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  1. M

    New Baby and New Grandma need advice

    Hi Julie, It took them about 6 months before they were not there all day and most of the night! There is just something about a new baby and especially if the baby is the first grandbaby. Everyone seems to be afraid that the baby is going to like one grandparent more than the other, therefore...
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    New Baby and New Grandma need advice

    Hi Dianne, I don't post here alot either, but I just had to respond to this. DO NOT BE MADE TO FEEL GUILITY BECAUSE YOU HAVE YOUR OWN LIFE!!! I know how it is to be a first time Grandma! You want to love, cherish and bond with that little one, but you also have a life! It is all to easy for...
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    Candi's progress with Ms Fit : }

    Thanks for the tip on the Almonds Candi! Jeez, I was so excited when I saw that MsFit had added Almonds to my menu, but thought surely it was more than 8! In regards to whoever asked about MsFit working with your likes and dislikes in food, I think she will as much as she can. I do not like eggs...
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    Candi's progress with Ms Fit : }

    Candi, Congratulations on your progress with MsFit! Tomorrow will end up my first 2 weeks on Ms Fits program. I like you feel that it has been just the thing for me! I like being told what to eat and in what portions. It takes all of the guess work out of it.I have been at a plateau both in size...
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    6 times a day is TOO many for me

    Candi, Ms Fit has me on 1500 cals a day. I am 52 y/o and 5'7" and 137 Lbs. I think she really does take all of our info into account to come up with our macronutrients. I am on basically the same menu as you only with a little more food. Really it is way more than I have been eating usually. It...
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    Just signed up with MsFit!

    I am signing up with MsFit also. My Omron should be here today or Monday, that is all I am waiting on since I have no idea what my BF% is. I have tried eating clean on my own, but as I understand it, the key is the foods that you eat together. I am very excited and a little scared of what she...
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    Need help from the educated crowd!!!

    Thanks for the reply Maximus. You were one the ones that I hoped would respond! To answer your question, no I have not measured. I really looked slimmer since my the lower part of my stomach is smaller. The reason I really noticed it is that I got out my pants and shorts from last summer and...
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    Need help from the educated crowd!!!

    I have been doing Cathe's workouts for about 4 months now after doing the FIRM for over a year. Here is my problem and I do not know how to fix it or what I am doing wrong. I posted a question to Cathe back in December about being a taller person with long arms and trying to get definition in my...
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    Does this happen to anyone else???

    My favorite that EVERYONE outside of my family says to me is "you are to skinny, if you keep losing weight you are going to blow away" or you are so little you look sick". Ofcourse, these comments are always made by people who are overweight. I do not look sick and I definetly am not...
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    Do you ever just feel doomed?............

    Maybe you are just at a stand still or plateau. I know that I stayed the same weight and size for about 6 months. I also got very discouraged since I was working out hard and eating healthy. I like you wondered why am I doing this! But, I continued and eventually I did start to loose weight...
  11. M

    Cathe? about amount of cardio needed

    Hi Cathe, Just let me start by saying how awesome the new Hardcore Series is! I love it and you and the crew look wonderful!!!!!!! Now for my question. About a month ago I posted a question about arm definition in taller people and you said that I should work hard and heavy every other day...
  12. M

    Your shirt on the "intro" of workouts

    RE: Your shirt on the It shows up white with a slight blue tint on mine. I believe that Cathe said that was a sample that she received when they were designing the shirts. I think that black is the only color it comes in now, but I may be wrong. I ordered the black baby doll tee and it runs...
  13. M

    Ordered HC in January !!!!!

    Just wanted to let everyone who ordered late know that I just received shipping notice on my Hardcores that were ordered January 3rd. They will be here soon!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Kathy:9
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    Dyna Band with Hardcore

    I am patiently waiting (not really) on my Hardcores. I did not order until the first of Jan. My question is this: I did not order the entire series. I ordered Low Max, Muscle Max, Core Max, Gym Style Legs, Back Chest etc. Will I get the Dyna Bands since I did not order all 11 DVD's? I really do...
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    YAYYYYY!!! I got my QuantumView Shipping notice!!

    Hooray!!! to you all. I will have to be content with listening to you all rave about how great (hard) the workouts are since I jumped on the bandwagon late and did not order until January. So can I live vicariously (sp) through you all until I get mine???? Kathy
  16. M

    Did your body change a lot after 40????

    My body did not change after 40 or 45 even it began to change at around 49 when I went into menopause. I gained weight very rapidly and all of it was around my belly and back. But, I was not working out at all. I was very sedentary. On the bright side though, I can tell you that at 52 I am...
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    Cathe ? about taller people and definition

    Thank you so much for the quick response! I am getting the meals and protein as well as the sleep and water. What I am not doing is working hard and heavy every other day. I do it 2x per week and I do alot of cardio. Thank you so much for your advice. I am going to heed it immediately and see...
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    Cathe ? about taller people and definition

    Cathe I am new to your workouts, but must say that I really love them and am anxiously awaiting Hardcore like everyone else. My question is this. Even though I am getting definition in my arms, it is not a great definition if you know what I mean. I have heard before that if you are taller and...
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    Firm vs. Cathe

    Kim, that is what I have been trying to do is add more muscle mass, which I have begun to do. I have been doing the FIRM and following their rotations each month. I have been working out 6 days per week for a year. For the past few weeks I have added an additional upper body circuit with...
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    Firm vs. Cathe

    I am just a posting fool since I found this forum!!! As some of you know I am new to Cathe. I have done the FIRM for a year now, but still do not have the muscle definition that I want nor have I shed the layer of fat covering the muscle. Just a little background on me, I am a 52 y/o grandmother...