Firm vs. Cathe


I am just a posting fool since I found this forum!!! As some of you know I am new to Cathe. I have done the FIRM for a year now, but still do not have the muscle definition that I want nor have I shed the layer of fat covering the muscle. Just a little background on me, I am a 52 y/o grandmother which I am very proud of. I am 5'7" and weigh 137 Lbs. I have lost 43 Lbs. since Feb. I am happy with my weight loss which I acheived through WW, but I still have this stubborn layer of fat that the FIRM has not budged!. I eat clean 80-90% of the time so I do not think it is my diet. To make a long question short (to late) those of you who were doing the FIRM and switched to Cathe did you see improvement in muscles definition and loss of the fat layer and if so how long did it take. Also how much cardio do you do per week? Sorry so long, but just full of questions.
Kathy :7
I was a Firmite, still do them on occassion when I need a lighter workout (sick, surgery recovery, etc.).

It sounds like you need more cardio and you need to make sure you are reaching your target heart rate zone (I think it is 65% to 80%). I THINK the #'s are...220-your age(52) and that is your maximum heart rate. Keep it at 65 to 80 percent of that for at least 20-30 minutes.

I am a cardio junkie so I do cardio 6 days a week. Cathe's best cardios are Interval Max and IMAX II. Both excellent!

Also, Cathe did add a lot of definition to my body.
Hi Kathy ~
You don't mention what you do for weight/resistance training. Lifting weights builds calorie burning muscles (as I'm sure you know!). How many times a week do you weight train your major muscle groups and do you lift to muscle failure? Have you had a body composition test? Your weight seems right in range for your height so I wonder if you might need to add some muscle mass? Just a thought...
~ Kim
You've gotten great advice. I would just like to add that lots of water is really important -- water as water, not as milk/juice/tea, etc. Water throughout the entire day. "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" is an interesting book.

Also, the portions and ratios of your food groups is important, too. If you're not eating enough calories you could be suppressing your metabolism. "Lean Bodies" is another good book. There are many.

Just some ideas. :)

Marla G.
Kim, that is what I have been trying to do is add more muscle mass, which I have begun to do. I have been doing the FIRM and following their rotations each month. I have been working out 6 days per week for a year. For the past few weeks I have added an additional upper body circuit with dropsets and this has increased muscle in my upper body. As to working muscles to fatigue, that is why I am trying Cathe. The FIRM just does not do enough of reps even with heavier weights to work to fatigue. I have been doing that with the drop sets, but would prefer to get it in my workout to begin with. I have not had a body composition test. I am happy with my weight and size (4-6)and have really increased my muscle tone in the last year, but now would like to get more definition and loose that last little layer of fat on my abs. Any suggestions for w/o's to build more muscle mass and definition? I have also started adding more lean protein to my diet and I think this has helped tremendously. Thanks for you advice, I appreciate it.
Hi there. Have you tried the S&H series? That might be exactly what you are looking for. I'm sure there is an excellent rotation for this series somewhere here! :)


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