Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015

Just wanted to say how once again exercise has proven to be my best medicine! Didn't sleep well from the stress from yesterday's meeting, and woke up at 3:00. Did some work but then decided the heck with it and got in a workout. Seems like a whole new day. Love how it makes me feel/
Belinda, I'm also wondering what you'll do next.
Kristin, hope you have a great day.
Deb, good luck on the closet. What dress did you decide on? Now I understand about the dessert! Standing meetings still might not make some folks listen but it would make it shorter. Love the idea.
Good morning,

Workout is done : I did the same workouts I did yesterday :D My husband had to work late, he never finished his last day of Jenny's rotation:) I think this week, we will do circuit workouts w/cardio in-between ? Or maybe we start STS tomorrow? Haven't decided :D I only had my fitbit since Nov of last year :( Fitbit did sent me another battery, but for some reason I couldn't sync it? It's working now.

Cookie - sorry you woke up this early Yikes! Working out boost my energy and sets my day :) Good job. I only had my fitbit since Nov of last year :( Fitbit did sent me another battery, but for some reason I couldn't sync it? It's working now.

Debbie - I absolutely love Jenny Fords rotation :) It was a lot of fun. My favorite workout is Marching with Moves, that workout is a blast :D My fitbit gave me 4000 steps in 30 min :p I love that workout.

I will be back later. Happy Hump day, everyone.
Great Glutes Extreme all done! We got a lot of rain today and now there is talk of a hurricane this weekend. . . and no one knows where it's going to land last time I checked. I am hoping Long Island avoids this one. The South Shore is STILL rebuilding from Sandy. I cannot imagine what a hurricane would do to that part now while it is still in the process of rebuilding. Hoping it turns out to be nothing.

Belinda- I haven't been following my own rotation at all. Just doing what I feel like until I get into the swing of things. . . which will be this month hopefully. I want to do something like STS, but I cannot commit right now. Maybe two weeks of slow and heavy and then one week of circuits and then see.. .maybe I'll see what Cathe is posting for October.

Cookie- so Cuomo's commission to reboot the CC are all CC advocates. WTH? Does he think we are that stupid? Opt outs will be BIGGER this year. You heard it from me, first.

Deb- Excited for the RT or what? wish I was going! How is your calf these days? So I was in Target and I am happy to say there were no Christmas items. . . just Halloween.

BB tomorrow.


Today I was short on time but didn't want to skip so did LIHiit Bi's. My calf still hurts here and there will continue to rest it till the RT. At least my upper body will be in shape;) Getting a rental car for RT is more than double of what I normally payo_O The car companies are saying keep calling for quotes.

Belinda - You haven't done STS in awhile;) That is a lot of steps!

Kristin - Great Glutes extreme must be a premix? I overheard someone say that at some point the stores may keep Christmas up all year long:eek:

Cookie - I'm going with the navy dress I wore to the last wedding it's different people anyway. You were up so early I hope you didn't crash later on!

Belinda, is the marching one on youtube? I need to check it out!
Kristin, I don't remember that one - is it a premix? Since we need to make yap, our opt outs counted against us. It's a mess. Lately, for the first time, I'm really starting to believe urban education is being targeted for corporate take overs.
Deb, I'm still looking for a navy dress for the November wedding. Hope your calf is better soon and before next week. Do you think the car rental price is related to the holiday weekend?
Another JS wo done. Off to the mines.
Good morning,

Still do know what I will do :)

Cookie - yes, it's on youtube :D You also can buy the workout for $4.99. Here is the link:

Debbie - with Jenny's workouts I get a lot of steps without high impact, they are nonstop. Lots of.

Kirstin - I will check out that premix. At least you doing something, do what you can and when you can.

I will be back to report my workout. Have a great day and workout.

Today I finished off LIHiiT back & shoulders. I'm writing my to do list tonight, because lately if it isn't on the list I forget:oops:

Belinda - That is a lot of steps, plus it looks like it would reduce stress.

Cookie - I'm not sure why the car rental is so high, but you reminded me to put that on my list tomorrow to get more quotes;) When I was working on Evening bag display so many people looking for dresses for a weddings. In fact, one woman was looking for a dress for a formal event that she was going to in a couple of hourso_O

Good morning,

I never reported my workout yesterday, I ended up doing DM premix : Cardio + upper body = 60 min. I was a sweaty mess afterwards :)

Yesterday DH and I went to Home Depot and ordered pellets and have them delivered :) Last year Home Depot ran out of pellets :( I want to make sure, I have enough to keep my house warm. We have the pellet stove in the basement where I workout.

