Biggers breasts anyone??

>Now, then, I have had some size loss and sagging due to
>child-bearing, and I have considered (and rejected) the
>surgical approach, but that's not because I wouldn't love to
>have a perky set again, it's only because I'm too practical to
>invest that kind of money into something that I'd have to
>upkeep. (Also, I have seen some terrible results on various
>programs and that frightens me.) But I definitely do not judge
>anyone who chooses this path.
>Just my .02.

Me too!
>My point was, and I know I'm not clear sometimes is that there
>is MORE THAN ONE OPTION for treating emotional distress than
>taking medication. Not all depression or all anxiety is a
>chemical imbalance. These disorders can be brought on by
>childhood issues, stress, denial, etc. Some is chemical, yes,
>but not all. There are also degrees of depression, anxiety,
>etc. Not all of it is debilitating but it seems that it is
>becoming more acceptable to prescribe a pill to someone
>complaining they are depressed than it was 30 or 40 years ago.
> Just like it's easier to get have BA surgery.
>The comparision I am trying to make also is that it's what is
>acceptable to one is not acceptable to another. Whether it is
>surgery to alter the body or medication to alter the mood.
>They were both born of scientific research and treatment and
>not natural.
>I hope I would never not accept someone just because they made
>a choice to alter something about themselves because it made
>them feel better about who they are.


Thanks for the clarification. Agreed on all points! :)


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>You know what's interesting, when I breast-fed my second
>child, I had this incredible epiphany about the actual PURPOSE
>of the breast vs. all of the hoopla surrounding it. I remember
>my mother being horrified that I would breast-feed in public,
>and tagging along behind me with a baby blanket which she
>would toss over my shoulder at every opportunity. And I
>remember thinking that it is just stupid, this obsession with
>breasts, considering they do actually have a purpose which has
>somehow been utterly lost.

Breasts are for feeding our children but I feel like my breasts are a part of my sexuality as well. I know I would feel a lot sexier with normal looking breasts instead of when bending over seeing utters. (I hope people know what I mean about the utter thing)

I don't understand why some of you have such strong feelings about plastic surgery...after all no one would even be on this web site posting on this thread if they did not care about THEIR image! I mean good LORD people... you workout because you want to get in better shape, lose weight, gain muscle and definition, have a flat tummy, thinner thighs, smaller butt, lower body fat..etc!!!

Small boobs..big boobs...fake boobs...real boobs..saggy boobs..lifted boobs...who freaking cares??????????????? Does it really freaking matter...what the hell do boobs have to do with someone's soul, a person's inner essence?? Oh gee I forgot...fake boobs makes someone less of a human being, thats right! How stupid of me to not realize that women who have fake boobie things in their bodies are less human in some way than other could I be so stuipd??
As for the elective reconstructive surgery...or those who have had implants because of a deformity...What the heck is the difference?? Implants are implants!! My guess is that most of you know several women who have implants..and you don't even know it! Not everyone gets huge implants!! I hope these women don't tell you they have implants, because then you could not be their friend wonder women don't tell they have had an augmentation.

I am so glad that I know where everyone stands on this board...that way I won't waste my time and energy talking to people.

The comment that one of the poster's made that you would "dislike" someone or not be their friend based on their choice to have elective surgery...WOW!!! that has to be the most judgemental, "Meow..Meow" comment I have ever heard from a "Open minded person"...
Hey can I let you in on a little personal truth...Your not "Open-minded" I think it is time for some self discovery!

Then the other comment that another poster made about a girl that she hired and then realized the girl had huge boobs because she wore a tight turtle neck to work one day...You have to be kidding me??? Maybe the girl really did have huge ones!!! I work with a gal who is huge and she is tiny..maybe a size 0, and she is at least a DDD and her's are not augmented. If she was losing weight and had a BA she would not be worried about losing in her chest....Please!
I lost 60pounds 4 years ago and before I had C breast and now I have barely an B. I had gone down to a size A and it bothered me at first but I came to except it and now I accept what ever size my chest gives me. Now my hips,butt, and thighs are a different story. I wish I could cut those down some.

