Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015

Good morning,

I will do Afterburn after my coffee.

Debbie nicely done on your 20 min. sprints at the Y & STS TB lower body & abs. Thanks for the tip on orajel :) I saw the video on FB where the Mama bear & her 5 cubs playing in a backyard & in a pool. It was cute :) Glad nobody got hurt.

Kirstin - good job pushing through your workout. Congrats on your son :) That's amazing the can swim a whole lap (75 feet) without stopping :) I am super sore from all that weight lifting. I also only used 15# one arm rows in STS.

I will be back later.
Hi guys. Just finished my workout. I had Afterburn listed on the rotation, but my whole body is sore from ME. I decided to scratch it and do some step. I did a combination. First I did Higher Intensity Step from 4DS, just the step premix. Then I added on Athletic Training, Cardio Express to it. It was a good, fun workout. Just the right intensity that I needed for today.

Today I am taking the boys' to my friend's twins' birthday party. They turned one today! This is my only friend from high school that I still talk to, although we basically only see each other once a year. It is amazing that we can pick up right where left off though. It should be fun. I am hoping they have chocolate cake, lol.

I didn't sleep well last night. I had two nightmares. The first nightmare was that we were on our cruise and the ship was out in the middle of the Atlantic and we were sinking. We didn't pay attention during the muster drill and we had no clue what to do. That woke me up around 2. When I finally went back to sleep, I had a series of bizarre mini nightmares. The first one was I was driving, and I was crossing RR tracks the crossing alarm thing didn't go off, but there was a train coming and it almost hit me. Then my DH and I were out and we ran into my cousins. They had mentioned my dad being sick, which my dad didn't tell me and when I asked them what they were talking about, they didn't want to tell me because they realized my dad didn't want me to know. Then it switched to this beach house. My mom was inside, and her condition was much worse and she was listening to a language tape trying to remember how to say hello. She was awake, but looked comatose. Then my dad came up to me, and I woke up scared. Sooo . .. analyze that! What in the world is wrong with me?

Belinda- I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to go down in weight on those 1 arm rows. I think it is the combination of doing the heavy dead rows back to back with the 1 arm rows and the quick pace of the lift.

Deb- if a mama bear and cubs were in my backyard, I would freak out. That would scare me, especially knowing my dog would probably step up to them to protect us.

BB tomorrow. STS TB is on tap.

Hi again,
Afterburn is done. I was sweating buckets.

Kirstin - sorry about the nightmares :( We all get those crazy dreams? Hope you get some rest day. WOW, on your mix of workout today. I can't use very heavy weights in high reps workouts, my back doesn't like it. The beat is to fast to use heavy weights, JMO! Otherwise I start swinging the weights around:D

Hi Cookie and Debbie :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great weekend.

Today I did Kickbox/Barre Live. It was a good one. I can't believe summer is winding down but at least we have a lot going on till Labor Day.

It turns out the Bears in the video were only a few towns from us:eek:

Belinda - Great job with Afterburn, really like that one.

Kristin - Wow, on the dreams so much on your mind & comes it comes out when you sleep. Sometimes I wish I could have someone analyze my dreams:) It would be interesting but I guess scary to see how a dog would react to 5 bears:eek: Have a fun time at the birthday.

STS TB all done. I also took Baxter for a long walk. No bad dreams last night. I actually got a good night's sleep. Tomorrow I am going to drop the boys off at my SIL's house so I can go set up my classroom and hopefully get my photocopies made. I am getting more and more excited to get back to work.

The party was fun yesterday. She rented a bouncy house for the kids, so my boys were wiped out when they came home. It was so much fun to see the babies' faces when they tasted cake for the first time.

Debbie- Kickbox/Barre live sounds like fun! I will get Cathe Live one day. . .

Belinda- I agree, I can lift heavy only with a slower beat or count. Otherwise I am just throwing the weight around with bad form.


Today I ran 20 min. sprints at the Y. They close starting tomorrow for a week, funny that a gym closes for vacation:) I did some prep work for my sauce which I will make next weekend or during the week if I have time.

Belinda - Did you see in the news that the Giant Panda in Washington DC had twins? It sounds like they don't always survive:(

Kristin - Have fun setting up your class, it must be a relief to get it done ahead of time. The party sounded like fun!

Cookie - How are you, are you back yet?

Good afternoon,

I will do STS TB shortly.

