Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015

Hey guys. Just finished PRS #1. This is only my second time doing this workout. I really like it, but I do not have the footwork down yet. I have some work to do, lol. Today I am taking my boys to the beach to squeeze in a little more summer fun as my summer freedom slips through my hands.

Cookie- sorry you are going through so much. Something must be in the air. My sister is having difficult times with her bipolar this summer. I have stayed away just because I cannot risk being a target for her anger and aggression. It is sad.

Debbie- this cousin didn't live with me, but he and his fiancee and son stayed with us for Christmas last year.

Belinda- I did HR straight through with no premix and my legs are still sore. The first sets of leg work with the squats and plie suats and hover squats are killer!

BB tomorrow.

Good afternoon,

I did Barre 3 Standing Energy Blast and To The Max.

Cookie - I think I will hold off buying Jessica's new workouts. I have so many others I need to do first. I am sure, I will get them eventually. I love Jessica, but still haven't worked through all her other workouts. I am so sorry you are going through so much stress right now (((HUGS))) I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Have fun shopping :)

I will be back later.

Today I did 21 day fix barre legs.

I was so tired today, not sure why I am letting the NY store get to me so much. Besides the construction, they are moving the stock from the 10th floor to the sub-basement so everything is a mess & dirty. The elevator I must use is from the early 1900's & you need to bang on the door to get them to stop at your floor. I was saying to some workers that there probably are safety issues. It turns out that 2 of the guys were elevator inspectors for the city of NY. They told me that I should report it to the city, but I explained to them I was just filling in. I believe they think the elevator should have been replaced decades ago.

Tomorrow we have a wedding near my Mom's so we will go visit her & are staying overnight at the hotel the wedding is at.

Belinda - I was wondering if you have any room in your new organized DVD collection. I bet with the system you can see exactly what you have easier;)

Kristin - The beach sounds like fun, tomorrow we will be near the beach & the wedding is on the water. The good thing is you'll have your pool open for after school fun.

Cookie - My Mom just went to her sister's service & submitted paper work and was able to get a partial refund for the inflated prices the airlines charge for last minute bookings. I think it didn't involve much, I can find out the exact paper work she needed.

Belinda, you have got to have the most incredible dvd collection! I've gotten the last few JS as downloads, and that's working really well for me. They on the laptop, so good for traveling, since my laptop doesn't have a dvd drive.
Kristin, are you all set for next week? Enjoy the beach.
Deb, sorry I missed your aunt passed. I'm sorry. Can you tell me where you found the paperwork for the airline? Even filling in you have the right to be safe. I also think you should report it. I used to be in a school w/a very old elevator and was always worried about being trapped in it. It had the sliding grate door, and then another solid one. Don't think anyone would have heard me if I did have to bang on it to get out. I refused to use it except for an absolute necessity. Enjoy the wedding today and visit with your mom.
Flying out this morning.
Good morning,

I will do STS TB today.

Cookie - I do :) I think later on I will also get JS downloads. Safe travels!

Debbie - I have lots of room for more workout dvd's, but really trying to work though what I already have instead buying more. I love the system for my dvd's, so organized.

Kirstin - we must have posted at the same time yesterday. The HR full UB + LB premix is the same workout as the original except the sequence is different. Both premixes are over 67 min. Changing things up is good.

I will be back later.
TTM all done! I did the premix that takes out the compound legs because my legs are still sore from HR. Tomorrow is STS TB, which marks the end of the rotation. I feel I definitely see more muscle definition. I have decided to change my rotation for next month. I like mixing the cardio with some steady and some hiit and metabolic. I am going to do 1 UB split, 1 LB split and 1 TB workout in the week, then three days of cardio mixing up the intensity. I am going to work on it now. I will post later.

Belinda- I am going to try that premix next time. I bet you burn more calories/fat working the legs first and getting the fire going.

