Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015

Belinda, are you enjoying the Jenny Ford workouts? How did you find her? I tried a couple of hers last year, but really preferred Jessica's. I am really looking forward to ICE. Did you preorder?
Kristin, hope you made it thru today alright. It is so humid. Can't imagine anyone thinking you wouldn't want air conditioning. Are you delivering pd again this year?
Deb, how wonderful that you're going to the rt and visit the family. You may have gone on more road trips than any one else. Did you do the one in Chicago a couple of years ago? Love the idea of everyone getting a bottle of wine! I would totally love it. One of my nieces is getting married in a couple of months - think I'll have to mention this idea to her.
Did JS rotation again this morning and lots of walking around during the day. Just got in - actually still have work clothes on! Wanted to post before changing and getting dinner, or I knew it would not get done.
Cookie - I found Jenny on YT :) I always wanted to try her workouts, did one the other day and loved it. You know me :) …..I am always trying new workouts out, lol. I like Jessica too, but I like all the variety. You should give Jenny's Marching with Moves a try, it's a lot of fun. Good job getting your workout in.

Good night, ladies.

I didn't get a workout in today. We went to DS's softball playoffs, they didn't win but have one more chance next Tuesday to stay in. I have to put together a workout plan before the RT.

Belinda - I still haven't checked out Jenny, I will on Friday when I have off. Do you keep notes or a journal to rate/review your workouts? I wanted to do that with Cathe Live but haven't yet.

Kristin - I hope the heat wasn't too bad today at school, it is making me so tired.

Cookie - We have another wedding in October & I wanted to buy one of the evening bags I merchandise, wouldn't you know they told me in the store I was at today it is sold outo_O I'm going to another store tomorrow that is showing they have 3 left so hopefully. I haven't done a destination RT except for Florida but wished I would have done some of the others . . . I feel like a RT groupie LOL.

Hey guys. No workout yesterday. By the time I came home from meet the teacher night I was too tired to do anything else. Today I did RWH UBC. I made DH go for my older son's Meet the Teacher night.

Not much else to report. I had a private conversation with my younger DS's teacher last night. I really like her. I told her how he had a rough year last year and that this year just had to be better because I was afraid he will start to really hate school. She was wonderful and I think she will be good for him this year, thank God!

I am so tired. I promise I will bb with personals tomorrow. Going back to work always kicks my ass and throws me off with my workouts. Hopefully by next week I will be back in the swing of things.

Good evening,

I did Jenny Ford full body workout today.

Debbie - let me know what you think on Friday. No I don't keep notes or a journal to rate/review my workouts. How do you like Cathe's Live?

Kirstin - glad you like your son's teacher and hope your son having fun this year. Good job on your workout today.

Good night, ladies.
Belinda, do you also receive Cathe live? I just thought I recalled you were. You should consider doing a blog where you review workouts.
Kristin, glad you're pleased with your son's teacher this year. I also hope it is a very good one for him. September is really exhausting. (I was just yawning as I was typing that!) I always underestimate how tiring it is.
Deb, now I'm curious what does the bag look like? One of my nieces is getting married in November, and it seems like it is going to be quite fancy. The shower is this weekend, so I suppose I should start thinking about what I'll wear. Soon you'll have a wall covered in your rt photos!
Did JS rotation this morning and lots of walking at work. Just exhausted, as Kristin and I were saying.

Today I took a yoga class. I'm happy it rained but my hair:eek::eek::eek: not so much! I'm dog sitting my older ds's dog tonight/tomorrow so hoping to get a walk in.

Belinda - You must have a good memory. Sometimes when I do a workout I haven't done in along time I forget certain parts of it. I really like Cathe Live.

Kristin - I can't even imagine how tough September is, plus you have the boys. I'm happy things are looking good for you and your son.

