Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015


Today I did 4DS bi's & tri's. I did some cleaning, cooking, food shopping & laundry today . . . I think I will sleep well tonight;) I also put some Halloween decorations out but that was fun!

Belinda - I bet your hair looks cute, did the hair stylist give you the pictures too? Furniture shopping is hard too many choices and they don't make things like they used to.

Kristin - It's funny I picked 4DS today because I could get in all my weight workouts & will throw in the cardio when I can this week. I hear you only did some of my cleaning not my favorite thing to do. I hope your dinner went well.

Cookie - How was your weekend?

Good morning,

I will start STS W4 D9 today. DH has a doc appointment this morning, I will not get my workout in until later today.

Debbie - no she didn't ( I should ask her for a picture :) Thanks, didn't think about that. I still love my hair. Very easy to take/fix. You are right about furniture shopping:( Too many choices/price tags.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. I'll be back later.
Belinda, I'd love to see the haircut. Bet it shows off your lovely eyes. Furniture is so expensive, and esp for quality. Guess it is you get what you pay for. We bought a reclining sofa for the den and it is comfy. Hope things went well w/dh's doctor appointment.
Kristin, Hope you were able to relax and enjoy dinner last night. 4DS is a good plan. I did yoga tonight and it was terrific. Did you get the grading done. That would have been last on my list.
Deb, Book of Mormon is really funny, as it makes fun of every group. Did you sleep well last night after all that work? How was re-entry from vacation to work?
Did not sleep well last night at all. Am going to take an over-the-counter natural supplement and call it a night. Even if I don't sleep, at least I'll rest. Have stuff to do to get ready for tomorrow, but I'm too tired to focus on it, so will probably wake up early.
Hey guys. Just finished up 4DS HIS and chest and back. My chest is pumped right now, lol. Nothing new to report. Still did not get my write up from my observation yet, which makes me a bit angry. Besides that, nothing else to report. My local union nominated me to go to a NYSUT convention out East in Montauk next month. It is a weekend of training and schmoozing. I am so excited and really looking forward to it. It is right on the beach. Even though it will be cold, it will still be nice to be on the beach and hear the waves crash at night. I am really excited and honored. I think I am being groomed to be a local rep, which like I said, is what I wanted.

Cookie- most of my grading is done. One more class to go and it will be done by tomorrow. I had my husband help me grade the multiple choice part of a test and he couldn't believe how many I had to grade. Now he might get why I get so stressed. Multiple choice is nothing compared to short responses and essays, lol.

Belinda- 4DS is motivating me. I am thinking if I only get 4 in this week, but it's 4DS, I will have hit all my muscles plus did cardio every day, lol. I want to throw in another leg workout this week. I want to work my legs twice a week this month.

Deb- My son and I made Halloween drawings and decorated his bedroom with them. Too cute. 4DS is perfect for me this week. I might do it next week too.



It's hard getting into the swing of things even yoga was hard today LOL. I keep seeing peeks of Christmas, ugh & too many cold weather clothing! My closet is a mix of summer & winter need to do something about that this weekend.

Belinda - I hope all went well at the Dr.'s today:) Short haircuts just seems to represent fun!

Kristin - I love going to the beach in the winter, when I was young we would always go to look for beach glass.

Cookie - I slept well but keep waking up in the middle of the night not knowing where I am:) Did you go to NYC to see the play or a local theatre?

Hi girls,

I ended up doing Christy Taylor Fit to Dance. Haven't done that one in a long time, lots of fun.

Kirstin - congratulations :) That is fantastic :) 4DS is one of my favorite Cathe set. The music is great and the premixes are fun.

Thanks Debbie! DH needs surgery on his rotator cuff. It's all torn :( The VA can't do the surgery, it's to complicated. He is trying to go to Walter Reed instead.

Have a great day ladies. BBL!
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4DS LIS and Shoulders, Calves and Abs done. My shoulders are on fiya! LOL.

Not much to report. Getting excited for Halloween and the weekend. Finally all caught up with grading.

Belinda- Thanks, I am really excited. I haven't heard of that workout before. I avoid "dancy" workouts because I end up on my a$$.

Deb- I'm thinking I need to put my summer clothes away too. I just don't have time to do it. As it is, I have unfolded laundry calling my name as we speak.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did 4DS shoulders & abs. I forgot how much I really like the exercises in 4DS! I'm thinking ICE will be similar.

Belinda - That is a tough surgery but he will feel so much better when it is done. Will he have it done before the holidays?

Kristin - I remember when my boys were in school the union reps were respected by the other teachers & parents. I briefly looked at LIS but decided to watch a little bit of the world series;). Is your family watching it?

Cookie - How is your week going?

Good morning,

I will do D11 and abs today.

