Body Beast

I finally started Body Beast this week. I'm only two workouts into it (Build Chest & Tris and Legs) and I am actually rather surprised. No DOMS. I expected it to be harder. I am looking at this week as a "preview" week, if that makes sense. Choosing my weights. However, my husband started it 2 weeks ago and I review the workouts as he does them, so I did have an idea what weights to use. Now that I've done two of the workouts tho, I could definitely go heavier on some of the exercises and I will next week but, I don't know, I really expected to be sore. Cathe always makes me sore--even the first time I do her workouts! In fact, last week was Gym Styles and I was in pain. Then I do Sagi's Chest & Triceps and it was not nearly as challenging as Gym Styles. But my disclaimer right now is my weight selection. We'll see if next week I get some DOMS.

Also, after watching my husband struggle through Legs I was a little scared. Then I did it this morning, and it was a somewhat challenging workout in parts, but again, easier than Cathe. It definitely had a cardio component when you are doing the front lunge, step up/reverse lunge, single leg deadlift triset. I do my workouts in the morning when my husband is still in bed. I will not let him watch me workout because I can get through the workouts w/out stopping. He can't. He hasn't worked out in years tho so I am very proud of him for deciding to try this--but I know it bothers him that I can complete the workouts and lift heavier than he can. So I never do it in front of him except to show proper form. In fact, that's how I've been reviewing the workouts--correcting my husband's form as he does them (he asked me to since I've been lifting weights for 10+ years).

We'll see how next week goes. I have a lot of "up arrows" on my workout cards (to increase weight next time), so hopefully next week it will really challenge me.
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Hi, can you not be sore? You must be incredibly strong! I was just laughing at myself because the second week of the program was such a struggle for me. it took me ten days to complete his 6 workouts.

I find the DOMS very different though from this program. It almost feels like pure exhaustion DOMS. Not the I can barely get down the stairs or sit on the toilet DOMS. It almost feels like my body got rolled over by a giant rolling pin soreness. I find my appetite out of control...before I had a hard time getting the 2000 calories in. This week it freaks me out how much more my body is demanding. I have been forced to sleep a lot too.

I have had to get multivitamins and today I went and bought a recovery drink. Before this program Scivation Xtend was all I needed. I hope this Vega recovery helps. And no, chocolate milk didn't do anything. Except make me happy.

I can't add cardio to this thing. I will die.

I'm writing this about an hour post Build Legs. I put it on pause and do it at my pace and with lots of breaks ( he can have a Beastie heart attack for all I care...I am not doing that super set non stop ) I turn the music off and listen to Black Eyed Peas. I drink my Extend and wonder how 8 exercises can make me sweat so much. His exercise selection and design is simple and to the point. I like that. Actually his entire program is very straight to the point. No half way up and pulsing stuff in the strength sessions.

I have never done a program that showed me visible changes during the first week. But it could be just the sudden change of routine after a month of GS. Yes this Leg routine isn't as hard as Cathe's but does it really have to be?

I will probably get the Tempo workouts when I do the rotation a second time around. I just use the alternative Build workout that's listed.
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I agree, I haven't been sore either. But then again, I love weights, so I always have some kind of lifting program going on. I'm going to try to go heavier, and kick this BEAST into overdrive. We'll see what happens. I may be in traction when I write my next post. Cheers!
I finally started Body Beast this week. I'm only two workouts into it (Build Chest & Tris and Legs) and I am actually rather surprised. No DOMS. I expected it to be harder. I am looking at this week as a "preview" week, if that makes sense. Choosing my weights. However, my husband started it 2 weeks ago and I review the workouts as he does them, so I did have an idea what weights to use. Now that I've done two of the workouts tho, I could definitely go heavier on some of the exercises and I will next week but, I don't know, I really expected to be sore. Cathe always makes me sore--even the first time I do her workouts! In fact, last week was Gym Styles and I was in pain. Then I do Sagi's Chest & Triceps and it was not nearly as challenging as Gym Styles. But my disclaimer right now is my weight selection. We'll see if next week I get some DOMS.

Also, after watching my husband struggle through Legs I was a little scared. Then I did it this morning, and it was a somewhat challenging workout in parts, but again, easier than Cathe. It definitely had a cardio component when you are doing the front lunge, step up/reverse lunge, single leg deadlift triset. I do my workouts in the morning when my husband is still in bed. I will not let him watch me workout because I can get through the workouts w/out stopping. He can't. He hasn't worked out in years tho so I am very proud of him for deciding to try this--but I know it bothers him that I can complete the workouts and lift heavier than he can. So I never do it in front of him except to show proper form. In fact, that's how I've been reviewing the workouts--correcting my husband's form as he does them (he asked me to since I've been lifting weights for 10+ years).

We'll see how next week goes. I have a lot of "up arrows" on my workout cards (to increase weight next time), so hopefully next week it will really challenge me.