Cookie - I found the bag still in it's wrapping in the store. It is actually a small, navy w/rhinestones bag & my dress is navy. I think it is selling out because it is hard to find a navy bag. I could imagine you are real tired too! November is a nice time to get married before the snow;)

Good afternoon,

JF Cardio Interval and abs is done :)

Cookie - no, I don't have Cathe Live :) I don't do Cathe constantly, otherwise I burn out on her. I did a few Live Cathe classes with my neighbor, they workouts are similar to her dvd's. I don't see a need at the moment :) Don't put those ideas about doing a blog into my head:p Good job on your walk this morning. Yesterday I was exhausted, couldn't move...

Debbie - lol, no! I'll keep it simple :) If, I don't like a workout…it's gone :) Glad you enjoy Cathe Live :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Friday, everyone.

It's quiet here. Last night we went out to dinner. Today I did Gym Style back, shoulders & bi's. Cathe has great abs in this dvd. Need to catch up on sleep our son's dog kept us up.

Belinda - I'm wondering if you or your neighbor has a larger dvd collection;) Great job with your workouts, I hope you caught up on your sleep.

Waves hi to everyone!

Good morning,

I will take a complete rest day today :)

Debbie - I think…my DVD collection is bigger :p Sorry your son's pup kept you up most of the night.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
I went MIA again. This month is sooo tough to get everything done that needs to get done and my workouts suffer as a result. I am starting my rotation that was supposed to start two weeks ago today. Hopefully, this will keep me on track! I kicked it off with IMAX 3. And instead of having my a/c on, I opened my windows. Even though it is not hot at all, only mid-70s, it is soooo humid. I sweat up a storm, lol.

Belinda- I bet you have the biggest workout dvd collection of anyone out there. It is awesome to have all those choices and variety.

Deb- I have been exhausted. Friday I just couldn't do a workout. By the time I got home from work, dinner, got one DS ready for bb practice, walked the dog, the other DS wanted to watch a movie with me so I sat down on the couch and I couldn't get back up. I passed out at 8:30. DH and my older DS found my younger DS and I snuggled and passed out on the couch.

Cookie- it is true, September is more exhausting than I think it will be every time.

Okay, I am a sweaty mess and I need a shower in the worst way. I will be back tomorrow, pinky promise. I will be doing Slow and Heavy for the first time this week.


I did 20 min. of sprints today. I also went to my in-laws to the pool, tomorrow they close it:( Where did the summer go? I ran into my niece & her bf at the Farmer's Market today . . . they said they knew I would be there:) I think they thought it would be prepared food so they may have been disappointed.

Belinda - You deserve a rest day!!! Is it easier to pick a workout now that you organized them?

Kristin - I can't imagine how tired you are but know the feeling, once you sit on the couch it's really hard to get back up;)

Cookie - How was your weekend? I finally made my monthly sauce today, for the 1st time I added chicken meatballs usually I just make them during the week.

Good afternoon,

JF Marching w/Moves and ab workout is done :)

Debbie - fantastic job on your sprints :) How often do you run? It's a lot easier to pick a workout since I organized them.

Kirstin - I am out of control with my workout dvd collection :p For some reason, downsizing them isn't working :( At least they are organized :D As far as your workout, do what you can do. Don't worry.

Hi Cookie :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished S and H, Chest and Back. Wow! I loved it. The slow movement, I thought I would get bored, but I really felt it in my chest in different parts as we did the 6 count up. It was incredible. I thought 12 # for dumbell rows would be too light, but it was perfect for that slow count. I couldn't hold the planks as long as Cathe did, but I tried, lol.

Today I took the boys to the ecology site. There is a 1.2 mile track that we rode bikes on, we did 5 laps. Then there is a park, so we rode our bikes there. There is also a small zoo for animals that have been hurt and cannot go back in the wild, so we went in and looked at the animals. My younger DS loved the black bears. They come right up to the fence. It was a good day. My younger DS has to do a journal the day after the weekend about what they did and he said he will have so much to write, he doesn't know if he could fit it all on one page.

Belinda- I am hoping to stick to the rotation now that we are in the third week of school. I should get back into the swing of things.

Deb- we are closing our pool this weekend :(. It is sad to see the pool covered.

BB tomorrow. I have RWH LIH2 on tap.

