Biggers breasts anyone??

Okay guys....I'll cancel my butt augmentation surgery since so many people are augmentationaphobic and will hate me based on my appearance. Shoot! I was so looking forward to having a big butt. Dang.

I was even thinking of changing my something like Bertha...then I could call myself "Bertha big butt." Oh well...I thought it would really make me happy and more comfortable with myself.....but I guess my friends really don't care.

Just a thought,
Ha Nancy and Kathryn - I must admit I have that same prejudice as well! I guess we can admit that here!

I realized this with a woman who worked for me. She was very nice wore a suit in the interview and then after being employed for about a week came in with a TIGHT turtleneck. She was a lot bigger than a DDD and was very thin. Anyhow I'll be honest I had a tough time with it (as did many of the other folks). We all knew it shouldn't but it did. I remember she lost a little weight ans horrified she might lose it in her chest. I never know for sure if it was natural but based on family pics and her otherwise small frame I doubt it.

Kathryn I had the same reaction to the Firm - the stepford wives with the boobs.. I just had to find a new work out site.

Other than this I'm very open minded!
Hey Tina. I haven't read all these posts but I wanted to let you know there are women out here who really don't think about their breast size! (Like me for example... but I do want them to look the best they can, whatever size!!) I take what I get and kind of leave it at that! I went through a ton of sizes when I was gaining weight a few years ago (just eating a lot) and so I now look at my boobs as a way to check on how much work I'm putting into my body. I think they're shrinking right now and I'm terribly excited!!!

Just to give you another perspective. ;)
Kathryn, Michele and Robyn-
Thank you, thank you. I really am an open-minded person otherwise. Or at least as open-minded as its reasonable to be. And yes, I also feel strongly about fitness instructors. For me, a fitness instructor is a role model. When I'm doing my Cathe workouts, I'm inspired by how Cathe looks and by her attitude. I just can't follow someone I can't believe in. The stepford instructors just don't do it for me.

The built-in bras don't work for me. They are usually not supportive enough, and I wind up trying to wear my own bra underneath! Not very comfortable. But the clear straps sound interesting. I'll look for them. Thanks.

BTW, I did find something called the "Perfectly Fit" bra by Calvin Klein that is the only strapless bra that has ever fit me. I wore it to my stepson's wedding. I highly recommend it for special occasions. I still wouldn't want to wear it every day though, as my regular bra is more comfortable and more supportive.

I've actually known two people who had breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons (not for reconstructive surgery). One was my dippy ex-sister-in-law. I thought the implants looked ridiculous--they weren't outrageously big, but they were definitely way out of proportion to the rest of her tiny body. The other woman was a temp who worked for my company for a few weeks. Her implants were even bigger, plus she wore tight-fitting, really low-cut shirts that she popped out of. Every day the office joke was guessing how much cleavage and worse this woman would show in her latest outfit. Last month she visited our offices again--she was selling a calendar of photos of herself that were soft-core porn. All the guys in the office were walking around with BIG smiles on their faces while she was there.

It's funny--I have never understood why anyone would want breasts that are hugely out of proportion to their body. I've spent nearly all of my adult life struggling to accept my breast size and not feel embarrassed and humiliated when strange men stare at me on the street or when I get comments from creeps, just because I'm wearing a normal-fitting t-shirt instead of a huge baggy shirt that hides my breasts but makes me look fat. It has had an enormous impact on my self-image and self-confidence, and not in a good way. Why anyone would want that kind of attention is beyond me, but then, I have never experienced the other side of it.

One note: I'm sure I have seen in a catalog somewhere, spaghetti strap camis that have an underwire bra built into them. Can't remember where.

I know what you mean about the FIRM women. It took all I had to get through one of TLT DVD's (Better Burn....Better Butt). Because I had read your post right before that. Tracy's nipples are so off and lopsided that it is really hilarious!

I did the FIRM 15 years ago and I really hated that about them - especially when the remarks were made as you said during push ups, to let your chest touch the floor -

With TLT using the SPRI exercise balls - it looks like they all have those balls in their bra - but much bigger than a 5# ball.

