Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

I was married and took my husband's surname because he wanted me too -- I didn't necessarily want to. But I was young and stupid. Needless to say, that relationship didn't work and I took back my maiden name.
Now I have a fiancee and a daughter -- my daughter has my fiancee's last name and I guess if we ever get married, I'll take his name too, just so I'll have the same last name as my daughter.

No hyphenated names here -- too complicated.

You know what i wonder.......i wonder if it is more common for women to keep their last name in certain regions of the country.? the reason i wonder is that i have never known any woman to keep her last name when she married (all different ages). but my experience is strictly limited to the southern region of the U.S. Anyone know if this is a factor?

>I have friends who didn't like either one of their last
>names. So they just chose a new one that they both liked and
>had both of their last names changed to that!! I thought that
>was pretty cool.

That IS cool! I like it.

Sam :)
I think you may be on to something here. I am from Seattle, WA, a very liberal, open-minded, progressive part of the country. However, I am currently living in Oklahoma while my fiance' finishes up his residency and I have yet to meet a woman who has kept her own name after marrying. It is quite disheartening.

Samantha x(
I did the same thing. (Sarah Jane MaidenName Husband'sLastName) I actually had a woman at work tell me that my name WAS hyphenated, when someone else asked. I told her I'd be happy to show her my driver's license if she didn't believe me. ;-)

I never considered just taking my husband's last name, as my first name is really common, as is his last name. Plus, I didn't see why I had to give up a name I'd had for 23 years, just 'cause we were married. I LIKE my maiden name.

Our kids, though -- #1 is due in 8 weeks! -- will just have his last name. It seemed like a lot for a kid to have to remember, with both. I tried to talk him into just using my maiden name, but no luck so far...
>If women don't want to take their husband's last
>name, why bother getting married?

I got married because I love my husband and wanted to make an official lifelong commitment to him, which has absolutely nothing to do with either of our names.
>>If women don't want to take their husband's last
>>name, why bother getting married?
>I got married because I love my husband and wanted to make an
>official lifelong commitment to him, which has absolutely
>nothing to do with either of our names.

Exactly sjane! I feel the same way. Good for you.

:) :( :(

i seriously have never come across women who kept their own name. i have only seen hyphenated (sp?) ones in hollywood related circles. (magazines, E!, soap operas.. that kind of thing!) makes me sound like a bumpkin since it apparently happens frequently elsewhere. hopefully, some of the other "southern ladies will enlighten me if i'm wrong with my theory-question.

I have not read most of this thread. I only want to pop in to say that I have been there and done that, and know lots of others who kept their names too (outskirts of Berkeley CA) and we all regret it.

We wish we had the same last name as our kids and our family. Who cares if it's the man's or woman's name, you either conform or you don't. When you don't, you are an attention hog and you don't realize it until later, like a tattoo.

My apologies to those with tattoos, those who kept their names and don't regret it, and attention hogs, and also apologies to hogs in general.

:p :p :p ;)
> you either
>conform or you don't. When you don't, you are an attention hog

Gee, Connie1, it isn't like you to say such a mean-spirited thing...I've some to rely on your support and positive posts to other members on the board!

My name is my most personal possesion and I can't understand why wanting to keep it makes me an "attention hog".
It so happens I have a tattoo (albeit in a very discreet location - am I still considered an "attention hog"? yeah, okay, whatever) AND I plan on keeping my own name. So what? To each their own. This is just an issue (in addition to many women's issues) that I feel strongly about. Obviously you did too, at one point. As far as kids are concerned, I am looking forward to raising kids (especially my girls) to see that they have a choice in this matter and they don't have to take on a man's name if they don't want to or because it's "tradition". Like I said in a previous post, it's a silly, antiquated, sexist tradition. It's time for this tradition to go bye bye.

I am joking (hence the smileys) about calling everyone an attention hog! You can't see my face while I'm posting, so I use smileys.

Yes, wives used to be considered the property of their husbands. Today, with property laws changed, are inconsiderate, cruel people now less able to torment their spouses, chidren, etc?

Many "sexist" traditions are often based on truths about human nature, weaknesses on one side or another that are hard to accept. That doesn't mean they are right. But they are not necessarily wrong either. Are women better than men? It's a Catch-22. Just because our tradition uses husbands' and not wives' names doesn't mean it's evil. There are two sexes and we will always have to pick one for this sort of thing.

Along with women being "property" there were also deeper differences in societal expectations that are more subtle to us, but very real. If a man has cruelly taken advantage of his position of responsibility, our sense of justice should react against cruelty itself, not maleness. We all have the chance to unfairly use our liberties. Choosing a name accomplishes less than many people assume. All it really does is reveal personal information to strangers, and thus get attention where it was not necessarily wanted.

As long as my daughters (if I had any) are not ever expected to go into combat, I say, take the man's name.

Unless it's completely silly! Or Polish! I am kidding. Anyone who does not agree with me is a --

is a--

(help me here!)

:p :p :p

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