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This video clip is from Cathe's Mobility 1 recovery workout. This Cathe STS 2.0 DVD includes two separate mobility workouts. Each of these routines features different mobility movements done in multiple positions.

Mobility training is an important part of your fitness and recovery routine for many reasons. Our mobility is what allows us to move through our daily activities without strain or pain in our bodies. If muscles become too tight and immobile, we are at a much greater risk of injury. Mobility training will help to prevent this, thereby improving your posture, range of motion, and providing much-needed recovery from more intense training.

The more mobile your body is, the more strength and power you'll be able to put out during your physically demanding workouts. Mobility 1 and 2 can be done separately or together for a longer mobility session when desired.

*Pre-Order Cathe's New STS 2.0: Muscle & Recovery Workout Program Now At: and Get Free Worldwide Shipping!
I hope I can make time for these because during my workout time, time is of the essence and I’m always so concerned with maximizing that 45 min - 1 hour and making sure I’ve done a solid weight or cardio workout that all I usually have time for at the end is a short stretch with Cathe and a quick foam roll. Maybe I can do one of these later in the day when I get home from walking my dog and my muscles are warm again. I know I could benefit from extra stretching.

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