BodyBeast is old school, straight forward lifting. The last rep or two if each set should be HARD - as in, approaching failure. There isn't a huge rep count, so you have to go heavy to make this program effective (different approach than Cathe).
BodyBeast is old school, straight forward lifting. The last rep or two if each set should be HARD - as in, approaching failure. There isn't a huge rep count, so you have to go heavy to make this program effective (different approach than Cathe).

I agree you do not need to go as heavy to get results because much of it is pyramid or dropset style but its super effective along with the super sets giants sets etc... Yes this is old school approach to lifting and hey it does work. I love that you don't need to get special equipment for this. If you do Cathe and have a step bench, risers, BB, assorted dumbells you are set. May be use a pull up bar or use Cathe bands with door attachment to assimilate those. That's it! I don't know about you guys but I had all that and I haven't had to buy a thing, except I could use a new pair of weight lifting gloves but that is all. I think if your on the fence about getting Body Beast I'd say go for it the great price of $39.90 plus shipping is through August so time is running out. After that I think the price will go back up to $89.90 Plus shipping. I know I'm enabling I'm sorry but its a great deal and I thought you guys would appreciate the heads up on that.

Best wishes on reaching all your fitness goals;)

I've just had a notification that my copy arrives tomorrow :) I've guests arriving for the's probably rude to ignore them and get on with BB???;)

Perhaps I'll have to wait until Monday.
I'm really quite stupidly excited.
Lack of soreness

Hi Everyone,

I am just popping in to tell all lifting warriors who reported not being sore:

Remember lack of DOMS does not necessarily mean you did not work hard. neither does it mean your training session was not effective.

Should you wish to increase, feel free to do so.I would for sure.

To jen, thanks for your review on BB. It was relevant and helpful as usual.
Enjoy the pump ladies and gents:):);)
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Thanks for the heads up about the deal only being through August. My birthday is next month and was going to wait until then. Guess I have give myself an early birthday present!
Hi everyone--my post wasn't a criticism of Body Beast. I am actually loving it. I was just surprised because I expected to be sore. I do know what failure is like, which is how I knew I needed to go heavier--thus the "up" arrows I mentioned writing on my workout cards. And like lrusso I have recently finished STS and been doing Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation.

And though I know everyone doesn't get DOMS, I know from 10+ years of lifting weights that when I hit my muscles in new and different ways, I get DOMS; I just do. So I was expecting it--regardless of whether it is old school, new school, better or worse than other programs. I chose Body Beast to do something different--muscle confusion and all that.

Now that I have clarified the reason I posted about it, I have to give an update. DOMS has set in!!!!!! In fact, my 8/26/14 post was the day I did Legs and I was suprised mostly that I didn't have DOMS from doing Chest & Tris the day before and that I didn't have noodle legs after Legs (like I get after Cathe lower body workouts). However, the next day? My legs and glutes were sore everywhere! And even more oddly--as the day progressed, the soreness got worse and popped up in new places! So I am now sufficiently impressed! Then I did Back & Bis yesterday and I love that workout. I did a better job with weight selection and I really felt it. I feel like that is one of the most comprehensive back workouts I've gotten in a long time. Excellent. I do have mild DOMS today from that. This morning was Body Beast Cardio and Abs--I LOVED them! They are a perfect combo. I finished them off with STS Extended Stretch, rounding me out to nearly an hour workout. Tomorrow is Tempo Chest & Tris and Saturday is Shoulders. Then next week I will hit it again with heavier weights. I am following the Lean Rotation (though I will add an extra week to the first phase to make up for this week being a sort of "weight choice preview") so next week I do Legs twice! I'm a little scared again!

Anyway, I am loving these workouts so far. They are fun and even if my muscles aren't burning for hours immediately after the workouts like they do after a Cathe workout, I still feel I got a great workout.
Hi Everyone,

I am just popping in to tell all lifting warriors who reported not being sore:

Remember lack of DOMS does not necessarily mean you did not work hard. neither does it mean your training session was not effective.

Should you wish to increase, feel free to do so.I would for sure.

To jen, thanks for your review on BB. It was relevant and helpful as usual.
Enjoy the pump ladies and gents:):);)

True, DOMS usually happen when you do exercises you are not used to or haven't done in a while. I'm so used to heavy lifting at this point probably nothing could give me much DOMS.

BB is def. a good program!:D
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True, DOMS usually happen when you do exercises you are not used to or haven't done in a while. I'm so used to heavy lifting at this point probably nothing could give me much DOMS.

BB is def. a good program!:D

It is good for sure:):). I bought the program but just can't commit to it at the moment. I am looking forward to getting back to lifting and HEAVY very soon.:D:):)

Enjoy the pump, the blood flowing through the muscles and the sweelling. DOMS will happen when you least expect them.

