Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

I kept my last name. My parents died within a month of each other (10 years ago) and I was so traumatized!! I felt like my name was one of the last things I had from them, so I kept it.
I kept my last name, much to the embarassment of my in-laws. Before the wedding, they pressured him to 'make me' change it! There are only two girls left in my family and for other reasons I won't go into, I felt very strongly about keeping my name. It was me! The thought of being called Mrs. X felt really, really odd to me-- I couldn't do it. However, it causes a lot of awkward moments when we in public; I think he's embarassed. . . As for our children (if we have any), they'll take his name.

I hyphenated both names. As time went by I gradually just started using his name. When I filed my tax return two years ago I just used his last name and the IRS let me know that my ssn and name didn't match what SSA had on file. Soooooo I now go by both names again.

Eminenz, my only pet-peeve are those who hyphenate. Truly. I am divorced now but I keep my married name because of vanity . It is cool to me.

I also LOVE Polish names. It keeps me on my toes. I am so proud when I can half-way pronounce them. They have never sounded ugly to me.

I am getting married this year and plan on keeping my own last name. None of this hyphenated garbage. Although I believe it is a step in the right direction, it doesn't go far enough (unless your husband hyphenates his last name as well). Taking on your husband's last name is antiquated, sexist, and outdated. Fortunately, my fiance' is both progressive and liberal in his thinking. Which is why I picked him. I plan on remaining a "Ms." after I'm married as well.

I'm taking the dh's name! good lord, i can't tell you how long i have wanted to be rid of mine! i hate it! always have. in fact, it's so ugly. my new last name will be Prince and that's perfect in my book.

I'm willing to bet that you are at least in your thirties. I haven't met a twenty-something woman who ever mentions the word "sexist" and they could care less whether they are a "Ms.". Am I right? How old are you?
I am a 30-something and I just don't understand why it's so important for so many women to keep their names today (unless it's for a professional/career reason)...I took my DH's name and in no way feel like I have "given up my identity". I believe that who I am comes from inside of me and not from my last name. JMO.

As I posted earlier,I thought about hyphenating my name for my deceased father/in his memory but I feel that is very different from the reason given here for not changing it at all or for hyphenating it.

If someone could explain the other side of this to me, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]

Why does the woman always take the man's name? Have you ever thought about it? Why does the man always carry on his family name but the woman doesn't? It's left over from the days when woman were considered chattel. The law was so sexist, it considered a woman to belong to a man, almost like a piece of property.

Young women today don't remember those times, and may not even have grandmothers anymore who remember those times so much, but less than 100 years ago women didn't even have the right to vote and couldn't own property. I think it is important for us, as women today, not to lose sight of where we come from such a short time ago, and to continue to keep equality uppermost in our minds.

My nieces are the very first generation to face a world where they can do anything they want to. You are probably also that generation. Please don't allow yourself to be ignorant of where you come from, and please don't ever take it for granted. Those of earlier generations fought long and hard for you to enjoy the life you have today. With each generation it gets a little easier. It's very important not to ever go back.
You know, I would rather not to get this thread into political debate because it's about to happen. What I noticed about a lot of women is they don't like to share. Especially the children of the 70's. Can we please just not get political about it because it's just a bomb waiting to happen and I'm not too thrilled about where this is heading. Women can be conservative without having to give up a piece of themselves. I am conservative and I have not given up a piece of myself. Just because I took my husband's last name doesn't make me an idiot, a lap dog, etc.... It makes a lot of things easier. It's easier for the children. I also feel people like you have no respect for people like me. You seem to be very persistent about this subject, Nancy. Maybe being that kind of an attorney is a wrong legal path for you. You should go into another legal path like Women's Rights, etc.
This is a really interesting topic. I am not married yet and I am not sure what I would do but I have this friend from China and she got married. So I asked her what her last name is now. She imformed me that in China women don't take the name of their husbands.

TY, Nancy.

I understand the reason behind it now...though, if I had to do it over again, I'd still take my DH's me a traditional gal.;)

Don't get me wrong though-I AM my own person & my DH does not "rule" over me in the least. I would NOT stand for that one.:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
>Taking on your husband's last name is antiquated, sexist, and

I agree.
There is a male professor in the English department here who changed HIS last name to "her last name his last name," while his wife kept her last name. Pretty cool, I think.

Most women I know have kept their last names. The only problem I see with that is what last name do you give to the children?

The Hispanic tradition of changing a woman's name to "her last name 'de' his last name" very clearly shows the possessive nature ("de"= of) of the name change.
You don't find it sexist that women want their husband to take their last name?? Also, I've always wondered about something....If women don't want to take their husband's last name, why bother getting married? There's something called common in law marriage which I am sure is legal here. When a man and a woman get married, they become each other's property no matter what. If you're not married, you're not each other's property.
I have to apologize. In reading what I wrote, I realize that it sounds like I'm equating taking the husband's name with flying in the face of feminism. That is NOT what I meant to say. I think it is perfectly reasonable for a family to all have the same name, and the husband's name is often a good choice for various reasons. Obviously, this does not make the wife a throw-back to the early nineteen hundreds. I was just trying to answer Wendy's question about the meaning behind it all, because it seemed like she genuinely didn't know. If I had had kids I might even have done the same thing. Sharing a family identity with your kids is important too.
Hi Nancy,
Yep, you guessed right. I am 36 years old and marriage has never been high on my priority list. This will be my first marriage. I have been independent and self-sufficient for over 15 years now. Getting an education and financially being able to support myself in a comfortable manner - without the help of a man, has been my priority ever since I can remember. I am marrying a physician and I'm sure many women would jump at the chance to be referred to as a "Dr.& Mrs. John Doe". Not me. Where am I in that? Where did my identity/name go? And how come a man is referred to as a "Mr." whether he's married or not? And women are either a Miss or a Mrs. Why is it so important to differentiate married women, but not married men??? Think about this stuff people. Don't just blindly follow "tradition" for tradition's sake. Get a backbone. We've come a long way baby, but we've still go work to do. I think 20 years from now it will be the "norm" for women to keep their names, it won't be a question. At least, this is my hope.

>Why does the woman always take the man's name? Have you ever
>thought about it? Why does the man always carry on his family
>name but the woman doesn't? It's left over from the days when
>woman were considered chattel. The law was so sexist, it
>considered a woman to belong to a man, almost like a piece of
>Young women today don't remember those times, and may not even
>have grandmothers anymore who remember those times so much,
>but less than 100 years ago women didn't even have the right
>to vote and couldn't own property. I think it is important
>for us, as women today, not to lose sight of where we come
>from such a short time ago, and to continue to keep equality
>uppermost in our minds.
>My nieces are the very first generation to face a world where
>they can do anything they want to. You are probably also that
>generation. Please don't allow yourself to be ignorant of
>where you come from, and please don't ever take it for
>granted. Those of earlier generations fought long and hard
>for you to enjoy the life you have today. With each generation
>it gets a little easier. It's very important not to ever go

Amen to that, Nancy!! This is exactly my point. I could not live with myself if I switched my name. Fortunatley my fiance' thinks the tradition is equally as silly and outdated as I do. He could care less what "others" think. I love him even more for this!!
I have friends who didn't like either one of their last names. So they just chose a new one that they both liked and had both of their last names changed to that!! I thought that was pretty cool.

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