Barack Obama is President of the United States of America


I just wanted to do a quiet little happy dance while the hubby isn't looking.

(DH voted for McCain and I voted for Obama but I keep it on the down-low.)

*dances with Lainie* :eek: Same situation over here.

Stacey, DLR ended up being a super nice guy. He even invited my mom and I to a show, which was pretty sweet. She was much older than him at the time, I was only 17 and completely uninterested (I never liked Van Halen), and he had plenty o'chicks, so he certainly didn't need us hanging around.

We were staying at the Playboy Club for a week of vacation, and he was passing by while on tour. She met him when he sat himself next to her at the pool. :)
I just want my country back - I am scared that my children will not know what a capitalist socitey and economy is. Unfortunately, the american people spoke and socialism is the direction they voluntarily invited into thier lives.

I am sorry to be so blunt, but that is just plain ignorant. I am a Democrat (and a very left-leaning one at that), but I am not a socialist; Obama is a Democrat, and he is not a socialist either. Please don't be foolish enough to believe the lies spread around during those smear campaigns.
YAY! I'm so excited for our future. I'm excited for the future of my children!!! I was in tears last night. DH and I were holding hands right before they announced that he won. We were both laughing and cheering!

I cried during his speech. Truly, truly a moment I'll never forget.

I saw some pictures of reactions from people from around the globe and I am in awe! Just amazing!

Can I just tell you that I'm going to treasure this picture always?
This is a picture of my husband with Mr. Obama. This was taken when he was in my home town during the time he was running for the U.S. Senate, in October 2004.

We had JUST gotten home from our honeymoon in Mexico. Scott (DH) was sick as a dog but wanted to meet Barack Obama. He just happened to be driving by and saw that he was there. He stopped to see if he could meet him. Barack went to shake Scott's hand but Scott didn't want to get him sick. He said to Mr. Obama that he'd feel terrible if he got him sick. Then DH said to him, "How about we just bump elbows?" He didn't know there would be anyone taking a picture. We later found this picture on the Obama for Illinois website. Then we found out that this picture had been used in some ads and some campaign brochures too. It was even flashed for a quick second on the Today show!! My cousin got one of the brochures in the mail and called us freaking out. :)

We also especially love this picture because it is in our hometown and where I grew up. So special! Last night DH was saying, "I can't believe I bumped elbows with our next President of the United States!" :D

Not only did he bump elbows with him, he made Mr. Obama SMILE! :D

I know a bunch of people who were at the rally last night in Grant Park. I so wish I could have been there!

Dani that is so cool that your husband got to meet our next president. I am so glad that he won:D
Pardon me, but I just don't get when we help those less fortunate than ourselves, we have automatically become socialists!!

I believe that is correct! Personally, I really don't like the whole idea of "spreading the wealth". Why should anyone take from another??? Get off your arse and make your own way! Would be like trick or treating and someone going down the road and taking all the kids bags that are full with candy and giving to the ones that only went to two houses or so and barely have any candy because their little legs are "tiiiirrreeed"...poor little things..pppllleeeaasseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dani, I'm so jealous of your DH's picture with Obama!!! :) :) :)

I'm ecstatic about Obama's impending presidency!! I watched all the coverage and speeches, and McCain sounded like the old, normal, respectable McCain, and Obama was just... wow. I cried like a baby for about an hour watching history unfold.

Something I heard on NPR the other day that made me tear up:

Rosa sat so Martin could walk.
Martin walked so Barack could run.
Barack ran so our children can fly.

Congratulations, USA... now let's get to work!! :)


I and my entire family were so happy when Obama was declared the Presidential Winner.

I literally cried with joy.

And John McCain's concession speech was pure class. I love the way he handled the crowed when some weenies began to boo President-Elect Obama' win.

And on a superficial note, I loved Michelle Obama's dress and cardigan. And I had never -thought of it until I read it. She colour-coordinates her family's dresses.

Obama's little girls are so cute!
Toastythemosty67 -

I believe there are people less fortunate and people that take advantage. I don't want to give handouts and breaks, etc. to the people that take advantage. But some people in our country work more than one job and are very honorable hardworking people. Those are the ones I am talking about.

I agree whole heartedly to not help the people who take take take and don't want to put out the hard work to achieve their own stability.

But there are people in our society that have done everything right. For instance, teachers. They have one of the most honorable professions in our country but their pay and benefits stink. So if my tax dollars have to go to help perhaps a single mother who works as a teacher, I am more than willing to help. Does that make me a socialist?
I just want my country back - I am scared that my children will not know what a capitalist socitey and economy is. Unfortunately, the american people spoke and socialism is the direction they voluntarily invited into thier lives.

I am sure your kids will know what a capitalistic economy is. It is the capitalistic economy that just went in the tank.

The closest thing to socialism we have seen lately is the bailout of the financial industry. And why? Because of the blind belief in pure capitalism and the thought that the open market can police itself. That didn't work that well. Many Republicans voted for the bailout. Are they socialists? I don't think so.

