
P Marie

Hello Everyone,

Which of Cathe's DVDs are best for the behind and saddlebags (if you've got them, I don't need to tell you what they are and where they are located!). I work out regularly with Cathe and eat clean almost all the time and have seen some improvement, but bathing suit season is coming and I'd like to step up my progress. Suggestions?

Thank you!
L&G and KPC DVD may work well for you.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I'd like to add LL to the list. It doesn't have floorwork though. The ankle weight segment in L&G and the floorwork in GS-Legs are awesome for inner/outer thigh work.

I would say any of the kickbox workouts, ones that involve the floor work and the tall step leg presses like legs and glutes, High Step training advanced, Pure Strength legs & abs which is great with both floor and leg presses. Pyramid lower body is good as well. The floor work from PS and HC Legs are some of the best.
Diane Sue
I just finished a S&H rotation in which after doing the legs portion I did the floor work from PLB. The last exercise is outer leg work and I put leg weights on and did each side 3 times. My saddle bags have really gotten better. Also, when I do squats I keep my legs close together.
So how close together do you keep your legs on squats? Is it really helping? I have a terrible problem with saddle bags...not sure if it's fat or hanging skin because I've lost over 100 pounds, so I really need to work this area.
Congrads on losing all that weight. I bet you look fabulous! I keep my feet about 4 to 5 inches apart. It really does help the outer quad and saddlebag area. Also, I really like the floor work in PLB and the GS legs is great with the band. I recommend getting the GS legs if you do not have it. Hope this helps!
Walking squats are fab for the legs/butt. Do your regular lower body workout and then do walking squats until fatigue and you cannot do another one if your life depended on it. Work up to 400. Starting out doing these you will be more likely to finish 50 before keeling over.

Editing to add that good form is essential. Do these squats until fatigue and you can't keep good form anylonger because your muscles are screaming for relief. These are also great core work because you have to keep yourself stable and balanced as you keep moving forward. Starting out place your hands on your hips for added balance but once you get accustomed to these and you can do with with good form (and not use momentum to carry you forward) try doing them with your arms held up straight over your head.
Whoops! I had a brain fart while I was typing that apparently!!

Yes I meant to say walking LUNGES. And to think I didn't even catch that when I edited about using good form. Had cabinet installer's here yesterday so my mind wasn't focused on the task!

Thanks for pointing that out, MsFitness. Walking squats could be interesting to see done!
A walking squat could be done by maybe adding a squat after every lunge while doing walking lunges. Lunge with R leg, squat, lunge with L leg, squat, repeat. Just a suggestion. But walking lunges are hard enough.
Thanks for the info, it helped a lot! I've been keeping my feet shoulder width apart which hasn't done much. I'm going to do the 4 to 5 inches from now on.
I do have GS Legs, although I don't like it because it's hard for me, and it was made harder because I was using a firm box instead of a regular high step (the surface isn't very slip-resistant). Now that I have a high step I will hopefully do GS Legs more often!

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