Belinda, I also am betting you have the largest dvd collection! I think you would love doing a blog. We would all love to read your dvd reviews and other interesting things.
Kristin, I'll bet you're exhausted. I was in bed 8:05 on Friday night! And I couldn't wait to get there either. I do cut myself some slack in September. I had such a long to-do list, but have only gotten about half of it done. That's an amazing nature place.
Deb, your meatballs sound awesome. Did you buy the bag? It is hard to find navy. I was thinking of getting a navy or purpledress for my niece's wedding. Not sure if I have the energy or time to do a lot of running around looking and trying on. I hate to try on and find out something needs alterations.. Have no idea why I think if I like something it should just fit me perfectly. Hope you caught up on your sleep and the dog is behaving.
It seems like it went quickly to fall. We finally got some rain on Saturday but it took out our internet satellite for a couple of days. Boy, did I miss it. Nothing exciting to report - kept up w/JS rotation, did a lot of walking and a couple of days of 100s. My arms are looking pretty good from all those 100s I've been doing the past two months. Went to wedding shower and it was nice to see more relatives.
Hey guys. Just finished RWH LIH2, plus abs 1. I also walked Baxter for an hour this morning. My pecs are very sore from yesterday, and when I extend my arms out, like a chest fly, they quiver a little bit. LOL. Is that normal? haha.

Taking the boys to the park with my SIL and my baby niece. My mom is coming too, so I need to hop in the shower and get ready. I got a lot of work done this weekend, but I still have about 80 essays left to grade. I am hoping to bang a lot of them out tonight.

Cookie- The school year always feels like a marathon and September is the first few miles. . . but they are some of the hardest miles, like all uphill. November is where I hit my stride ;).

Waving hello to Belinda and Debbie.

Good afternoon,

JF Full Body workout is done.

Kirstin - nicely done yesterday and today. I also took my dogs for a nice long walk this morning, the weather was perfect. Have fun at the part today.

Cookie - you are funny :) I agree, it went quickly to fall. I pulled out my winter blankets :) Nice job keeping up with JS rotation and steps. My fitbit isn't working correctly? Need to call them.

Debbie - how is the dog doing? Hope he is behaving? Hope you got a good night sleep.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Belinda, what's up w/your fitbit? I am constantly amazed that I actually care if I made 10K just b/c of that thing? Honestly, w/o it I don't think I would. So, it is really good for me to have mine. What kind do you have? Mine is the one, which I like since I can clip it on and not have everyone see it, like the bracelet version. No winter blankets til October - or that's what I've said to my dh. It was cool last night but our comforter was sufficient.
Kristin, did you have yesterday and today off for Rosh Hashana? I often daydream about having a job that I leave at 5 and not have to deal with it til the next time I go to work. Do you think others realize how much time teachers spend doing paperwork/research outside of school time?
Deb, hope you got a good night's sleep, and the dog is behaving. Your sons are so lucky to have you to help them out so much.
JS rotation and lots of other walking!

I thought I checked in yesterday, I wrote a post maybe I didn't press the button? Sunday I sent DH a voicemail, he didn't receive it? Today I sent a text to DH & sent it to DS's gf instead?? OK, I'm losing my mind:oops::eek::):oops:

I took a yoga classs yesterday & just sitting (besides car ride) now.

Belinda - I'm going to try & run 3 times a week when I can. After the holidays, I hope to organize my DVDs you are an inspiration!

Kristin - The traffic was lighter because of the holiday;) The ecology site sounds awesome! I hope you had fun with your Mom & SIL today.

Cookie - I bought the navy bag. I don't like to try on either or get alterations . . . if only we were taller LOL! Lately I have been hearing about co-ed showers but have never been to one.

Good afternoon,

JF Cardio Interval and ab workout is done.

Cookie - my battery died :( My fitbit helps me move and I am happy to get over 10K every day :)

Debbie - good for you trying to run 3 times a week. Love being organized :) Makes my life easy.

Kirstin - how was the park? Good job on your weight workout.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout,everyone.

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