6 times a day is TOO many for me


i ate five small meals today all containing protein and carbs, but good grief! i am stuffed. i was only hungry for two of the meals and i just feel like there is no way this could help me lose weight. so much food.....i only had a couple of bites for each one.....am i doing this right? here is what i ate....please crtique!

breakfast: 2 pieces of whole wheat sugar free toast with 1 TBS peanut butter, i turkey "hot dog" with no filler parts:+ and 1/2 cup peaches

lunch: 1 c brocolli soup with grilled ckn ceaser salad (ff dressing)

snack: tuna fish and pineapple

post w/o protein shake

dinner: ground turkey with okra and a spoon of navy beans
celery durring cooking

that comes to about 1600 calories (and i am over-estimating)

what do you think?



That really doesn't sound too bad, but maybe you should just listen to your body more and eat alittle less. I eat 6 times a day, if not more when I get cravings, but I will go to the frig and eat 2 tsp of cottage cheese and then 30-40 mins later, I will eat some peanuts, etc. Then maybe some yogurt mixed with walnuts, etc. My portions are really tiny at times, but I swear it is really revving up my metabolism.
Anyhow, this is what I ate yesterday....

Breakfast: Kashi High Protein Cereal
Snack: peanuts/half of chocolate protein bar
Lunch: 2 hamburgers (without the bun)
Snack: 2 tsp cottage cheese and 5 chunks of pineapple
Post: Protein Shake
Dinner: Chicken and fresh green beans

I thought this was gonna be a thread that Cathe was going to delete again. I thought you were talking about the nasty nasty...and I was gonna say YES,6 times a day is to much!
bwahahaha Lori! I thought she meant working out...big DUH for me.

Anyway Jess, I agree w/ Charlotte in that you just need to listen to your body. I think small frequent meals are good, but if you are full then you don't have to eat. Either that or eat less at each meal and then you will hit the six, but honestly, I don't think that is a hard and fast rule. Everything needs to be modified to the individual. If it's only 4 or even 7, I don't think the food police will get you :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I have tried and can't do the six small meals a day thing either. It just makes me more conscious of my eating and less conscious about listening to my body. Plus, if I went out I never remembered to take food with me or I was not in a place where I can eat.


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
I'm gonna start following Shelley's diet plan - 50 meals a day, plus tons of cookies. Sounds good to me. And it's obviously working for Shelley. :)

Sounds pretty good.

Ms Fit has me eating like this:

1-1/3 cup Oatmeal and protein powder (two scoops)
2-4 oz chicken and 4 oz sweet potato
3-4 oz turkey and 3/4 cup brown rice
4-4 oz chicken and 4 oz sweet potato
5-5.5 oz talapia, 2 cups broccoli, 1/4 almonds

Approx 1300 calories

No way I was hungry but I was craving something sweet x(
I have to say, I thought the same as Lori:)
I tried not to look at the thread but that side of me made me look!!
Now, why any of you would expect ME to say something dirty, i have NO idea!:eek: :p i would NEVER say anyting inappropriate :)

Candi: so are you supposed to stay away from fruit for the most part?

I think I eat 7 times a day. I'm a vegetarian and I know I probably don't get enough protein, but I need to eat when I get hungry. I probably shouldn't post this, cuz I'm not 100% clean in my eating, as I don't cook (my stove doesn't even work - I know -- gasp...I have no children though)

Here's what I eat (and I'm still hungry - my hubby says there's someting wrong with me)

Post Workout (before breakfast) - Protein drink
Oatmeal yogurt - breakfast
Midmorning Snack - either almonds or pretzels
2nd Midmorning Snack (I eat a late lunch) - Granola bar
Lunch - Salad with cheese and small yougurt
Afternoon Snack - Pear or apple
Dinner - usually 3 slices of low-fat cheese on half a wheat roll, 1/3 serving of baked (low fat) tortilla chips with lots of salsa - sometimes I have vegetarian vegetable soup in place of the chips and a DQ sugar free fudge bar for dessert
After dinner snack - (I can't sleep hungry) - Apple

I would try to eat stuff like Chicken, but I can't swollow it, it grosses me out. I haven't eaten anything like that for MANY years.