Cookie- I am as prepared as I can be for next week, and yet I have such anxiety. I have not been sleeping well at all. I thought for sure last night I would get a good night sleep. I was exhausted from the beach. Yet, I still could not sleep!

Deb- I hate elevators. When I was on jury duty the "secret" elevator jurors had to take looked like something from a dungeon. It was creepy.

BB tomorrow.

Good morning,

STS TB is done. I did skip the abs.Finished with Kirstin's rotation :D Loved it! Thanks for sharing! I also did Barre 3 Total Body Lift = 40 min. The ab workout was a killer in that one.

Kirstin - try the HR premix next time and I have to remember TTM premix next time :) My legs were fried. Can't wait what you come up with your next rotation :D Fantastic job on this rotation. I really enjoyed it and thanks for sharing :)

Waving Hi to Cookie and Debbie!

I will be back later. Have a great weekend everyone.
STS TB done and so is my rotation! I have to admit, with my anxiety at an all high today, I was contemplating skipping the workout, but I finished it just now. My stomach has been in knots all day worrying about what my new principal will be like and the new super. Plus, I am taking on the yearbook with my friend and then I am an Action Captain for my union in my building so I am just a ball of nerves. Hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight. I plan on taking a nice hot shower and going to bed.

Belinda- I am glad you enjoyed the rotation. I loved doing it with you guys. this week my goal is to do six workouts, but whatever I feel like doing because it is going to be a rough week. Next week I am planning on starting my new rotation. I will post it later. I am still working on the details I think.

Waving hello to Cookie and Deb!


The wedding was a lot of fun and it was at a really beautiful location. Today the couple invited everyone to their renovated home (it was flooded from Hurricane Sandy) & it was state of the art. The groom (DH's friend) is in construction so everything is amazing it has taken him 2 years to work on and he is almost done.

Belinda - I really enjoyed doing the total body workouts from Kristin's rotation. Kudos on doing it all!

Kristin - I hope you were able to get some sleep in but don't stress everyone will love you:)

Cookie - The elevator is exactly how both you & Kristin described. I'm sorry I forgot to ask my Mom, but will email her & get an answer for you.

Hey girls,

I did my workouts this morning. Just getting around to post. I walked and did Barre3 Twist = 40 min. I like barre workouts, but they are not high cal/nor do I get lots of steps in with barre. Oh well!

Kirstin - good job yesterday finishing your rotation. Hope you had a great first day at school today, with no stress.

Debbie - thank you! I did enjoy Kirstin's rotation too. Glad you had fun at the wedding. That is so sad their house was flooded. At least is gonna be amazing.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night, ladies.
Hi guys. Quick check in for me. I just walked Baxter for a half an hour and then I did PRS 1. I am getting the moves down a little bit better, lol. I think Yoga may be tomorrow's workout. I need a good stretch.

BB tomorrow. I still have seating charts to do, lol.


Today I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party it's an older work out but had fun with it.

I received the results from my colonscopy today and 3 of the 5 polyps were pre-cancer. Mostly it just means I must have the test every 3 years to check for others & have them removed, ugh!! I spent my train ride researching and everything points to mainly a plant-based diet. I'm thinking about speaking with a nutritionist to get their viewpoint and suggestions.

Belinda - I bet the barre workouts do build your muscle strength but just doesn't show up on the fitbit. Yoga also doesn't really register very well either.

Kristin - The 1st time I did PRS1, I wanted to give up so many times during the workout:oops: Good luck with school tomorrow:) Do the students have assigned seats? Can't remember LOL.

Cookie - I will be talking to my Mom tomorrow so will get you an answer.

Good morning,

Today I will do cardio. Not sure what yet?

Happy Birthday, Debbie !!! Hope you have a fabulous day.

Debbie - I know, just want to show on my fitbit too :) Any plans for today? Love Turbo Jam Cardio Party, good job.

Kirstin - I like step workouts, but don't have the patients to learn complicated step routines anymore. I like simple workouts.