Government, especially the US is always involved, it actively intervenes in the economy, it opens new markets, funds development of new products, fights for global resources like oil, fuels the economy through military spending, etc. This would fit the definition of socialism.

I hope that all those who rant against "socialism" will stand by their convictions and will refuse all and any help by the police, fire department, throw away their library cards, refuse to get highways, streets and parks maintained, return any Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid payments, don't send your kids to public schools and and be totally self-sufficient.
I hope that all those who rant against "socialism" will stand by their convictions and will refuse all and any help by the police, fire department, throw away their library cards, refuse to get highways, streets and parks maintained, return any Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid payments, don't send your kids to public schools and and be totally self-sufficient.

Sounds good to me! Where do I sign-up to opt-out? Oh wait, the government won't let me. :p
So cool!

Wow, Dani, that picture is something to be treasured. :cool:

And it was taken way before the so-called "terrorist fist bump" between Barack and Michelle!!

I'm over the moon about Obama -- and just thrilled that the TV ads from all the candidates (Obama included) are over!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Toastythemosty67 -

I believe there are people less fortunate and people that take advantage. I don't want to give handouts and breaks, etc. to the people that take advantage. But some people in our country work more than one job and are very honorable hardworking people. Those are the ones I am talking about.

I agree whole heartedly to not help the people who take take take and don't want to put out the hard work to achieve their own stability.

But there are people in our society that have done everything right. For instance, teachers. They have one of the most honorable professions in our country but their pay and benefits stink. So if my tax dollars have to go to help perhaps a single mother who works as a teacher, I am more than willing to help. Does that make me a socialist?

ITA that I do not think we should help those who won't help themselves. I think there is a lot of able bodied "dead weight" in this country that the rest of us are struggling to support. They spend more time trying to figure out how to screw the system than to actually put in the effort to work on their own.

However, I disagree a bit on the person who is a teacher getting help. Teachers know what the pay is when they sign on to become a teacher. They also have holidays, weekends, spring break, and summers off. Many make a pretty decent salary with decent/sometimes generous benefits, especially considering all their time off. If a teacher so chooses, there would be sufficient off time to get a part time job to help supplement their income.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-teacher. In fact I have several friends who are teachers (who are very inspiring I might add). I'm just saying that most teachers do it for the love of the job. It's their CHOICE. So, why should a person who chooses to be a teacher get a break? We should all choose our jobs taking into consideration our love for our job along with the financial implications that go along with it.
However, I disagree a bit on the person who is a teacher getting help. Teachers know what the pay is when they sign on to become a teacher. They also have holidays, weekends, spring break, and summers off. Many make a pretty decent salary with decent/sometimes generous benefits, especially considering all their time off. If a teacher so chooses, there would be sufficient off time to get a part time job to help supplement their income.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-teacher. In fact I have several friends who are teachers (who are very inspiring I might add). I'm just saying that most teachers do it for the love of the job. It's their CHOICE. So, why should a person who chooses to be a teacher get a break? We should all choose our jobs taking into consideration our love for our job along with the financial implications that go along with it.

And I have to disagree with that. Teacher may teach because they have a calling and love their jobs, but too many fine teachers leave teaching because the pay does not match the call, and they cannot afford to support their families as teachers - and many companies are realizing just how wonderful these teachers are and luring them away.

We NEED good teachers for our children. I have had the absolute honor of meeting some very fine teachers in my life, both my own and those of my daughters. A good teach inspires and creates enthusiasm and fire and can inspire a student to go far beyond what that student ever thought possible. To tell me that these shapers of our next generation and of our very children do not deserve breaks, and help whenever possible, is a slap in the face to caring parents and good teachers everywhere. I will always stand behind good teachers.

A side note - others obviously feel the same as I live in a very good school district. Our neighbors are able to sell their houses at 2007 rates because of the school district. We have not felt the housing crunch here - yet. It's not because our neighborhood is anything special - a mix of 1500 sq foot houses and 2400 square foot ones - but the school district is rated in the top 100 every year. Our kids get into better colleges because our school is highly rated. Getting into better colleges means better careers, and I don't have to tell you want better careers can do for someone. All because we have some really good teachers. And we would happily pay more in taxes to keep those teachers and the calliber of the school.
Pardon me, but I just don't get when we help those less fortunate than ourselves, we have automatically become socialists!!

When the government takes money from a select group of people to pay for others.

I don't mind helping out those in need but would prefer to choose when and how.
I guess I am confused why the idea of "socialized" medical care is so scary? I've been part of that care while in Italy, and let me tell you, I received the best care of my life. They didn't give a rat's a$$ if I had insurance, had seen them before, etc. They only cared that I needed help and they gave it to me. Oh, and when I needed it, doctors came to visit ME, in the middle of the night, without cost. Wait time? Maybe the 25 minutes it took to drive to my family's home. Cost? Nothing. At the end of the visit, the doctor left the house to pick up my prescription and brought it back. I think we had to pay a few dollars for the prescription.

