I couldn't wait. I started BEAST on Monday. I'm lovin' it!!! It doesn't hurt that Sagi is pleasing to look at, and hilarious, with all his Beast speak. So far, so good!!
I'm finishing up week 2 and I feel stronger and tighter as well. (just brought this up to hubby yesterday) I am so loving this program!
I like some of his responses to questions regarding the program. One of the frequent questions being...fat loss on limited cardio. He said, if you do the workouts and aren't leaning out, the problem is in your nutrition. The other frequent question was if adding cardio would make the fat loss faster...his stand is, look at your diet. If you can do more workouts after BB then you aren't pushing yourself hard enough in his workout. Plus he states that the goal is not to over train but to train intelligently. I thought that was cool.
Hi, For his Legs workout, are you guys able to do the step ups to reverse lunge sets without resting? What about the Bulgarian split squats? I know we're not supposed to rest between sets but my HR was up with the step ups. You know how sometimes you come across reviews where they criticize the music, the set, or maybe hats in a workout? This workout had me so busy trying to make it through my reps that it made me realize I didn't notice anything at all about the set. Except the odd times when I'd go," Damn he looks good doing that lunge!" Lol.
Just finished Back and Biceps...there wasn't a single db or weight plate left unused in my collection! Even the one lb. ankle weights had to be put to work to help with one lb. increases! I liked it a lot!
Yeah yeah yeah but where is the eye candy for ME!!!!!!! Is one good looking lady too much to ask???I finished day 5 of week 2 and I think It is going well I'm not used to 6 day programs with rest days at weird times....but I will adjust! Kinda messes up weekends
Cool answer answers to question but true. This apply to any program. 80% of the input has to come from Nutrition, including for abs.
Ok, I've changed my mind, again. I did Cathe's Slow and Heavy today, instead of Tempo Chest and Tri's. Loved it! I'm going to do Slow and Heavy, in place of Tempo. Just my two cents worth.