Debbie - it is :) good job yesterday.

Not sure, what I will do today?

I will be back later.
Hey ladies,

I ended up doing Power Step from Cathe's Cardio Hits dvd :) That was fun!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Friday, everyone.
Good morning,

I have no idea what I will do today? It's official I am starting STS on Monday:D Workouts are in the WM :)

I will be back later. Have a great Saturday.
Belinda, I actually posted to you over in the OD thread re long-distance walkers. Thanks for all the video links. It makes it so much easier for me do them. STS again! You love those weights.
Kristin, baseball this weekend? Hope you have fun.
Deb, shopping for an event that occurs in a few hours? That's definitely not me. I mean I still may need something but I wouldn't be out shopping for it but making do w/whatever is at home. I have a lot of nieces and nephews and children of friends who are at the getting-married stage of life. Some spend so much money on one day. How's your calf? Hope you're doing better. I have to have an to do list and an organized calendar or I fall apart.
Did a Firm wo and a long walk. Think I need new shoes, my toes and the balls of my feet were really sore. Going out to dinner w/dh and some friends of his from college. Bunch of old guys!

Yesterday I took a rest day, today was LIHiit chest, shoulders & tri's. It took us 4 hours to get to the wedding on Friday night (should have taken just under 2 hours):mad: We arrived with 15 min. left to the cocktail hour, we were able to get some food but they were giving us a hard time about eating it they also wouldn't let us get drinks:( The staff was so rude, they wanted us to go in the main dinning room so they could take our dinner orders but we were helping our in-laws so it wasn't easy. We still had to wait around once we were in the dinning room anyway. My SILs left almost an hour before us and arrived the same time as uso_O My husband also saw a big roach on his suit jacket when we were leaving, ugh!! The only good thing was seeing the family.

Belinda - Power step was my 1st Cathe video:) and I was hooked. You would think Home Depot would keep pellets stocked all winter:confused:

Kristin - The wedding was in East Patchogue the place was called Sunrise Harbor. It was pretty but since the weather wasn't nice we couldn't go outside.

Cookie - I think that is why we have had so many wedding too, but it should calm down next year. I hope you had fun at dinner.

Good morning,

Today is a rest day :) Maybe I do a stretch?

Cookie - you are welcome on the videos :) I love doing STS during the holiday's :) Hope you had fun at dinner. Did you find new shoes?

Debbie -last year every Home Depot in our area ran out of pellets :( We have 4 Home Depot in our area. When we did get some, we had to stand inline to get a few bags :( I guess, this year I want to be prepared for the worst :D I already stock up on things we need :D Winter here in WV makes it difficult to drive to any store :) The roads are too icy.

Kirstin - where are you?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I know I went MIA again. September is so hard to keep on top of everything. I didn't work out Thursday or Friday and then again Saturday. Thursday I was just beat. Friday we went out to dinner and I didn't have it in me to workout after that. I had gone to a training that was an hour away and with the rain, it took me over two hours to get home. I didn't feel like cooking, so we went out and then I was just too tired. My house was a disaster. . . an embarrassment. I spent the entire day cleaning and doing laundry. I was still doing laundry this morning, but thankfully it is all done. I also walked Baxter for an hour this morning. I came up with a rotation for this month that I am starting today. It is similar to the three TB workout rotation I came up with, only it it 2 TB and 1 circuit or metabolic workout in between plus a mix of cardio. Here it is below:

Sunday- FlexTrain (just cuz I haven't worked out in a few days and I wanted weights with a bit of cardio mixed in)
Monday- Party Rockin' Step 2
Tuesday- Supercuts plus abs 2
Wednesday- rest (son has swim and it would just be easier)
Thursday- PLyo 2, plus abs 2
Friday- Supersets
Saturday- Rockout Knockout

Week 2
Sunday- High Reps
Monday- Party Rockin' Step 1
Tuesday- Athletic Training
Wednesday- off
Thursday- PLyo 1, plus abs 1
Friday- Muscle Max
Saturday- Tabatacise (aiming for 1-3 premix)

Week 3
Sunday- Muscle Endurance
Monday- Hard Strikes (no conditioning, plus HB tabatas)
Tuesday- Afterburn (I like to do the double trouble premix)
Wednesday- off
Thursday- Plyo 2, abs 2
Friday- STS TB
Saturday- Body Max 2, cardio only premix

Week 4
Sunday- High Reps
Monday- IMAX 2 or 3 (depending on my mood)
Tuesday- Cardio Super Sets
Wednesday- off
Thursday- Low Impact 2, plus abs 2
Friday- Muscle Max
Saturday- Kidmax

I will be back with personals. I am going to get my workout in first!

