Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday :( I did finish the 21 DF Ext 12 week rotation yesterday. I did 21 DF Ext yoga and Cardio Supersets.

Today is ME )

Cookie - where are you? I miss you :)

Debbie - nice job yesterday with on the sprints at the Y & abs from ME.

Kirstin - how is your son doing?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. DS is feeling better, and I never got sick, so that is a plus. I did eat a lot of crap yesterday. not sure if the exhaustion sparked a feeding frenzy, but I was out of control, lol. Anyway, back on track today with Muscle Endurance. I started planning a new rotation for September. I am calling it Splits, Hiit and Circuits. If you guys want, I will post it when I am done. My idea behind it was to mix it up after doing 3 TB workouts a week for one month.

It is extremely hot out there today. I plan on going in the pool later.

Belinda- I didn't even realize I posted in the wrong thread until I got a like on it, lol. Those people must have read it and said, "Ok. . . what does this have to do with anything?" LOL. :oops::rolleyes:

Deb- I just read that Theresa will be back the Jersey housewives when she gets out of jail. I cannot wait for OC tonight. The drama is supposed to heat up with a rumor that Vicki's boyfriend is faking cancer. RHONY reunion is tomorrow too!

BB Later!

Kirstin - I sure had my share on posting in the wrong thread before :D Glad your son is feeling better.I can't wait what you come up with this time and please post your rotation here too :) I am waiting for DH to do ME today. I already did Jenny Ford Cardio Interval, lot's of fun. It's hot in WV too.

Today I took a yoga class. I was off today to prep for a colonoscopy tomorrow. All I can say is ugh!! No food at all today, the stuff you take is horrible it tastes like cough syrup to me. When DH had his he chugged the stuff & didn't mind. I just can't do it:p as we speak I'm slowly drinking. The nurses said they have made improvements on ito_O

I'm off tomorrow but it will be a rest day because of the sedation not allowed to exercise.

Belinda - Excellent job completing the 12 week rotation!!!

Kristin - I didn't hear that about Teresa, was just thinking today wished the show was on so I could be watching it tomorrow;) I'm happy your son is better. I would love to see your Sept. rotation.

Good morning,

Today I have Hard Strike on tap? Not sure, if I can do it due to my leg? I may have to sub something else?

Debbie - good job on your yoga yesterday. Good luck with the colonoscopy today. I need to schedule one too :) Now I am scared :( My husband said it wasn't that bad at all. Did you see my finial project on my workout dvd's? I really like it know.

Hallo to Cookie and Kirstin.

I will be back later.
Just finished Hard Strikes. I did the no conditioning premix and then added the HB tabatas, although I have no heavy bag, so I call it shadow boxing tabatas, lol. About to go in the pool. I have STS TB on deck for tomorrow. I cannot remember the last time I did that one. I'll have to look up the weights for it.

Belinda- what workout did you decide on for today?

Deb- good luck with the colonoscopy. Rest up!

Here is the rotation I am thinking for next month:

Week One (starting August 30th, for me workouts will be Sunday-Saturday, with a rest day in the middle of the week somewhere. Right now I have Friday as my rest day, but I know that will change week to week)
Sunday- IMAX 3
Monday- Slow and Heavy Chest and Back
Tuesday- RWH LI Hiit 1 plus bonus core 2
Wednesday- Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders
Thursday- Slow and Heavy Bis and Tris
Friday- rest
Saturday- Low Impact Circuit

Week Two
Sunday- XTrain Cardio Leg Blast
Monday- Low Impact 2, plus bonus core 1
Tuesday- Xtrain Burn Sets chest, back and shoulders
Wednesday- Intensity
Thursday- Xtrain Burn Sets Bis and Tris plus bonus abs 1
Friday- rest
Saturday- Drill Max

Week Three
Sunday- All Out plus bonus abs 1
Monday- Great Glutes
Tuesday- Pyramids Upper body
Wednesday- Plyo 2
Thursday- Leaner Legs and Abs
Friday- off
Saturday RWH Upper Body Circuit

Week Four
Sunday- Xtrain Legs
Monday- X10 (favorite premix, for me Hi/Low plus Cardio Blast)
Tuesday- RWH Lift it Hit It Chest, Tris and Shoulders
Wednesday- RWH Lift it Hit it Legs plus abs 2 (this is the second leg workout, but with the short cardio blasts, so I am considering it a cardio leg workout)
Thursday- RWH Lift It Hit It Back, Bis, and Shoulders
Friday- off
Saturday- Body Max 2 (Cardio and Weights premix)
Kirstin - I haven't worked out yet? I may try HS later :) I will look through your rotation later this evening. Just don't have time now. I mean, so far it looks good :) BBL! Enjoy the pool.
LOL, I just released I did the wrong workout for today:D Instead of Hard Strike I did Rockout Knockout :) Had a great workout.

Debbie - how are you doing? Hope all went well today with the colonoscopy.

Cookie - hope all is well:D Where are you?

Good night, ladies.