So perhaps taxes would be higher for EVERYONE, but then EVERYONE would receive the benefits of pretty much free healthcare, not just the "poor." I'll bet the increase in taxes would be less than the amount of money you pay in health insurance and medical care or at least not more. I also feel that even the laziest people on earth don't deserve to die horrible deaths because they can't get healthcare. If we have to pick up a little slack for those people, ok, because I'll feel better knowing that maybe one less person is suffering. There will always be those who take advantage of the system and try to cheat, but there are many, many more that don't. I'd rather make sure the ones who are genuinely trying to live decent lives receive care along with those who supposedly don't deserve it, rather than not allow anybody to get the care they deserve.

Right now every medical procedure, medication, appointment, etc. is dictated by our insurance companies. They can decide at any moment that they don't want to pay for you anymore because you're no longer profitable and drop you on your a$$. How is that even remotely right? I've seen people with very healthy incomes suddenly get into trouble because of one medical issue that had to pay for for years. Why should anybody be told that they have something terribly wrong with them, but they may or may not be approved to see a surgeon about it????!!! Or be denied coverage they've paid for because of a history of health problems? That's completely against the point!

The big insurance and pharm companies have spent a tremendous amount of money trying to scare us into believing socialized medical care is hell on earth. Why? Because with socialized medical care, they are pretty much out of business. And they have the support of more politicians than I can count because they're in on the profits. If you actually ask anybody from these "socialist" countries about their healthcare system, I guarantee you that none of them envy our country's system at all. Everything you've seen on TV about it is a big, fat lie.
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And I have to disagree with that. Teacher may teach because they have a calling and love their jobs, but too many fine teachers leave teaching because the pay does not match the call, and they cannot afford to support their families as teachers - and many companies are realizing just how wonderful these teachers are and luring them away.

We NEED good teachers for our children. I have had the absolute honor of meeting some very fine teachers in my life, both my own and those of my daughters. A good teach inspires and creates enthusiasm and fire and can inspire a student to go far beyond what that student ever thought possible. To tell me that these shapers of our next generation and of our very children do not deserve breaks, and help whenever possible, is a slap in the face to caring parents and good teachers everywhere. I will always stand behind good teachers.

A side note - others obviously feel the same as I live in a very good school district. Our neighbors are able to sell their houses at 2007 rates because of the school district. We have not felt the housing crunch here - yet. It's not because our neighborhood is anything special - a mix of 1500 sq foot houses and 2400 square foot ones - but the school district is rated in the top 100 every year. Our kids get into better colleges because our school is highly rated. Getting into better colleges means better careers, and I don't have to tell you want better careers can do for someone. All because we have some really good teachers. And we would happily pay more in taxes to keep those teachers and the calliber of the school.

Thank you for this post, Christine!

It pains me when I hear people talk about "all the time off" that teachers have. I bring home work nearly every night, definitely every single weekend, many of the holidays, and through a good part of the summer. During the school year, I couldn't take a second job even if I wanted to. It's a shame that anyone would suggest we ought do that just to go on teaching.

I appreciate you recognizing our value.

PS...Dani, very cool photo! :)
The closest thing to socialism we have seen lately is the bailout of the financial industry. And why? Because of the blind belief in pure capitalism and the thought that the open market can police itself. That didn't work that well. Many Republicans voted for the bailout. Are they socialists? I don't think so.

Thank you for this post, Christine!

It pains me when I hear people talk about "all the time off" that teachers have. I bring home work nearly every night, definitely every single weekend, many of the holidays, and through a good part of the summer. During the school year, I couldn't take a second job even if I wanted to. It's a shame that anyone would suggest we ought do that just to go on teaching.

I appreciate you recognizing our value.

PS...Dani, very cool photo! :)

Um Cathy so do I and I don't get all the extra holidays off and summer off.

However....teaching is tough. When I worked out of my home as a SAHM Mom and did lots of volunteer work in the schools, I had nothing but great admiration for teachers and what they do.

About health care. CBS news did a piece on the French health care system. Apparently it is touted as one of the best in the world. No one waits, the doctors seem to care, there is even house calls,and their EMT service is far more educated so they start treatment in the field. What I liked about the piece is that they did explain the downside from both the doctors views and the economic. The doctors at most get paid 50-100K a year. The people pay a whole bunch more a year in taxes. Both of which I thought, well sacrifice for good health care. The thing that was the big red flag....everyone in the piece commented that it would have to change because the system was running a 10-12 billion dollar defecit every year. So the system was wonderful, care was good, even the doctors they talked to seem happy, but the system was on the road to breaking because it was running itself into the ground.

So my question to the Canadians on here who say their care is excellent, what are the costs to you, to the doctors and to the country?
Dorothy, thank you for the kind words. I do just want to point out, though, that we don't really have "summers off." We don't get paid, so the majority of us do work PT or even FT jobs during the summer.

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