Well, this is a trial menu for the first week to see how my body responds. The menu is down to the macronutrient level. I am consuming 150 grams of protein, 83 grams carbs and 25 grams fat. You'll notice I'm getting a lot of starchy carbs from the potato and rice. I don't normally eat starchy carbs but I love sweet potatoes and brown rice so I'm fine with it.

I believe as we go on, she starts adding other foods to see how my body reacts.

Did Ms. Fit tailor the 1300 calorie/day recommendation to your weight and activity level?

I'm just curious because I average 1300 calories/day and keep getting told that's not enough, particularly considering I burn an avg. of 500 calories 5 days a week with Cathe cardio+strength workouts. I'm tall and weigh between 175-185. I had my BMR tested last year with the Body Gem, which turned out to be 1700 cals a day just to lie in bed and breathe, so there's a definite calorie deficit going on.

I'm so confused. Over the past 2 months I've been adding protein calories and watching my macronutrient ratio (~ 40/40/20) and still don't feel like I'm losing fat - neither according to the scale or my clothes.

So I'm trying to work up to about 1700-2000 calories a day to "restart" my metabolism - but I'm afraid I'll start gaining fat!

Erg...so frustrating after losing a ton of weight several years ago. After that I just stopped. I maintained the loss - but cannot seem to get the last 20-30 off.

I thought for sure becoming a bona fide Catheite would do the trick, but even that level of energy output doesn't seem to be helping...


And Jes - I am doing the 6 small meals thing too, and it IS hard. I never thought I would have a hard time *adding* calories, but when you try to increase your "clean" food intake, it gets to be too much of a good thing!

The easiest way to do it is to use protein shakes for at least 2 of the meals. I combine 2 scoops of whey with a cup of fresh or frozen fruit, 1/2 a cup of milk or soy milk or plain yogurt + splenda. They're really quick and easy to make with an immersion blender, and if you pretend they're almost like milkshakes. Oh - sometimes I add ground flaxseed as well.

I think it is a standard first week menu but I think she took some of my information into account to give me only 1300 calories. I am only 5 feet tall and 123 lbs. At 50, I am probably older than you. My metabolism really slowed down about 8 years ago. In her instructions she said the menu or macronutrients outlined were important to see how my body responds to this particular way of eating. Then we would change things up each week.

I truly believe each one of our bodies is unique in the way it processes food and exercise. Some people do better on more calories, some better on less. When I upped my calories, I gained weight but maybe I wasn't eating the proper foods.

I know how frustrating it is x( . I will keep everyone posted on my results. Knowing I'm going to be accountable to Ms Fit and sharing my results with all of you is helping keep me in line. :p

P.S. I'm trying to keep an open mind :)
I eat several meals a day. Breakfast is usually kashi go lean. Snack is a banana. Lunch is low fat wheta bread with chicken lettuce and onions. 10 fat free chips. Snack is yogurt fat free with blue berries. Dinner is usually baked chicken and veggies. Yogurt again for a snack. Now that is on a good day. If I am being bad I have fat free pudding and a few bites of chocolate. I feel so deprived sometimes I do cheat and have a huge muffin! Baked goods are my downfall:(

Thanks Candi -

I agree, we're all different. I'm 37, so I imagine the old "age related metabolism slow down" is also hindering me. Given your height/weight sounds like 1300 calories will be good for you. And it's great to know that if it's not, you'll have help "tweaking."

I considered signing up with Ms Fit, but opted for Global Health and Fitness instead. I wish I'd gone with Ms Fit because I think it's much more personalized and tailored. With GHF I basically got referred to info that was already on the website with a standing offer to email them questions if I needed more support.

At this point, I'm ready to try *anything* - well, except Physique Transformation who recommended a gradual increase to 3000 calories/day over the course of 10 weeks with no cardio. Uh - no Step Blast? No way!!

Do keep us posted!! We'll be watching ;)

Ms Fit has me on 1500 cals a day. I am 52 y/o and 5'7" and 137 Lbs. I think she really does take all of our info into account to come up with our macronutrients. I am on basically the same menu as you only with a little more food. Really it is way more than I have been eating usually. It is really hard to get that much food down that often. But, like you, I am trying to keep an open mind and stick strictly to the program.

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