Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015


Today was a long day but taking off tomorrow:) I did GS Chest & tri's today. I'm enjoying the September weather!

Belinda - How many times a week do you do abs?

Kristin - Ugh, worked in Kohl's this week and they have a small Christmas section already, even Macy's waits until after Halloween to put it upo_O

Cookie - When we were upstate a couple of weekends noticed a couple of trees were just starting to turn. I hope this year we have lots of color since it has been so dry.

Good morning,

I will do JF TB weights after my coffee.

Debbie - Jenny has you doing 3 times a week abs. Good job on GS Chest & tri's yesterday. I'm also enjoying the September weather :) Been taking the dogs for long walks again.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Good morning,

JF TB weights is done.

What are your plans today and this weekend ?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.
Belinda, we're meeting friends tomorrow evening for dinner, I'm taking my uncle out on Saturday, and our fall planting order arrived today. That means we/dh will be planting hosts and bulbs. Lots of hosts and bulbs. I mean a lot of them! What are your plans for the weekend?
Kristin, not sure about your situation but I'm feeling very down about this year. New principal. New supervisor. Receivership.
Deb, that workout really gets me sore! Talk about a love/hate relationship. Kohl's has Christmas things out already?!! That is absolutely crazy. I wonder if the color will peak earlier this year due to the lack of rain earlier this summer.
Sorry for not checking in yesterday. A super long day at work and didn't get home til after 9. Managed to get more then 7,000 steps just at work today. Also got in a JS workout. Supposed to go out to dinner tomorrow evening with a friend since first grade and her husband. We get together a few times a year, and I'm so looking forward to it. Plus, it should be after I get my hair done, so I'll look good!

Today I took a yoga class. I went out with my SILs for a belated birthday for my SIL & me. We had a lot of laughs and the food was good, we also ate outside it was beautiful out.

Belinda - I thought you were doing lots of abs:) It is nice walking weather. I took ds's dog out & all she wants to do is smello_O makes for a tough walk.

Kristin - Did you close your pool yet? Besides the cool mornings, the weather is still nice for the pool.

Cookie - It must be tough working that late:( It's great that you still keep in contact with someone from 1st grade! It's funny my hairdresser always ask if I am going somewhere after I get my haircut. Sometimes just going home but think I should plan it better;)

ood afternoon,

I did Jenny Ford's Marching with moves and abs.

Cookie - have fun tonight. Sounds like you have a nice weekend planed. Where do you oder your fall panting from? I am to lazy to plant anything this year :(

Debbie - glad you had fun at the bday party. You thought right :) I am doing a lot of abs this month…3times a week is a lot :) LOL! More than I usually do!

Kirstin - hope you have a great workout today.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Friday, everyone.
Hey guys. Wednesday ended up being a rest day. Yesterday I did not have time to walk Baxter and then do a workout, so I decided to take Baxter for a walk/run. We walked a few minutes, then ran a few minutes, then walked again. We threw in some sprints here and there. I killed two birds with one stone with this. I got a workout in and I got Baxter tired :). My goal was to get all the essays I needed to grade done by today and I did it!!! This weekend the only work I have to do is plan my lessons for the first two weeks of October! Woo Hoo! Today's workout was Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders. What a workout! The slow pace fools you, I think. I was surprised by how much sweat I had dripping off of me during the leg portion. I really like this series.

Belinda- I always feel I have to work my abs at least 3 times a week, lol. It is my biggest problem area, even before I had kids. . . it is the first place for extra weight to go and the last place for extra weight to leave, lol.

Cookie- I am trying to be positive, but we have a new superintendent and a new principal and I miss my old principal. Thursday I went to a Paint LI Red for Public Ed event. Then I saw on Facebook that my former principal went too, but at a different location. Where you are, is there much protest about all the testing and Common Core. LI has a number of groups that have formed alliances to fight all of this craziness. I met some nice parents at the rally. My kids went too and held a sign as cars honked for us.

Deb- Christmas BEFORE Halloween?!?!? That is just nuts. Ugh! I hate that. . . we have not closed the pool yet, but we haven't been in it because with the leaves falling, it needs to be vacuumed :(. I told DH he better be on it this weekend!

Okay, BB tomorrow. I have Slow and Heavy Biceps and Triceps on deck.

