Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

I changed my middle name to my maiden name (because I love my Lithuanian name and couldn't let go of it) and use DH's last name.

Question for ladies who have kept their maiden name and DH keeps his family name...what name does/will your children use? Is it an "issue" with DH? Just curious.
Whoa-hoooo there, Trigger. Didn't mean to offend. I just don't like the name. Sorry. I do hate the way people butcher it. I am always pleasantly surprised when someone pronounces it correctly who has never met me. Then you know they are either Polish, or married to someone who is Polish. There are some Polish names that sound much nicer than mine. And I feel bad for my daughter who has to learn how to write it and spell it.

My sister-in-law's name is Sandy Brown! (Or, Sandra Brown.) Did you know there is an author by the same name? (Edited for terrible spelling!)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I took on huuby's name and was thrilled to that very special day. But....We use my maiden name when we go out to restaurants because they ask how to spell hubby's about three times and mine, they never ask! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My DH is a true keeper... he was willing to take my maiden name. ;) It was a test... he passed. :) I followed tradition and took his last name. I did rebel against etiquette though... rather than my name consisting of my given name, maiden name, and DH's name... I kept my middle name. Yep, I am a rebel. }(

I've been married almost three years and kept my name. I never considered otherwise, and I'm polite but persistent about correcting people who address me as Mrs. HisName.

i hyphenated. i love my maiden name(oh so selfish me) and don't really care for my husband's kinda boring, lots of people have it, translated horribly from german last name. but together they sound pretty nifty!

now if we both had the last names of our grandmothers....well...lets just say it would be one big really german mess! mundorf-eickhoff, now there is a mouthful!
I took his name when I got married. When I divorced, I didn't want to go back to my maiden name but I didn't want to keep his name either. I planned to take the last name of a dear friend who had passed away (she was like the mother I really should have had) but it is such a taxing process that I never did it....maybe someday. Until then, i'm stuck with his Russian last name that no one gets right even though it's only 5 letters long! :)
This was a toughie for me...It took me a year to change my name. What I finally did was make my maiden name my middle, it was still a part of me. Whatever you decide is perfect for you!
I gladly took my DH's last name. I would get teased in school with my last name, so I was glad to get rid of it. It is the same as a very popular cat food. x(

Besides, I have three brothers that are carrying on the name.

Ha! I had you named Vittles as in Tender Vittles. Or...Lives as in 9-Lives!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Love those also! Actually I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters, so when we would be in school and all together, they would call us the Little Friskie's. My DH is the only guy I dated that didn't ask me "Are you really frisky!" That's when I knew he was a keeper. :)

Good question, Marion! I'm always curious as to how others handle this.
I kept my name when I was married at the age of 45, a no-brainer.

I feel very strongly that a woman is not defined by her marriage to a man and therefore should not change her name. HOWEVER, I don't have a good answer to what to do when you're having kids. My cousin and his wife combined their last names, which were both short, and it worked out. But sometimes that is just not pratical. I think it's a difficult thing. If you combine your names, even if they're short, you kind of lose both family names. If you use one name, you lose the other family name. I'm curious to know how other people have handled this difficult issue.
When my husband and I got married he actually took my surname. Partly an aesthetic thing and partly because I was planning on keeping my own and he didn't want our kids to have to explain why their parents have different names. And you couldn't possibly have hyphenated our names without ridicule:+
I took my ex's last name when we got married... when we got divorced, I kept it because I didn't want to go back to my maiden name and because I thought it would be too confusing for the kids. I did for a brief time consider totally making up a name as my "new identity," but everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

You know what's weird, looking back, the only guys I date consistently are ones whose name I could bear to have. LOL That is so silly considering I probably wouldn't change my name again...

My husband has a very cool-sounding Italian last name and I couldn't wait to use it as my own! I made my maiden name my middle name.
One of the neat things about keeping your own name (apart from avoiding the months-long waiting in line at the Social Security office)is that when there is a junk call and the caller says, "Is Mrs. [DH's name], I can truthfully say, "I'm sorry, there is no one here by that last name," which is usually followed by an apology from the caller, and I get to hang up!
Took my husband's name but wish I'd kept mine especially now that I'm dealing with mid-life identity don't want to know...

but, when my children were small, all their friends called me
Mrs. <insert son or daughter's name) mother!! That always cracked me up. I was Mrs. Ethan's Mother for a long time!!!


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