Candi's progress with Ms Fit : }


Well, I hope I'm not being premature here but I'm so excited!!! I do feel a little "plateau anxiety" already cause that's what I'm used to. I have lost 1% body fat and a couple of pounds after two weeks.

I am wearing my smallest trousers today and they are COMFORTABLE!!!
I have been watching my body very closely and this is my observation. The first week, she had me eating a serving of starchy carbs into my fourth meal. I actually gained a pound and felt like I was retaining a lot of water. Karen told me this would probably happen. It is when we revised my eating and I stopped eating starchy carbs after my second meal that I saw some melting going on. I guess this is in line with philosophy that if you are not expending enough energy to burn the carbs, they will turn in to fat. I know my metabolism slowed way down in my early 40's therefore, I'm not burning the calories off like I used to. My energy level is very high and I'm not craving or hungry.

As far as weights, she has me alternating number of reps per set each week and only doing one body part per week which is a big change for me. Well, I actually do legs two days but separate the front of the legs one day and the back of the legs another day, with a lot of time in between. I suppose this is for longer recovery and muscle growth. I am doing cardio 4 days per week graduating the time by 5 minute increments each week.

I noticed my legs looked smaller this morning so I measured them. I've lost just about 1/4 inch per thigh and last week noticed .5 inch off my waist.

I have another four weeks to go with her on consultations. This is just in time for our vacation to Italy so the timing is just right!
I'll keep you all posted.
That is excellent!! I have been intrigued with Ms. Fit, and have been reading everybody's post on the topic.

That is really great, you are going to be bellissimo in Italy. :)


That is so nice of you to share your experience with Ms. Fit. I know thier are lots of us out thre interested in her program. I am so happy for you on your sucess thus far! Keep it up and keep us posted. :)

Italy! I am so envious:)

Candi, I am so excited for you. Keep it up, Lady, & you will end up contributing to me, once again, significantly lightening my wallet.

Not so fast, Marla. Let's see how I do after the six weeks. If it was worth the $$ for me, I will give you my blessings :).

It has been so difficult for me to make progress, I feel if this works for me, anyone can benefit from Karen's advice and experience. And, of course, Cathe's workouts because I've been using the Pyramids and Slow and Heavy to alternate the weight training and IMAX 1, MIC, KP&C and Low Max for cardio.

But...I do feel hopeful :) That's a change for sure.

Hi Candi -

Please do keep us posted. I am very interested in persuing this vein with Ms Fit.

I've been on a plateau for about a year now. I lost 50 pounds on Atkins. Then about six months ago I became a vegetarian and lost about two more pounds. I gained those two pounds back plus three more (which could be muscle after doing P90X) and just seem to be stuck. About three weeks ago I added fish to my diet just because it seems more healthy for me to get a complete and lean protein in my diet because of working out.

I would love to get updates from you on this program. And have a GREAT time in Italy!!!

Thanks for sharing you're experience with Ms. Fit with us. Congratulations on your progress.

I too am looking at signing up with her in July. I will be 40 in September and would like to make some significant changes that I have been unable to make on my own. Ms. Fit may be just what I need.

Candi, Congratulations on your progress with MsFit! Tomorrow will end up my first 2 weeks on Ms Fits program. I like you feel that it has been just the thing for me! I like being told what to eat and in what portions. It takes all of the guess work out of it.I have been at a plateau both in size of weights and with my weight now for about 7 months. The scale would not budge no matter what I did. I see now that although I was eating what I thought was clean and eating 5-6 times a day, I was not getting enough of calories, protein or carbs! The first week on program I lost 1%BF and 2Lbs! I thought it might just be water weight, but the scale and Omron are still dropping!

Keep up the good work! It feels great doesn't it!
Go, Kathy!!!

Well, looks like we're both headed in the right direction.

And, finally, no guessing games. I'm being told exactly what to do but with enough leeway to make different food choices if I like.

BTW, thank you for your post on the MsFit website regarding those darn almonds. I thanked you out loud when I was reading your post. Maybe you heard me! I was also guessing on what 1/4 oz was. Eight almonds ain't enough but at least I know now its ONLY 8. This is what I do with those buggers that help: I run them under water to make them moist, pat them dry and then roll them in splenda and sprinkle with a little cinnamon. It's a pretty darn good treat :9

Congtratulations on your progress! Can I ask a couple of questions?

What is the address for the Ms Fit site?

Does she ask what food you like (clean type) when she does your nutrition plan? I would have a hard time giving up dairy, especially skim milk!


Deb, is the website address.

Regarding diet, she asked me what I eat in a typical day and then she worked around that. I can tell you she does not like dairy because it's processed.

I think it's a matter of what steps you are willing to take to get the results you want. I miss my fruit, but the results I am getting offset that emotion :)
Thanks for the site and the reply... both fruit and dairy, I give you credit for being able to do this, and I guess your payoff is the results you are seeing. Congratulations!
The sweet potatoes help because I add splenda and cinnamon and it's a treat. I do the same thing to my almonds. I guess you can say I've replaced some of my favories with other things but I sure do miss my apples!
Thanks for the tip on the Almonds Candi! Jeez, I was so excited when I saw that MsFit had added Almonds to my menu, but thought surely it was more than 8! In regards to whoever asked about MsFit working with your likes and dislikes in food, I think she will as much as she can. I do not like eggs at all nor do I like oatmeal. She left both of these out of my food plan. I have Kashi with Soy Milk, 1/2 scoop of whey and 1/8 T Natural PB for breakfast. So she will work with your likes and dislikes as much as possible.

Today finishes up my 2 week on program. If anyone is interested this is how my stats look:
Starting Weight 138 Lbs 22.6% BF
1 week on prog 136 Lbs. 21.6 BF
Today 2 weeks 136.8 Lb 20.8% BF

It is working and I am gaining muscle mass again finally!!!!

Good luck Candi, be seeing you on MsFit board. Do you have a journal there??????


Great job! Man, almost 2% BF reduction!!! Fantastic.

I have not posted on her board yet but intend to eventually. I have been writing things down at home.

I agree with you about Karen working within a person's comfort zone. It appeared she tried to do that for me also.

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