Didn't Cathe mention going heavy on shrugs gives you big traps? I don't remember which DVD it was, but that always freaked me out. Lol. I think there is a difference in how you train for females vs males though. I guess it depends what look you're going for. Do you think this will work if what I want is more an athletic build but not Bikini/Fitness look? Not that i think that would ever happen but I offense...not overly muscled?
Cathe talks about shrugs and trap size in Pure Strength. I just did a PS rotation so it's fresh in my mind! I've often wondered if she has a different opinion now since she seems to have shifted her weight training approach in more recent years. Can't say for sure one way or the other, though.
I agree that the aesthetics you are seeking influence how you want to train, but your body type and build also play a role. I am naturally lanky and it is very difficult for me to add muscle to my frame, so bulking or becoming "overly muscled" is not my problem! Body Beast definitely did not turn me into the Female Incredible Hulk, but nothing probably ever will!
But you might be totally different from me. Have you done other heavier weight programs before, like XTrain Burn Sets or Meso 3? What were the results? Did you bulk up? When you did P90X, were you following Tony and sticking with the 8-10 range or were you doing 15 reps with the other background exercisers? You are the best expert on your body and how it responds to different types of training.