Kirstin - Fit to Dance is done on the step :) It's very fun and I was sweating like crazy :) No jumping! The music was very up beat.

Debbie - yes, the surgery will be done in November. I hope he recovers better than the hip replacement :) I hope you are right :) ICE being similar to the 4DS :D

I will be back later today.

Today I took a rest day. I needed to help someone out so wasn't able to do but one local Kohl's. I'm falling behind but hope to catch up the next couple of days. I know we need rain but missing the nice fall days:)

Belinda - Hopefully this will be better than the hip replacement but it will probably be easier to rest his shoulder. Great job with your workout today!

Waves hi to everyone

Hey girls,

Sorry for not checking in this morning. I did step this morning. It was CIA 2703 Nekea Brown Amazing Hot Stepping.

Debbie - me too :) I went to Kohl's a few weeks ago, forgot they had really great prices :)

I will be back later.

Tonight went out with my SILs & my niece to a paint & wine event. We painted Halloween pics it was fun and a lot of laughs! A local frame store in our area has the event 1x a week and you paint a picture according to the season (each week is a new scene). They give you a canvas, paint, picture & the artist demonstrates. You bring the wine & snacks but very little time to consume too much concentrating LOL. Some people have real talent, we were hoping for paint by numbers, the girl (artist) gives you step by step instructions but it is still so hard!

I did 4DS chest & back.

Belinda - You must be getting closer to trying all your workouts;) Kohl's does have some good coupons!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Hi ladies,

This morning I finished M1, D12 :)

Debbie - hope you had fun yesterday. Getting close trying out all my dvd's :p….not even close. I would take a few years:D:p

Waving Hi to Cookie and Kirstin.

I will be back tomorrow.
Belinda, hope your dh's surgery goes well. When will he know the surgery date? I have Christi's Cinnamon Spice and really like it.
Never have tried the one you did today. How are your knees with step?
Kristin, what are the boys dressing up as for Halloween? How was 4ds?
Deb, you are so good - always helping someone out. I would have a very hard time painting and sipping! One would definitely get more attention, and it wouldn't be the painting.
Sorry for being mia the past few days. DD ended up in the hospital with extremely high enzyme counts. She swelled up like the Michelin Man also. Thankfully, her counts are starting to decrease.
Good evening,

Cookie - I am so sorry about your dd :( I am glad there counts are starting to decrease. Do they know why her enzymes counts were so high? I hope she feels better soon and the doc can figure out what's wrong with her. Thank you :) We will see the surgeon next Saturday.I also have Christi's Cinnamon Spice, never done it :( My knees are fine today. The step I did was a Latin dance on the step, very fun.

Tomorrow is Aleisa's 30th bday :D DH and I will spent her bday in DC. Aleisa will go out in the evening with her friends. DH and I will go to a Halloween party, my old neighbor from Germany lives near Aleisa.

Good night!
Happy Halloween!!!

I just finished my workouts for today after 3 rest days in a row. Wednesday I had to take DS to swim and then my other DS to baseball practice, so that was my intended rest day. Then Thursday, I chaperoned the field trip to the museum of natural history. Did tons of walking, so I was too tired to work out, but I figured all the walking made up for it. Friday, my brother and sister-in-law had the boys sleep over, so we took advantage by going out to dinner. Today, I made up for it. I walked Baxter, then I did Boot Camp from 4 DS, cardio only (DH was in my office/weight room for a conference call). Because I couldn't do weights without bringing everything downstairs, I decided to do Lean Legs and Abs. I think this makes up for the rest days, lol.

Taking my boys trick or treating and then we are going to my neighbor's Halloween party. Very excited. It is going to be a fun day!

Belinda- I cannot believe you are done with Meso 1 already! good for you! high fives! Meso 2 is my favorite!

Deb- they have a lot of those paint parties here on the island. I haven't been to one. My painting would be the embarrassment of the party, lol. I'm with Cookie. . . the wine would get my attention more, lol.

Cookie- the boys are being a zombie doctor and dark vadar. They are really excited. I need to get ready myself. I am going over there shortly. I am dressing up as the Joker's girlfriend from Batman, Harley Quinn.

Okay, I will be back tomorrow. I am thinking of getting Bis and Tris done from 4DS BC and then a shortened cardio. Maybe Low Max premix 1-4.
We shall see! I will definitely need to burn off calories.

Hey guys. Halloween was a blast!!! I ate a lot of candy though. I won the costume contest at my neighbor's house. Lots of cool prizes in the goodie bag, lol. Anyway, Just finished my workout. I did Low Max premix combos 1-4 and then 4DS Boot Camp weights only, which is not a premix, but that is what I did, lol. DS has a baseball double header so I have to run out, but tonight I will be typing up lesson plans and getting ready for the week ahead.



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