Slow and Heavy Bis and Tris all done. Really do like this series. I did a little straightening up around the house. Nothing much else to report.

Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend!

Happy Saturday!
Belinda, I should do abs three times a week. It is also my trouble area and yet my most dreaded part to work out. We order from White Flower Farm in Connecticut. After years of plants from a variety of sources, and had poor long-term results, we feel we get the best from there. More than halfway done with the planting, but done for the day.
Kristin, in some of the suburban districts there is a lot, and at a couple of my district's more middle-upper class schools there has been a lot with the opt-out movement. However, unfortunately, most of the parents in the school I'm working with are too overwhelmed with the effects of poverty to deal with many political matters. In addition, being in receivership it does not benefit us to have our students opt out since we automatically would not make ayp. The sad fact is receivership schools/districts are all high poverty, and those are the same students who had the highest percentage of students taking the assessments. We also have a high transitive rate. It is so hard to make any progress when about two-thirds of each grade turns over each year, as well as teacher and administrative turn overs.
Deb, is this the weekend of the wedding? What did you wear? I've been eyeing a Donna Riccio (sic?) navy sheath, but the price tag just keep scaring me away.
House work, yard work, some stuff for work, and I'm starting to feel weary. Hoping dinner will recharge me. Didn't meet my uncle today; he now wants to meet tomorrow.
Good evening,

I did Jenny's stretch workout today. Plus a lot of walking.

Cookie - I need to google White Flower Farm :) Glad you halfway done. Sounds like you got a lot done today. Good for you!

Kirstin - glad you enjoy S&H :) It's also my problem area :) I hate working my abs, LOL.

Debbie - you must be busy :) Whatever you do have fun.

Good night, ladies.

Today I did GS shoulders, back & bi's. I slept in late today & it felt good to catch up on sleep:)

Belinda - I just heard the pope is going to Washington, DC, can't imagine the traffic. There are signs all over saying how much traffic it will cause in NYC.

Kristin - I think my FIL closed his pool because of the leaves. I'm hoping to do a week of Slow & Heavy before I leave for FL, thanks for the motivation.

Cookie - The wedding is in 2 weeks, but my FIL is already asking when we will leave & where will we stop for bathroom LOL. I have to do house work, yard work & clean garage just not enough time;)

Good morning,

Just finished Kickboxing Tabata. My eating wasn't great yesterday, needed to burn off some cal :)

Debbie - I am sure, the traffic in NY is as bad as in DC :) I will avoid going to DC with the pope is visiting.

Hi Cookie and Kirstin :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Sunday, everyone. I need to go grocery shopping.
Xtrain Cardio Leg Blast all done! What a workout! I was so tempted to go down to two risers on each side, but I stuck it out with the three :). Yesterday I was so cranky and felt so blech, well TOTM arrived today in full force. At least that explains the mood and lethargic feeling yesterday, also the bloating.

Belinda- nice job with the kickboxing tabata. Did you do the one from Hard Strikes or did you do a different workout?

Cookie- I hear you. Last year we had 220,000 opt outs or refusals. This year we want 500,000 to show them once and for all we will not let their destructive policies continue. This means we need to get the city schools. There are groups here on LI that are working towards that goal, NYSAPE, LI Opt Out, Lace to the Top. We are going to get the message out. As far as receivership goes. . . This is Cuomo's plan, isn't it. . . to privatize the school system? First starve them of the funds needed to reduce class sizes and offer support services, then hit them with more unfunded mandates, make the tests developmentally inappropriate so that the majority fail, not because the teachers didn't teach the skills, but because the students couldn't understand the test with passages anywhere between 1-3 grade levels above them, then take over. And for districts that are still managing to make improvements on the test, starve them financially (another reason to go into receivership) and then take over (like my home school district, Sachem, which happens to be the second largest school district in NY outside of the city. . . Isn't Buffalo the first?). It is so obvious, and yet many people don't see it. We, on Long Island, are trying to get the word out. Don't be surprised to see we get the 500,000. The first year it was only 60,000. This year we more than doubled that with 220,000. Cuomo thinks we will back down with his pacifying rhetoric. He is sadly mistaken. This is going to cost him a lot, including the next election. Wait and see!