Okay, Flex Train all done! I feel better now that I did an actual workout, lol.

A few of you were asking me if Great Glutes extreme was a premix. It is a premix. It adds the bonus barre in between the standing and floorwork. It was a good burn and I had DOMs for two days.

Belinda- sorry I feel off the wagon again this week. I was just trying to keep my head above water. We were talking about getting a cleaning lady, but with all the extras we spend money on. . . baseball, swim team, school fundraisers and such, it just wouldn't be financially the right choice. Still, I spend all of my day off cleaning, so that is not fair either. We are trying to work on a schedule during the week where a few chores would get done each day. See how that works.

Deb- I've never heard of Sunrise Manor and after your story about the roach, I don't plan on going there, lol. I literally live ten minutes away from there! No joke. My DH grew up there and I went to college there. . . St. Joseph's College. You probably passed by it. I live north of Patchogue. The horrible rain must have added the hours to your travel. Traffic was horrendous all around the island Friday. That's why it took me two hours to get home myself. Did you take the Southern Parkway? I was on that going home and it was bumper to bumper the whole way.

Cookie- OMG. Did you see who is going to be the new secretary of education?!?! I cannot believe it. What the hell qualifies a man who is 40 and only taught for 2-3 years in a CHARTER school to be the federal secretary of education? God help us.

BB tomorrow. I pinky promise!


Today I did the premix strength only of LI Hiit Legs. I also did a little packing, cleaning & cooking. Tomorrow I will work a long day but take off until the RT so just want to get tomorrow over:)

Belinda - It's better to be prepared. Hopefully we have a calmer winter and you can save some pellets for the next year;)

Kristin - Maybe I have the name of the place wrong (will check). We went through a residential area to get to the marina. It looked like a really nice town too! We took the LIE, I checked google maps and all the roads would have taken us the same timeo_O usually one is better. I always think as long as you are moving (and you were) not so bad to miss workouts.

Cookie - Hope you had a good weekend.

Good morning,

STS D1 is done :)

Cookie - hope you had a great weekend. What results are you seeing with Jessica's new workouts?

Debbie - I hope we have a calmer winter too :) I have pallets for the next few years :p Anyway, the pallet stove is in the basement where I workout. Our house is so big, it helps keeping the first floor warm too.

Kirstin - I hope things will calm down for you soon. I know this time of the year is tough for you. Hang in there, girl. Good job on your workout.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.
Belinda, not sure if the results you might be expecting, but JS makes me want to exercise. Her personality is just bubbly, so doing it I count as results. I do add in more weights than the plan calls for. Saw a sign for pellets today and thought of you. Bought two sweaters and another pair of jeans but nothing to wear to the wedding.
Kristin, I thought of you as soon as I heard the news! It's a crazy world. My house is a mess right now, and I'm finding it hard to get anything done during the week. Too much in and out makes it very hard to keep up with.
Deb, is your calf recovered? How long will you be in FL? It was fun seeing dh's fraternity brothers and their partners. Some we hadn't seen in over 20 years, but are we all getting older.
Could have sworn I posted yesterday. Not sure what happened. Another long dog walk and a Firm video yesterday. Today was a different Firm. Saw Cathe's posting video clips from taping. I am really looking forward to the new series.
Hey guys. I came back today, lol. I just did Party Rockin' Step 2. I sooo love that workout. Have you seen the pics of the new workouts being filmed? Looking good and getting me excited!

Cookie- I read the news on the Internet first and I literally thought it was a joke, lol. Then I just got very, very pissed!!!!

Belinda- I hope things calm down too, lol. You are starting STS? Very exciting. I was thinking of doing it after Christmas. We will see! How did the first dvd with all those push ups go?

Waving hello to Deb!


Today I did Gym Style Back & shoulders (will do bi's tomorrow). The next 2 days should be busy before I leave for RT & vacation, but excited and feel like I have enough time to get it all done (fingers crossed).

Belinda - It's nice to see your starting STS, I remember when you did it in Germany;)

Kristin - I wanted to say I like your mix of workouts on your rotation, alittle bit of everything:) I hoping to get workouts in on vacation.

Cookie - My calf is feeling much better, I have been avoiding cardio since destination RT's are mostly cardio based & don't want to injure my calf again. I'll be gone for 2 weeks, I'm excited! I saw some dresses at Macy's but they do seem to be expensive.


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