flicker but the girl you said wasn't Iris, I will look and see what she was wearing maybe there is one with her and her husband. Iris was saying that she would have loved to see you too & she thinks you only live 30 min away from each other.

I'll be back soon!

Hey girl,

I finished STS D8 and Karen Voight yoga a while ago :)

I will be back tomorrow. I will be back and catch up on personals. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Back with personals :

Kirstin - I am still loving STS :D One of my all time favorite weight programs. I had to drop my weight a little on the back/shoulders. My back is killing me. Better be safer than sorry, right. Nice job yesterday. How was the field trip today?

Debbie - glad you made it home safe and had lots of fun on vacation. I am ready for a vacation too, lol. Don't worry about the scale, it's probably just water weight. In a few day's you will feel much better. Thanks for the update on ICE. I am looking forward to it.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night ladies.
Hey girls,

Busy day today :) I did Minna Lessing Fat Eliminator (Cardo) today.

I will catch up on personals later.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.
Hey guys. Yesterday was my rest day. I chaperoned an after school field trip to the Zombie Experience. It is basically lasertag, but instead of shooting each other, you shoot zombies. The zombies are actors dressed liked zombies, and they look real. It was really cool. A lot of the kids were scared though and gave up after the first checkpoint. Anyway, today I did Lean Legs and Abs. Tomorrow the boys want to go to their school dance. The school dance is always such a waste of time, but I guess I have to take them, lol. I always need a drink afterwards, haha.

Belinda- glad you are loving STS. I was looking over my calendar in the Workout Manager. I am so mad at myself that I worked so hard in July and August and now I am struggling to do four workouts in a week, forget about six. I am really hoping to stick to a rotation next month.

Waving hello to Deb and Cookie.

Belinda, it does seem like you're going thru std fast! How did you discover Minna? I have her book. Must be about 20 years old now. Actually, the book recently was donated to the library as part of my cleaning out. Hope your back is okay.
Kristin, I bet the kids love the drama of getting scared! Middle schoolers are a lot like kindergarteners. Always acting tough and then wimping out. The workouts you're getting in are great. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You have to take care of yourself.
Deb, hanging out with the Hulk, huh? Walking on the beach sounds wonderful. Things up here froze this weekend - now it's warming up again, TG. Can't wait to get ICE. I'm very excited about it. Iris is half an hour away? Glad she's married and doing well. I was wondering if the girl in a lot of the photos who is really fit was Cathe's sister.
Had a late meeting last night so didn't post. Today was high step. Haven't done it in a while, and it always wears me out so that I feel it the next day. The Book of Mormon is really funny. It has something to offend everyone, but I couldn't help laughing. Even my mother who is quite religiously was laughing nonstop. Highly recommend it. Now, I have to confess that there is no way I would watch Still Alice. I would be a blubbering mess. That horrible Stars in our Eyes movie caused flooding.
Good morning,

I will do STS D 9 (legs) today.

Cookie - M1 went by fast, I am in W3 already :) I found Minna on YT and bought the dvd for $6 on Amazon. I really like her. Great travel workout too. I am going through my books this weekend, need to get rid of some. The school trip sounds like fun :) Have fun at the dance tonight

Kirstin - you will :) Just do your best and don't worry, girl :) We all know, it's hard with family, kids and work.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!
Hey girls,

D9 (legs) is done :) I also did Karen Voight Yoga stretch = 24 min and Kimberly Spreen Core Cuts (abs) = 10 min.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Belinda, getting in yoga after std is a great idea! Do you find a difference when you're not doing yoga or a stretch after? Maybe it is work this year, age, or the combo of both, but I'm finding I'm reaching more and more for a short yoga practice to incorporate. Any plans for the weekend?
Kristin, I think I've finally put my finger on why this year is worse than others, and it isn't really the stress of receivership. It's the stress of changing administration and not being comfortable/trusting of them. The drama between them and backstabbing is incredible, and then I feel I can't trust any of them. I really hope you don't put too much pressure on yourself to get everything done - home, work, family. I think work-life balance is a fallacy.
Deb, hope you get home before any residual effects of the storm affect travel. It's definitely autumn up here now.
DH returned from being away for the week late last night. Missed him. Today is a long walk w/him and the dogs, housework, PUB, and a hockey game this evening.
Good morning,