Why is it that their nipples are so off centered? Are they taken off and them replaced during the implant?

I thought Karen Voigt looked much better during her preBA. She looked great when she did Energy Sprint and the Great Weighted Workout.

Here I am a B cup and when I do jumping jacks with a sports bra, it can be uncomfortable for me, especially during certain times of the month. I cannot fathom doing any kind of aerobics with "bigger" limitations.

My 3 cents,
I have way too many friends who have augmented their
breasts, changed their noses, and had major face
lifts (it must be where I live or maybe just my
socio-economic status). It does not change who they are
or their personal values in any way. Some of these
women have muscles and definition I could only dream
of on a good day. The best personal trainer I ever had
augmented her breasts...all I know and care about is
"she was the very best."

This is a touchy subject (as you've noticed) because
my best friend has had this done and their is
absolutely nothing wrong with her or my values for
being her best friend. Heck, she is 5 ft tall and 98
lbs soaking wet and I dare anyone to bench press as
much as her (I certainly can't). My bet is none of you
can (she holds a record). She is an absolutely
gorgeous person inside and out.....I care about the
person best friend. She works out and's her job....not who she truly is as a person....

We should all stop judging people by the way they look's really not a good or productive thing.

Food for thought,
I love my C+ cups. Wouldn't want my breasts any bigger or any smaller. And, at my age they are still very firm thanks to incline chest work.

But, there are many women who just don't like the way they look. I's up to them what they do with their body. It's not up to me to judge.
>But, there are many women who just don't like the way they
>look. I's up to them what they do with their body.
>It's not up to me to judge.

I totally agree. Heck, at my age, I'm just happy my body works;) who cares about anything else.

Well, the fact that I judge people who have augmentation surgery for cosmetic purposes is NOT judging them by the way they look. It's judging them by the choices they make in life. And as far as judging them by the choices they make, I'm just judging them in terms of whether they would be a good friend for me, really, and nothing else. I'm just not sure that I could be friends with someone who can't accept her own perfectly nice small healthy breasts. To me, it can indicate several different things about her personality, none of which I would consider to be good in a friend. Obviously, this would not apply to someone who had some sort of deformity or problem with her breasts.

I've never given my breasts a second thought! I'm an A cup and love it. In fact, after delivering my kids I couldn't wait for those suckers (pardon the pun!) to reduce in size. I'm petite all over, and I just think I look so much better without boobs. I also can't stand wearing a bra, so I'm thankful I'm small enough to go braless without discomfort. I do wear one in public, but as soon as I get home that harness is off!:)
Nice to see how many of us are HAPPILY A cups!

Agree with you Nancy on this one. I feel the same with you about being close with a woman who can't accept what God gave her of course it's different with medical reasons.

Interesting how many of STOPPED doing the firm because of the boob implants! I did for sure!
>Interesting how many of STOPPED doing the firm because of the
>boob implants! I did for sure!

Silly you....and others who stopped Karen Voight because of her implants...You are missing great workouts. I got my first sixpack from Karen Voight's workouts and I could care less whether or not she has boobs......."She is still a great fitness instructor.". If you want to miss out on a sixpack I guess it is your choice....I don't get it.

>Well, the fact that I judge people who have augmentation
>surgery for cosmetic purposes is NOT judging them by the way
>they look. It's judging them by the choices they make in
>life. And as far as judging them by the choices they make,
>I'm just judging them in terms of whether they would be a good
>friend for me, really, and nothing else. I'm just not sure
>that I could be friends with someone who can't accept her own
>perfectly nice small healthy breasts. To me, it can indicate
>several different things about her personality, none of which
>I would consider to be good in a friend. Obviously, this would
>not apply to someone who had some sort of deformity or problem
>with her breasts.