Everyone is different,so I say do what you feel will make you happy. The important thing is to be happy and accept things you can't change and do all you can for the things you can.

thanks, Candi. This thread really went off, didn't it? I have three sisters who have had breast augmentation. One had none and went froma tiny A to a B and looks amazing. One the only one of us to ever have any to start with, lost wieght and lost her breast and went to a C cup as a filler. She loves them and looks completely natural. My third sister, the large boned one with the booty wnet to a D and it looks great on her. I would love to have breasts but I don't want surgery so I will remain boobless but as I said, I have no rear end and I would look goofy with big bazooms so I am content to remain small breasted and large ribbed. I do want to do laser for wrinkles at some point since my dry dry skin is so lined. I definitely think there is a psycological aspect to getting breasts but if a woman really thinks it would make her feel better, it's great. My MIL is 80, has had two face lifts and just did sculptra and she loves it. Remaining youthful is her top priority and while she does it she seems really happy. She looks amazing at 80. My mom is natural and also looks great but she doesn't know it, which is sad. What's best for you and makes you the best you? I must say I am jealous of the women who managed not to sag. I breast fed and though I always thought small breasted women would be less adversely affected by gravity, I was wrong. I gave my gel bra to my daughter. I quit wearing padded bras since they never look natural and actually dent. I am enjoying just being me. My neighbor just went to a C cup. he looks great. She was talking about having a lower body lift and I found out she had had her stomach stapled. She alos just filled in her sagging skin and she loves it. She says men now talk to her chest but and that must be strange. Men talk to my head and look me in the eye. I don't know if that is good or bad but there it is. :D
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
"On another site, someone posted a picture of a t-shirt:

Front: Who needs bigger t....s
Back: When you've got an @$$ like this

Modelled by a woman with A-cup breast and a fine booty."

Maybe she had ass implants! What a you won't be her friend! That poor little thing!! How will her life ever have any meaning?
>"On another site, someone posted a picture of a t-shirt:
>Front: Who needs bigger t....s
>Back: When you've got an @$$ like this
>Modelled by a woman with A-cup breast and a fine booty."
>Maybe she had ass implants! What a you won't be
>her friend! That poor little thing!! How will her life ever
>have any meaning?


By the way...I've been thinking about those (well only when I do Imax3), next time you see her please ask her who her surgeon is............

lmao @ ass implants. i apologize to anyone who likes the idea but that just came out funny (no pun intended) ;)

Hey Robin...what about my cookie?

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

>lmao @ ass implants. i apologize to anyone who likes the
>idea but that just came out funny (no pun intended) ;)
>Hey Robin...what about my cookie?


Another post well put!! I agree with you completely, and like I said on the other thread, if a person is so shallow and narrow minded as to let somthing superficial like that affect how they feel about a person, I do not want them for a friend anyway. I figure I am not missing out on anything worth while.

Hmmm, Robyn, Is that a foreign object in your belly button??!!! Can't be. You would have had to put a hole in your stomach for that. And the ears too??:eek:
>Robin...LOVE the new picture!! Did you just have that taken
>for our benifit??? Delivery is everything and your timing is
>perfect!:7 :7

Actually, it is an old picture (3 years ago)......My posted pics are more recent. Yep, I dug it up as a fitting tribute to "END" this thread;-)

Well ladies,

Thanks for all the wonderful was interesting to see everyone's opinions. I think it has helped quite a bit in my acceptance department. Maybe if I had a wonderful man who was in love with me I wouldn't care as much but since I'm single and 31 I sometimes feel the pressure thinking I need to perfect something but deep down I know it doesn't matter. Right now maybe I just need to concentrate on myself...and not in a negative way.haha.

Tina, you are perfect as you are and the right man will come along and recognize that. I wish I had a chest like Cathe's with muscles! :)

Robin! You gorgeous thing! Your booty is to die for!
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

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