I will do cardio (?) after my coffee. I will not report until later this evening what I did :) I have a hair appointment in DC and will go to Georgetown for furniture shopping. I am looking for a new couch. Preferably reclining one and it has to be modern :)

Cookie - yes, I noticed a difference :( Like you, I need more stretching/yoga the older I get :) Glad your husband is home again. Glad those times are over for me. Good job on your walk. Enjoy PUB and the game today.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. I will be back tonight.
Hey guys. Just finished my workout. I did X10 41 min premix (low impact and fat burning circuit). It was a fun workout. Last night I didn't get a workout in because I had to take the boys to their school Halloween dance, but I did walk Baxter last night and again this morning, so that counts. The dance was awful for me. but the kids had fun. I hate making small talk with a bunch of people I do not know very well, and like even less. Is that mean? It's the truth.

Today I got some work done, then took the family to the Halloween store. DH and I needed to get costumes for my neighbor's Halloween party. My husband hates, hates, hates Halloween, so he just bought an ugly mask. I am going as Harley Quinn, the Joker's girlfriend from Batman comics. I am so excited, actually. I got a great mask, tutu and boa, and net gloves. I am going to wear it with black leggings and boots and a black top. I actually tried it on when I got home and then I had to show my mom. She used to love Halloween. The boys and I drove over there and she did love it. I was glad I showed her.

Belinda- I love furniture shopping! Recliners are the best. I regret not getting a recliner for my den. I have a couch that has the chaise lounge on one end and we all fight over who is going to sit on that side, lol. How did your hair come out?

Cookie- you hit the nail on the head. I don't trust my new principal. She says she's not a "gotcha" person, but I think that that is exactly what she is. I have been getting more and more involved in my local union. They want me to go to the NYSUT convention in Montauk in November for training. I think they are grooming me to become a rep and you know what, I think it is what I want to do. What really pisses me off is having an administrator who has less experience in the classroom than I do. My old principal started out as a para, then got a degree and became a teacher and so on. She had experience up the wazzoo (correct spelling?). I am still waiting for my write up. I heard she was popping into people's classrooms that she is not the lead evaluator and taking notes on her ipad the entire 40 minute period. Not even discussing anything with the teacher afterwards. At least comment on what you saw. . . say something! I don't know. She is socially awkward too. I can go on. . . I don't trust her. . . and that means I don't like her. It's sad. :/

Waving hello to Deb!


We're back from Florida. It was so nice to see the fall foliage the colors are awesome. It seems to have warmed up a bit but some I can see some of my herbs & flowers are dying. Tomorrow my main priority is a workout & to buy some clean food! I look forward to checking in again too:)

Belinda - Have fun in DC & a lounge couch sounds great!

Belinda - I'm sorry to hear you have to go through this with the new principal:( My boys only had Halloween parades not dances:confused:

Cookie - It's so funny you should mention "The book of Mormon" DH bought me tickets for my birthday 2 weeks from today. It's good that DH returned in time for the weekend:)


Hey guys. Just finished today's workout, 4DS KB and legs. I decided this week I would do 4DS, as I haven't done this series in quite some time. I am also planning to do one of the yoga workouts at the end of the week. Maybe this is what I need for motivation, a change up and to hit cardio and weights everyday.

Anyway, having my parents over for dinner tonight. My neighbor is coming too. I have a ton of papers to grade so my plan is to clean up the kitchen and bathroom, vacuum and dust and then hit the shower and get some grading done before anyone comes over. Unlikely, I know. I will see what I can get done.

Debbie- the dance was annoying, lol. It went fast though.

BB tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. It always goes by so fast.
Hi ladies,

Yesterday we went furniture shopping in Georgetown. All I can say…..expensive :) The couch we found is made in Italy and it was almost $10.000 :D I love Natuzzi furniture. I bought my Natuzzi set almost 11 years ago. The love seat is a recliner and I love it. I was looking for something similar here in the US, but can't seem to find it? My set reclines without power cables hanging around and no handle on the set of the chair. Maybe I need to contact the company and maybe they can help me. I had no luck yesterday. We saw a few couch sets, but really didn't like any.

My hair on the other side, looks amazing. It's short:D I have a really cute hair cut. My hair is naturally curly. The hair salon owner took a before and after picture. I guess, not to many people get that hair cute done:D:p

Kirstin - good job today. I think 4DS are a good choice. Love them. Have fun tonight.

Debbie - glad you are back. Did you get your workout in?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!

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