50 and over January check in

{{Beth}} Those balls do burst! We all know you are not fat! I am glad you were not hurt!

Well, I feel like I am catching a cold. I didn't feel well all day yesterday, didn't get to work out, and to day I feel like a mac truck ran over me. :confused::( I have to work at the extension office today, so I am not going to try to get a workout in this morning. Hopefully I can come home and rest this afternoon and this will be short lived!! :mad: I am not a good sick person. :mad:

Have a good one ladies!
Jann - NNNNNOOOOO! Hope you feel better soon. Take lots of drugs to keep your symptoms under control.

I did shoulders, back and chest today. followed up with Hard Strikes so I won't get behind. then I did some hoop dancing to learn new tricks. My thumbs are sore.
Jann-- Dont get sick!!! Did you get a flu shot? Go to bed and get some rest!

Sugarfree-- (Sheila?) these names get confusing... I have notice my thumbs acting up too with the extra weight work. I think the pushups do it too. I hope it is not permanent!

No wo today. Too much going on at work! I a keeping my calories under 1200 but I still feel like its too much.
Iron - mom.
Yep, Its still hard for me to remember the names. Sounds like you are doing a great job staying under your calorie goal. If you still feel like you are not doing enough, remember all calories are not created equal. Your body needs nutrition and lots of it. I know you are training for a marathon. It needs healthy fuel for that.

Ok, I noticed something. Under some names, like mine, it says member. Under other names it says Cathelete. What is the difference?
I am like you. Having Sunday as a rest day is not the best for me. Sunday morning is the only time I really have peace and quiet.

Today I will do hard strikes and bi and tri burn I'm hoping they have 2 times avers.

My menu is still under calorie so today I will add more brown rice to my lunch and dinner. But first cinnamon oatmeal before my workout.
Sheila cardio legs is a good calorie burn. I need to invest in a good calorie count watch. I guess they should be mark down by now.

Iron mom the ball bursting aww that must have hurt!! Those titles have to do with the number of posts. I forgot how many you need to move into the next level.

Jann drinks lots of fluids and get better soon. It's so easy to catch something.

Sugar free hoop dancing? I will look for it on YouTube
Ok, I noticed something. Under some names, like mine, it says member. Under other names it says Cathelete. What is the difference?
It's about how many post you have you are a member until you've posted 100 then you become and Catheite. After 300 you are a Cathlete. I think it's like 10,000 before you graduate to a DeCathlete. :)
Morning. There was a cancellation yesterday at my oral surgeons office. I have/had this pea shaped thing on my lower jaw for about a year. It just recently started to change. With my history of cancer(colon and thyroid) I felt I should have it checked out - well. I was there for a consultation and ended up getting a biopsy done. :( I swear I feel like my body has just given up on me!! :(

No workout today. My cold is actually better - yay. Beth I did get a flu shot. My face hurts and I have to admit I am a bit depressed. So I am staying warm today and will get back on the exercise wagon tomorrow. :) I have my class tonight and promised the coordinator I would come in early to help set up.
Thanks for all the get well wishes! :)
Jann I'm praying for you.

You all can call me jazcam if you want. I know if you post with a phone it's hard to see our names.
A good example of hoop dancing is on utube called "hoop dancing to goldfish"
I'm not anywhere near as good as she is.

I did Legs premix 2 today. That hurts so good. Burn Baby burn!. Cathe does not disappoint.
Jann - My goodness, thyroid and colon cancer. You are a walking miracle. I will pray that the lumpy thing is nothing. I am glad you had it checked out. It is crazy what our bodies decide to do to us sometimes. Hope you find out something soon. That stuff is so stressful - not knowing. I'm glad your cold is a little better.
Sorry to be mia. I had/have a bad cold and felt terrible all week. No Cathe dvd's or treadmill for the last week.
Sheila cardio legs is a good calorie burn. I need to invest in a good calorie count watch. I guess they should be mark down by now.

Iron mom the ball bursting aww that must have hurt!! Those titles have to do with the number of posts. I forgot how many you need to move into the next level.

Jann drinks lots of fluids and get better soon. It's so easy to catch something.

Sugar free hoop dancing? I will look for it on YouTube

Well I wasn't able to get the biceps done so I will fit that in today.
Jann - My goodness, thyroid and colon cancer. You are a walking miracle. I will pray that the lumpy thing is nothing. I am glad you had it checked out. It is crazy what our bodies decide to do to us sometimes. Hope you find out something soon. That stuff is so stressful - not knowing. I'm glad your cold is a little better.
Thanks Sheila! I do feel very blessed. Both cancers were contained in the cells of the polyp and nodule and not in my body. I had to have a colon resection done and a thyroidectomy... both were cures! :D
Jann you are a strong woman.

I plan to do biceps plus 100 rep challenge for biceps. Next week I will try to stay on the rotation because I am confusing myself lol
Jann you are a strong woman.

I plan to do biceps plus 100 rep challenge for biceps. Next week I will try to stay on the rotation because I am confusing myself lol

My arms are on FIRE!!! And I only used 15# barbell for 100 rep challenge. It wasn't boring because cathe talks the whole time. My arms are still shaking.

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