I am so sorry and, I respect you dearly (and I am saying this with due respect), that you will miss out on so many wonderful friendships in your lifetime.... because others have not accepted their own "nice small healthy breasts" and do not "conform" to what you would consider a good thing in their personality as a friend. Hogwash. When you walk a mile in a triple AAA bra....just maybe I will understand and respect what you say. From what I gather, you have absolutely no clue, being as large as you are, what their life is like. I don't in my B+s. Do you? Gosh, to deem them worthy of my friendship (or yours) just by virtue of what they dislike about themselves........???? Is that fair?

Yes, I am very protective when it comes to people I love or my wonderful friends...especially when others have no clue to what they are talking about. Just try spending a month in a triple AAA bra "and not liking youself"..... then come talk to me about wonderful "nice small healthy breasts" and all the attention you got. My best friend told me I shold ask you about all the non-adventures and men you will encounter as a triple AAA. I didn't want to...but i'm humouring her.

I am certainly not saying that being a triple AAA is bad...EVER...I am only saying if a person is uncomfortable with it "no one" ever has the right to challenge them if they should choose to change it. It is their right and they are absolutely "no less of a person or friend for doing so....."

I am an advocate for all women..all shapes, sizes...etc... I believe we all should be accepted, whatever size and shape we are amd if we should change it. ABSOLUTELY, No one has the right to judge us............

With all due respect (I do mean this sincerely),

PS. To my best friend, T....;-) I hope I expressed this okay amd I didn't come off too mean because I really adore Nancy....I just wish she met you because boobs and all I would bet my bottom dollar Nancy would respect you as well if she knew you.;)
I'm very happy being small breasted. However, I got braces on my teeth when I was young. No, I didn't have to have them. It was strictly cosmetic. I don't think anyone views me as having a lack of acceptance of my body based on having my teeth straightened when I was younger. And God did give me those crooked, bucked teeth. Guess I should have just accepted them. NOT!!

I personally don't have a problem with anyone having a breast augmentation, nor do I question their acceptance of what God gave them. Not my business. Heck, most people think I'm a little crazy to ride a bike as much as I do, or work out every day, or watch my eating. They wonder why I'm not happy with my body being like most all of the other women my age.

Guess it's all relative.

Um, I was just going to say here that VS does have the clear strap convertible bras for us D's. I was gonna get one. They look cool. I like their bras but do agree they all make ya a bit "bouncy" and a little too voluptuous for my tastes.

As far as the "built in" bras......underwire on not........they are a total joke. I am not huge breasted (36 D) but those never look right, never fit like a real bra. They always end up being too loose around the back and giving too much. I always end up looking like a HO. I NEVER wear spaghetti straps unless it is over a sports bra during a workout. The only "built in" bra top I have ever purchased was something by Hanes I think, but it just looks like a regular tank. It has great support for workouts.

Those with little boobs........WORSHIP them! I wouldn't mind having big boobs if I could still be "dainty" but I just feel like a football player with boobs! :)

Enjoying the comments...}(
I have come to terms with my booblessness although it took me awhile. I have an enormous rib cage and it's pretty much the same size as my puny chest. If my rib cage was normal, I'd be content but it's huge. Still, i wear clothes well without breasts getting in the way and I am content to be an almost A these days! :)
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
"I am so sorry and, I respect you dearly (and I am saying this with due respect), that you will miss out on so many wonderful friendships in your lifetime...."

First of all, Robin, I hope your statistics are wrong. I don't like to think that there are that many women out there who have undergone this type of major surgery for cosmetic purposes. I hope they aren't "so many" women out there who fit that bill!

"because others have not accepted their own "nice small healthy breasts" and do not "conform" to what you would consider a good thing in their personality as a friend. Hogwash. When you walk a mile in a triple AAA bra....just maybe I will understand and respect what you say. From what I gather, you have absolutely no clue, being as large as you are, what their life is like. I don't in my B+s. Do you? Gosh, to deem them worthy of my friendship (or yours) just by virtue of what they dislike about themselves........???? Is that fair?"