Everything went well today, be back tomorrow to explain. I'm going to bed early didn't get much sleep last night, took a nap but the doorbell rang and couldn't fall back to sleep.

Great job with your workouts today!! BBT

Good morning,

I will do STS TB later today. I have a dental appointment. My tooth still bordering me :( I should have pulled that tooth a long time ago.

Debbie - glad everything went well yesterday. Get some rest.

Hey guys. Just finished STS TB. My weights are in the office, which has no a/c, but I didn't want to carry everything downstairs, so I attempted it in the office with a fan. I am dripping now, lol. Heading into the pool after I type this.

Belinda- good luck at the dentist today! I need to make an appointment for a cleaning, but I hate going :(.

Deb- hope you got better sleep. I haven't been sleeping well lately.

Good evening,

DH and I finished STS TB a while ago. That was a lot of fun. The ab workout was brutal.

I had a follow up appointment for my root canal which is still bordering me a lot. Seven month of pain :( She thinks it's a ligament around the root that's causing the pain. She wants me to wait until Jan.

Kirstin - good job on STS TB today. Have fun at the pool. It's so hot outside. We need rain.

Debbie - how are you doing? Hope you get some sleep.

Good night, everyone.

Today I ran sprints on the track with Cardio Coach 6 my favorite. It was so hard to get up this morning but am feeling much better now. The colonoscopy went well but bummed I had 5 polyps (which he is testing) also said he will decide if I will be on the 3 or 5 year plan. If you have no polyps it's 10 years but the bottom line is if you remove them it is the best prevention. He told me it is in my genes that there's not much I can do about it but plan to do a little bit of research as well.

We finally had a couple of rain showers today mixed in with sun.

Belinda - I hope I didn't discourage you, I was just being a baby about the prep:oops: it really is an important test. The Dr. said if I didn't have them removed I would have big problems down the road. I'm going to have to catch up with you guys & do STS TB:) I have to go check out the finished organization project.

Kristin - I remember us talking about carrying the weights down the stairs LOL, but either way sounds like you had a great workout! I think your September rotation looks great!! Perfect day for the pool.

PLYO 1 done. I thought I was going to die, but I survived. I still cannot do more than 1 or 2 one arm burpees. Regular burpees are challenging enough I think, lol. ;) My legs and chest are sore fros STS TB.

Belinda- Wait until January!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: That's a long time to have to deal with pain, including the 7 months that have gone by already. That must be frustrating. BTW, I think it is adorabel how your DH works out with you. My DH will watch me workout and then say, "I have to do something" (meaning work out). Then guess what he does, nothing.

Deb- sorry to hear about the polyps, but better to find out and now and deal with it then down the road.

Trying to get a hair appointment today. I am interested in trying a new salon and am hoping they can take me in today. I have so many gray hairs popping out, it's not even funny. They are more visible because I have such dark hair too. Later today my younger DS is going to try out for a swim team. He has had no formal lessons, but like his momma, he's a fish. I think it would be a good experience for him. Plus, he'd get to swim in an indoor pool during the fall and winter.


Hi ladies,

I will do 21 DF Plyo today.

Kirstin - good job this morning. I do the modify version, regular ones kill my back.

Deb- sorry to hear about the polyps, but better to find out and now and deal with it then down the road.

I will be back later.

Today I did STS TB upper body premix. I didn't have time to do the whole w/o so will do lower body tomorrow. It was hard just doing UB . . . it's funny how you forget:eek: We are going out for pizza tonight:oops:

Belinda - I hope your tooth feels better, January is a long time to wait:( I love the organization of your DVD set, awesome job!!!

Kristin - I agree any burpees are a challenge! It seems like the grays pop out & multiply quickly. Good luck to your son with the swim team, sounds like fun.

Good morning,

MM is done!

Debbie - she said it can take up to a year sometimes. I rather wait than have another root canal :) I love my dvd organization too.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hello ladies. Just finished ME. I was contemplating taking a rest day because TOTM is here and I just feel blah, but I pushed through it and I am glad I did. I plan on going into my school on Monday and setting up, so I have some more planning and printing to do. It is a rainy day here, so I might as well get it done today, plus the laundry. I am looking forward to going back. . . especially to get a paycheck. Things are always tight in August around here. DS made the swim team. He was so excited and proud that he was able to do a whole lap (75 feet) without stopping. The competitions won't happen until he learns the strokes, but it will good for him to get to swim in the fall and winter. Something for him to do and feel good about it.

Belinda- I'd rather wait than get another root canal too. Truth!

Deb- I was surprised with how hard STS TB was for me too. The one arm rows. . . I had to go down to 15# on the second set, :eek:

BB later,


Today I did 20 min. sprints at the Y & finished STS TB lower body & abs. I'm happy the weekend is here & nice weather too!

Belinda - I don't blame you for waiting, maybe you could use orajel if your tooth hurts.

Kristin - Congrats to your son, I bet swim meets will be fun to watch. On the news tonight was a Mama bear & her 5 cubs playing in a backyard & in a pool. It was cute but probably not if your the owner of the pool;)

Waves hi to everyone


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