Deb- At this point, I want to close the pool because of the damn leaves myself! It is getting to be a pain!

BB tomorrow.


Today I did Legs & Glutes Live. I was doing a cardio blast and my leg felt funny during a jumping move off of the step but instead of skipping the move I continued:oops::rolleyes::oops: Needless to say I was icing it this evening. It is starting to feel better but will be skipping yoga & running tomorrow or anything with legs for a couple of days.

Belinda - I agree it's best you skip DC your kids can tell you all about it:)

Kristin - It's such a relief to get rid of the blahs!

Good morning,

Jenny F. TB and ab workout is done.

Debbie - good job on Legs & Glutes Live yesterday. Hope you didn't pull a muscle? Hope you feel better.

Kirstin - no I didn't :) I did one from youtube :) Loved it! Good for you sticking with 3 risers. I never use 3 risers, maybe one or two :p

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey everyone. Just finished RWH LI1. I also walked Baxter for an hour today. I had a hard time sleeping through the night last night, so I am pretty tired. Looking forward to some ice cream and watching Real Housewives of OC, lol.

Belinda- that's cool with the Youtube workout. Speaking of risers, the one workout where I stick to one riser, while everyone is using 2 is BM2. I cannot even begin to fathom using 2 risers for that one. I sweat and feel spent using the 1 riser, lol.

Deb- I've pushed through a workout with a leg not feeling "right" and I've regretted it the next few days. It's usually just my calf. I hope your leg is back to normal soon.

Waving hello to Cookie!


Today I did Slow & Heavy shoulders. My calf isn't 100% but it is getting a lot better:)

Belinda - Great job with your workouts, I usually only use one too!

Kristin - It was my calf too but I shouldn't complain could have been worse. I like revisiting the Slow & Heavy series:)

Cookie - How was your weekend?

Good morning,

I will do JF Cardio Intervals today.

Debbie - glad your calf is doing better. Try not to do any high impact for a few day's. Good job on your weight workout.

Kirstin - nice job on RWH LI1 yesterday. For some reason, I didn't sleep well either? I was dragging yesterday :( Hope you got a good night sleep. Sometimes I don't use any risers :)

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Belinda, good idea to stay out of DC today and tomorrow! It's going to be crazy between the traffic for the pope and the security for head of China. Maybe the poor sleeping is something in the air? I've been up since 3 am and really feeling it now.
Kristin, there is great dissatisfaction with testing but in most urban district's it seems staff feels their hands are tied due to the state breathing down necks. Be thankful your school isn't in receivership or next to SED. It is crazy with the state not releasing all infer related to indicators that is needed to make informed decisions, and then having short-turn around time to make those decisions. You may not have noticed but this year's math assessments were not annotated for student misconceptions, as was done last year. There are major differences between the three years of annotations. Maybe it's my age or I'm getting lazy, but I find lately I don't want to feel exhausted after a workout, and doing three risers only means I'll trip over at least one of them!
Deb, hope your leg is alright. Is it your calf? My sciatica affects my calf a lot. Hope yours doesn't. Two more weeks of listening to rest stops! Poor you. Have you chosen a dress to wear?
Didn't get home til 9 last night, so that's why I didn't check in. Probably won't this Thursday either. Have open house and then we're driving to NYC. Friday we have tickets to see the Pope. Originally, I didn't want to take the day off since I've already took three for my dad's passing, but my dh says its divine intervention and we have to go. Won't get into NYC til about midnight, and will visit with ds and his gf after seeing Pope. Might do Circle Line on Saturday before going home.

Today I took a rest day. My calf is feeling so much better too! Are their pictures out for the new series? If so does anyone know where?

Belinda - Your right I won't do high impact just yet. DH hasn't been sleeping well either. Wondering if it can be the change of seasons?

Kristin - Did you see Joe Guidace is going to have 3 shows on how he is doing with the kids on 10/11 on Bravo. I'll be away but will tape or watch it;)

Cookie - How awesome you are going to see the Pope, would love to hear all about it. DH said they had a lottery at Church for some tickets they had to go see the Pope. I was teasing him that if he curses while sitting in traffic to see the Pope it wouldn't be a good thing LOL:) He isn't going so maybe that is a good thing;)


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