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  1. M


    do you mean walking lunges? if not, what is a walking squat? how would you do that? walk, squat, walk, squat, like that?
  2. M

    Bootcamp 2

    Yes! I would love love love a Bootcamp 2 and a Bootcamp 3, 4, etc!!! :-) Sam
  3. M

    Music Louder Option

    YES!! Please, please, please include the Music Louder option on the next series. It is THAT important. Bring it back!! :-) :D :-)
  4. M

    Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

    Connie, It so happens I have a tattoo (albeit in a very discreet location - am I still considered an "attention hog"? yeah, okay, whatever) AND I plan on keeping my own name. So what? To each their own. This is just an issue (in addition to many women's issues) that I feel strongly about...
  5. M

    Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

    >> >>If women don't want to take their husband's last >>name, why bother getting married? > >I got married because I love my husband and wanted to make an >official lifelong commitment to him, which has absolutely >nothing to do with either of our names. Exactly sjane! I feel the...
  6. M

    Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

    I think you may be on to something here. I am from Seattle, WA, a very liberal, open-minded, progressive part of the country. However, I am currently living in Oklahoma while my fiance' finishes up his residency and I have yet to meet a woman who has kept her own name after marrying. It is...
  7. M

    Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

    >I have friends who didn't like either one of their last >names. So they just chose a new one that they both liked and >had both of their last names changed to that!! I thought that >was pretty cool. That IS cool! I like it. Sam :-)
  8. M

    Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

    No apology necessary in my book - you are right on the money Nancy. Sam;-)
  9. M

    Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

    >Wendy, > >Why does the woman always take the man's name? Have you ever >thought about it? Why does the man always carry on his family >name but the woman doesn't? It's left over from the days when >woman were considered chattel. The law was so sexist, it >considered a woman to belong...
  10. M

    Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

    Hi Nancy, Yep, you guessed right. I am 36 years old and marriage has never been high on my priority list. This will be my first marriage. I have been independent and self-sufficient for over 15 years now. Getting an education and financially being able to support myself in a comfortable...
  11. M

    Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

    I am getting married this year and plan on keeping my own last name. None of this hyphenated garbage. Although I believe it is a step in the right direction, it doesn't go far enough (unless your husband hyphenates his last name as well). Taking on your husband's last name is antiquated...
  12. M


    Could you send me a copy as well? [email protected] Thank you!!! Sam
  13. M

    O/T Where does everyone live?

    Neat! I know just the area you live in. I used to run on the Burke Gilman trail as well - starting out at Marymoor park in Redmond and heading towards the winery (could never make it quite that far!). It's a great trail. Well, I head back to Seattle tomorrow for the holiday's and we will...
  14. M

    O/T Where does everyone live?

    Well, I have to confess that I am recently TEMPORARILY relocated to Oklahoma while my fiance' finishes up his residency at one of the hospital's here (he's a radiologist). But then we plan to move back to Seattle ASAP. I worked at Boeing and had an apartment in downtown Bellevue near the...
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    O/T Where does everyone live?

    Native Washingtonian here! The Northwest rocks! I was born and raised in Seattle, WA. Home of Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Heart, Jimi Hendrix, Alice and Chains, Microsoft, Starbucks, Nordstrom's,, etc, etc.......but I digress.... Jo - I graduated from Woodinville High school - I noticed...
  16. M

    what is your favorite movie quote???

    Al Pacino in Scarface: "Say hello to my little friend..." }(
  17. M

    What does everyone do for work?

    I'm a computer network engineer currently working on my MBA! No, kids, 1 cat, 1 fiance'. :-)