Is Tempo worth investing in?:rolleyes:
Well, I did it. I just ordered Body Beast. I also went for Piyo and Chalean Extreme. I will start with Chalean extreme and go from there. I hope Piyo will help with my flexibility because I have NONE! Lol. I'm excited for everything to arrive.
Cupcake, I am like you...feeling wiped out and unbelievably hungry! Jen, I used the first week also to figure out the right weights. I definitely went higher on many sets the second time and third time around. Not feeling soreness too much beyond the kind you described after doing Legs the first time. Back and Bis is also my favorite in this first bunch of workouts!

Has anyone tried the bonus P90X cardio workout? I previewed it yesterday and thought it didn't look terribly difficult, certainly not as tough as an hour-long Cathe cardio workout. I'm curious to give it a go.
Cupcake, I am like you...feeling wiped out and unbelievably hungry! Jen, I used the first week also to figure out the right weights. I definitely went higher on many sets the second time and third time around. Not feeling soreness too much beyond the kind you described after doing Legs the first time. Back and Bis is also my favorite in this first bunch of workouts! Has anyone tried the bonus P90X cardio workout? I previewed it yesterday and thought it didn't look terribly difficult, certainly not as tough as an hour-long Cathe cardio workout. I'm curious to give it a go.

The Plyo one from P90X? Yes that's a good one, not as hard as Cathe ( most stuff isn't ) but pretty good. P90X also has a really good Back and Biceps routine!
See idk how you guys aren't sore. I just woke up and I'm sore right now! Lol better get me some chocolate milk!
Hate leg day!!! Hate Cathe leg day..hate Sagi leg day pretty much hate all leg days..but gotta do it:mad: Are guys supposed to do endless lunges..I think not! Really hate leg day:( Would rather load a bar than lunge!!!! Tomorrow back and bi....yeah me:D
Hate leg day!!! Hate Cathe leg day..hate Sagi leg day pretty much hate all leg days..but gotta do it:mad: Are guys supposed to do endless lunges..I think not! Really hate leg day:( Would rather load a bar than lunge!!!! Tomorrow back and bi....yeah me:D


Learn to love leg day for benefits (leg= large muscle it create a metabolic effect, necessary for anabolism and fat burning process) sake:D:D:D
I know it's easily said than done.

I am one of the "weird" people who love love love training legs. In all honesty not for aesthetic benefit. It 's pure fun for me:D:D

Enjoy your back and biceps day:):):cool:

I did Tempo Chest & Tris today. Oh. My. God. I was shaking by the end of it. WOW. That one is the most challenging of the BB workouts I have done so far. Cannot say it is my favorite--but there is no disputing that it does the job! Nathalie--you asked about whether Tempo was worth investing in--YES. Similar to Cathe's Slow and Heavy but IMHO much harder. He does the same exercises as in Build Chest & Tris but to varying slooooow tempos. He also alternates each exercise with core work--the core work is also done to a slow tempo. Not too bad with the traditional ab type work but when he gets you in plank. :confused: Your arms are already shaking from the strength work! PAINFUL.

The funny thing is, I upped my weights on the Tempo workout card to correspond with what I discovered during Build Chest & Tris--that I wasn't lifting heavy enough. After the very first set (actually during...) I dropped to much more conservative weights! You cannot go super heavy in Tempo like you can in the other BB Build workouts. And the burn for hours after the workout that I get with Cathe but not with Sagi so far? Well--I have it today. I am burning.

I am also having to mentally come to terms with less cardio. This is hard for me. I am doing more cardio than the Lean Rotation lays out, but much less than I am accustomed to and it bothers me. I am also doing lots more yoga. I'm trying to do something completely different with Body Beast than what I normally do. Really shock the body. I have to say--week one is not even complete and my arms and shoulders looked ripped this morning. I know a lot of that is probably due to after workout pump but nevertheless I liked to look at it!:p
I am also having to mentally come to terms with less cardio. This is hard for me[/B]. I am doing more cardio than the Lean Rotation lays out, but much less than I am accustomed to and it bothers me. I am also doing lots more yoga. I'm trying to do something completely different with Body Beast than what I normally do. Really shock the body. I have to say--week one is not even complete and my arms and shoulders looked ripped this morning. I know a lot of that is probably due to after workout pump but nevertheless I liked to look at it!:p

Awww so glad you are enjoying doing something different. I know what you mean by decreasing cardio frequency. Try and you will come to terms with the change! You are going to look fabulous. I know you already look very good looking at pictures on FB:):):). So glad you are having fun.

How much is tempo Jen? God:eek::eek: I did promise to myself not to purchase anymore for a while:eek::p
Broke down and bought Tempo. I'm all excited to give it a try. Today is a rest day for me. Going to do some yoga, maybe PiYo Drench. BTW Tom, I love leg day, hurts soo good!!!

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