Debbie - can't wait to see the baby Panda :) I hope they all make it thought :)

Kirstin - are you done setting up your class room? Glad you had fun at the party.

Cookie - we miss you :)

I will be back later.
We came home late last night from the Outer Banks. Our internet service was horrible. DH let me use his work-owned hotspot to keep up with my work but was concerned his employer might find out if I went on other sites! Oh well. We got in a lot of walking and talking.
How's everyone here?
Belinda, what have I missed? I saw this evening that Jessica Smith has a new series available.
Kristin, hard to believe the summer's towards the end and school will be here very soon. The birthday party sounds like fun.
Deb, your talk of sauce makes me start feeling hungry, and we've already eaten dinner!
I've only read this current page. Have to go back and read the prior ones. Missed you all, and am glad to be back. Did anyone besides me preorder ICE? I can't wait for it. Shall we plan to go on next year's rt together?

Today I took a rest day. Work was tough today and wiped me out, covering for the NY girl. The store is under construction don't want to cover for her at Christmas time too stressful.

Belinda - I just saw a video of the pandas, so cute & tiny. Your so lucky to be so close.

Kristin - How did your room come out?

Cookie - Welcome back!!! I don't think DH's boss would understand Cathe;) It sounds like you had lots of R&R during your vacation. Let's all go to next year's RT, you have to see the new hotel so close to Cathe's gym.

Good morning,

Today I will do Hiit workout? Not sure what yet? Yesterday I also did Barre 3 with Standing Slim. I really like Sandie workouts.

Cookie - welcome back! Glad you had a relaxing vacation. Will you buy JS new workouts?

Debbie - hope you get some rest last night. Sorry about the stress at work.

Kirstin - Happy Anniversary!!!

I will be back later.

Today I did STS TB upper body premix. This is a busy couple of weeks but I don't want to skip workouts so I will split workouts up or do shorter ones.

Belinda - I have the Barre 3 workouts but haven't done in a long time, need to pull them out:)

Kristin - Haven't been on FB but taking a que from Belinda "Happy Anniversary"

Cookie - I think we all pre-ordered ICE & are really excited. We didn't get any previews at the RT (at least that we know of);)

Good morning,

I will do High Reps today and Barre 3 Ballet Core. Yesterday my dog Browler had a lump removed. They are sending it in to make sure it isn't cancer :( Poor thing!

Cookie - I am glad you are back. We missed you :) Did you order Cathe's ICE? I can't remember? Are you still doing SBF?

Debbie - once I am done with Kirstin's rotation, I will play around with the premixes. Good job on that UB premix. You still getting your workouts in that what counts, right? :) I bought a Social Living deal in Feb, it was the Barre 3 dvd's w/ball and a year steaming. I really like it!

Kirstin - hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.

I will be back later.
Hi guys. Well, I am two days behind in the last week of the rotation. Monday I went in to decorate my room and get copies done. I was just too tired to do anything when I got home. My classroom was so hot and humid. . . it was gross. I am not looking forward to being in that room next week with no air conditioning. Ugh! I am still looking forward to meeting my students though. Yesterday was my wedding anniversary. I had a union meeting in the afternoon and it ran long. By the time I got home and did the things I needed to do, I did not have time to work out. My dad took the boys overnight and DH and I had a romantic dinner and night alone.

Today I did RWH LI Hiit 2 plus abs 1. Tomorrow will be HR.

Belinda- thank you. I cannot believe it has been fifteen years (and I haven't killed him yet, lol). Poor Browler. I hope the results come back negative for cancer. Waiting for results sucks!

Deb- I still have my bulletin board in the back to do. I bought new posters yesterday to hang up as well. It is coming along though.

Cookie- I think I hate this new Commish even more than I hated KING! With all this going on plus I have a new super (this makes #12 in 17 years) and a new principal. . . I am just not in the mood for BS, lol. Let me do my job. . . that's all I am sayin' .

BB tomorrow.

Belinda, okay who is Sandie? And Barre 3? I purchased JS's newest right away and did day one and two, plus added in SBF arms. My arms are fried! Anything Cathe or JS comes out with, it seems I'm willing to hand over the plastic for it right away! Are you still doing SBF? I cannot wait for ICE? I don't think I've anticipated a series as much as this one.
Kristin, Happy Anniversary! Fifteen years! That's something to really celebrate. Doesn't it take forever to set up a classroom? It's like getting a house ready.
Deb, I truly do want to go to next year's rt. I've missed the last couple. How much longer do you have to cover the NY store? That must be a pain.
I ordered and downloaded the new Jessica Smth right away, and have done days one and two already. Today was not a good one stress-eating wise, but tomorrow will definitely be better. My dad died and am waiting to hear when a service will be.