Hi Cookie!

I will be back later.
Good afternoon,

I did CCPP, ran over 5 miles :) Now I am beat :)

I hope you guys don't mind me continue with thread instead of starting a new one every month? I

I still have to do Barre 3 later. BBL!
Hey guys. I hardly slept at all last night. I was filled with such anxiety and excitement for myself and my boys. Today ended up being an active rest day. I swam laps in my pool and then walked Baxter for an hour.

What a day to have the first day of school. It was beyond muggy and hot in my classroom. Yet, I was on an adrenaline high all day. First, all my former students from last year that saw me in the hallway or were in my homeroom were excited to see me. So many of them wanted to know about the trial and the case. Then during homeroom, my AP came in my room and said I had the best behaved homeroom this morning. Five minutes later the new principal and the new superintendent along with the asst superintendents popped into my homeroom. I thought I was going to faint. I definitely made a good first impression. Then 1st period, my principal came in my room again to see what we were doing in my room. I had just finished going over class expectations and had put a photo on the SMARTboard of a street sign that had success with an arrow pointing one way and failure with an arrow pointing the other. I asked the students what they thought the sign meant. We had a whole discussion on how success and failure are choices. We can choose to be successful or choose to be failures. Again, principal was impressed and I felt awesome, lol. Didn't even notice my feet were killing me because I was wearing shoes until 7th period.

Belinda- I like PRS 1, but 2 is my favorite. The routine is complicated, but fun once you get it. I like PRS 2 because it is easier to learn and it has those mini blast moves.

Deb- I almost faceplanted the first time I did PRS 1. The third time was much easier.

Not sure what my workout will be tomorrow. I am thinking FLexTrain.


Today DH & I went to the beach for my birthday. The weather was hot but with a nice breeze, the water, maybe only to me;) still felt cold. We went to a local italian restaurant we usually don't go to, but is always crowded because they built a really pretty outside area. The food was good & the prices too LOL.

Thanks for the birthday wishes:)

I didn't get a workout in so it was a rest day.

Belinda - It's easy not to switch threads with the page #'s on the bottom:) Great job with your run to CCPP!

Kristin - It was great hearing about your awesome 1st day. Kudos on a making a great impression with the principal & superintendent, you set the bar high:) Having them in your classroom must have been scary.

Cookie - I spoke with my Mom. She booked with United Airlines (but thinks it could work with other airlines), she said the forms online didn't work out (she couldn't get it to work). Instead she wrote a letter about the situation & included a copy of the death certificate & memorial service paper with the letter & sent it to United Airlines Corporate/Home office. She asked my cousin for a copy of the death certificate. I hope this helps & think it would be worth a try.

Good morning,

Plan for today is: Barre 3 Standing Slim2 = 30 min and weights.

The vet called us yesterday, Brawler doesn't have cancer :D I am so happy :) He always gets bumps on his body's? Not sure, why?

Debbie - glad you had great day yesterday.

Kirstin - I hate complicated step routines :) Those are the only 2 Cathe dvd's I don't have :)

I have a doc appointment this afternoon, I will not be back until later this afternoon.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Just finished FlexTrain. Still not sleeping well :/. I'm starting to feel the effects of it too. Tomorrow night is Meet the Teacher Night at my school, so I will not be working out. I am staying at work and going out for pizza with a few colleagues. Then it's Friday! I am having a great start to the year. I really like my classes. I am just feeling sooooo tired now. Hopefully I catch some zzzzzzzzzzzsssss tonight.

Belinda- I missed the preorder AGAIN! I meant to order it before the deadline, but kept putting it off :mad:.

Deb- I was shocked that they came in my room for HOMEROOM of all things. Luckily, I had most of the kids last year, as it is an 8th grade homeroom. I think the kids missed me ;). I thought I would die when they came in. LOL.

I probably will not check in tomorrow. See you all Friday!


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