We all have things we dislike about ourselves, but undergoing major surgery in order to change them, to me puts these women in a whole other category. I've seen the surgery on TV and it is major, potentially life-threatening surgery. Do I know what it's like? I can only say that I am supremely confident that I have experienced much worse things than being flat-chested. In addition, I have known many happy, healthy women who have great lives who are pretty darn flat. Just look how many have posted to this thread! That should be evidence enough for you. If you need more, my SIL was beating the men off with a stick before she married my brother, and her chest consists of two "mosquito bites" by her own description, yet she is envied by all who know her.

"Yes, I am very protective when it comes to people I love or my wonderful friends...especially when others have no clue to what they are talking about. Just try spending a month in a triple AAA bra "and not liking youself"..... then come talk to me about wonderful "nice small healthy breasts" and all the attention you got. My best friend told me I shold ask you about all the non-adventures and men you will encounter as a triple AAA. I didn't want to...but i'm humouring her."

I'm not sure what your friend means. My SIL, with her mosquito bites, had boyfriends all her life. I, with my D cups, was never noticed by boys and never had dates. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that being good-looking will get you noticed by boys. But being large-chested does not make you good-looking, anymore than being flat-chested makes you bad-looking.

We all have things about ourselves we would like to change. I would love to have a small waist. But even when I lose weight, my waist still stays big in proportion to the rest of me. Would I consider undergoing major surgery to change that? No. It doesn't interfere with my life. It's just part of my natural human body. I don't need to look like a Barbie doll. I've got a good life and the people who matter to me could care less what size my waist is. And to tell you the truth, if it mattered that much to me, I would sooner go into therapy and try to find out what was wrong with me than have surgery.

"I am certainly not saying that being a triple AAA is bad...EVER...I am only saying if a person is uncomfortable with it "no one" ever has the right to challenge them if they should choose to change it. It is their right and they are absolutely "no less of a person or friend for doing so....."

I am an advocate for all women..all shapes, sizes...etc... I believe we all should be accepted, whatever size and shape we are amd if we should change it. ABSOLUTELY, No one has the right to judge us............

With all due respect (I do mean this sincerely),

PS. To my best friend, T.... I hope I expressed this okay amd I didn't come off too mean because I really adore Nancy....I just wish she met you because boobs and all I would bet my bottom dollar Nancy would respect you as well if she knew you."

And Robin, as far as your friend is concerned, I think you said that she's a model, right? So, her livelihood depends upon her having a perfect Barbie doll figure. We all have to do things for our careers that we might not love. I do think it's different for models, actresses and people who depend upon their looks to earn a living. I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who was very insecure, or who was very superficial. Your friend doesn't sound like she has those characteristics. She just sounds like someone who is trying to make a living like the rest of us.

"I'm very happy being small breasted. However, I got braces on my teeth when I was young. No, I didn't have to have them. It was strictly cosmetic. I don't think anyone views me as having a lack of acceptance of my body based on having my teeth straightened when I was younger. And God did give me those crooked, bucked teeth. Guess I should have just accepted them. NOT!!"

Well, Jeanette, if one could have their breasts permanently augmented by putting a harmless, non-invasive band around them, I for one would say what the heck, go for it, to anyone who was even slightly dissatisfied with their appearance. Guess that can happen. NOT. (Maybe someday).

I've been thinking about why I'm so opinionated on this topic, and I think I can sum it up as follows:

It pains me to see women thinking that their looks are their most important characteristic. It pains me to see women ruining their feet trying to balance on high heels and growing their nails so long that they can't do anything with their hands. It pains me to see women who think that landing the right man is the most important goal in life. Undergoing major surgery just to conform to a Barbie Doll standard to me is the epitomy of these things.

I like to see women being strong and independent and capable. I like to see women who depend upon their brains and their personalities more than their looks to get by in life. I like to see women being self-directed instead of being other-directed. I like to see women who value themselves instead of find fault with themselves.

I'm not sure how to sum this up, so I'll just say this: I like to see women like the woman in allwildgirl's DD's portrait of the "workout woman" on allwildgirl's picturetrail. Strong and proud. Sophie is just a little girl, but I think she's got it right compared to a lot of the grown women out there.

Hope that helps to explain where I'm coming from a bit, Robin. :)


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