I didn't get a workout in today was going all day & ready to hit the bed now.

Just wanted to stop by & say hello & great job with your workouts!

Good morning,

The schedule calls for step party today. I have to do another step instead. I also will do Barre3 Studio Shape.

Cookie - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family (((HUGS))) So sorry for your loss. I bought a Social Living deal in Feb, which included dvd + barre ball and a year streaming. I just started doing Barre 3 with Sandie Lincoln. I really like it a lot. I deal was expired but Barre3 still honored the deal :) Pretty cool, hah? I hear you on JS and Cathe, can't go wrong with either one. I am also excited about ICE. How are JS new workouts different than her other ones?

Kistin - glad you ok. I was worried since you didn't check in. I am so sore from HR. Happy Anniversary. Glad you had fun. That's wonderful you didn't kill him :p:D:p Thanks about Brawler!

Debbie - hope you got some rest last night. Sounds like your work is a pain in the neck, hah? Hope it lightens up soon.

I will be back later. Have a great day, everyone.
High Reps all done! That was a great workout. Just what I needed.

Cookie- I want to do next year's road trip too. I am not sure though, because my cousin in Florida is getting married in July and we are going to the wedding. If there is a weekend in between, I will definitely go. $$ permitting too. LOL. I had such a blast at the last road trip. I think it is a recharging experience too. It definitely pushed me to go "harder" with my home workouts.

Deb- Hope you have an easier day today.

Belinda- I was doing so well working out six days a week, too, lol. Oh well. 5 days for one week is not bad. I will end up finishing the rotation on Sunday. I don't plan on starting a new rotation until Labor Day Weekend week. I am thinking of changing my planned rotation too. I loved the TB workouts, so I am thinking about doing 1 upper split, 1 lower split (cardio and weights type, and 1 total body). Then mixing the cardio again. Not sure yet. . .

Ok have a wonderful day!

Kirstin - my legs are sore from High Reps :) Oh, I forgot I did the Lower First Premix. Just wanted to switch things up. You are still doing great with your workouts. You are only a day behind, not a big deal :) I like your new rotations. I probably will start Charlene Extreme next week? Unless, DH wants to do something else? I also want to add more premixes to my workouts.

Today I did STS TB lower body premix. My legs were hurting all day but getting the workout in actually helped. Tomorrow I work in NY again but hoping it will be easier.

Belinda - When I was reading your post I thought you wrote today's schedule was to party LOL! I hope all is well with Browler. I have the Barre 3 dvds, does the streaming have different workouts?

Kristin - It sounds like you had a nice anniversary, 15 years awesome! Is the cousin getting married in FL the one that lived with you?

Cookie - So sorry to hear about your Dad:( (((HUGS))). Was he sick?

Belinda, thanks. I appreciate it. Have heard of Sadie but not tried any of her work. JS's new ones include weights and resistance bands. The set is the same white house one as one some of her others, but there's more a variety of type of workouts. I juste love her work.
Kristin, I'm also glad you haven't killed him yet! Once when out with two friends, one of whom had just gotten engaged and was saying she was worried she would get annoyed her fiancé after they had been married a few years, the other friend replied, "there are some days my husband can't even breathe right." I had a hard time to stop laughing. Love the music w/HR.
Deb, thanks. He had Lou Gerhig's disease the last year.
It's been a very rough week for me. A friend died, another brother diagnosed w/skin cancer, dh has spots removed yesterday at derma, dad, and now eldest ds seems on the verge of a breakdown. His therapist asked us to come in for a meeting w/all of us. It was bad. Then dh w/o thinking expressed shock at the cost of my flights. Last night was a definite two-glass of wine evening! Can't image not having exercise as a stress reliever. Hope I can squeeze in some this upcoming week. It will be tough to do so, esp w/a lot of relatives around. Perhaps I can squeeze in some walks. Oh well, did some stress relieving while boosting economy - bought six, yes 6, pairs of new shoes!!! I'm absolutely in shock that I did. Macy's was having a sale and so was Payless. I'm justifying the purchases b/c a colleagues is looking for shoe boxes for dioramas. Now, I had better get back to work to pay for everything.

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