what is your favorite movie quote???

Bridget Jones Diary (1st movie)

At the very end Bridget (Zellwegger) and Darcy (Firth) are kissing and she stops and says

"Wait a minute - nice boys don't kiss like that" . .

Darcy doesn't miss a beat and says " . .Oh yes they F-g do".

Loved it!
One of my all time favorites is from Christmas Vacation. Towards the end when Chevy Chase is about to lose it he says,

"Halleluiah! Holy Sh*t! Where's the tylenol?"

This cracks me up every time.

"A death mark's not an easy thing to live with." (The Empire Strikes Back)

"Pendejo jerk-off!" (Aliens)

"A saddest thing in life is a wasted talent" A Bronx Tale

"Wow, he's such a gentleman he takes the dishes out of the sink before he piss in it" Quiser from Steel Magnolias (I'm not sure if it's the correct quote but it's very close)

The same as Kathryn's with Chuck Norris. I feel the same way myself if I want someone's opinion. }(

Also, a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste from Steel Magnolias. :)
I love anything from Steel Magnolias.

"Thanks Wiezer, nothing like a good piece of a#s".
Drum (Tom Skerrit) says that at the wedding reception with the armadillo cake.

This one is from "Much Ado About Nothing," and Emma Thompson says
"I am gone, though I am here."

Denzel Washington never looked more handsome than in that film, nor did Ken Branaugh.

Susan G
From Fight Club (genius!):

JACK (Voice Over)
"He had a plan. Maybe you just didn't see it till it hit you between the eyes. (pause) But, it started to make sense... in a Tyler sort of way. No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide."

"Tyler, you are by far the most interesting single-serving friend I've ever met."

From Say Anything:
"I don't want to sell anything, buy anything or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or... process anything sold, bought or processed, or repair anything sold, bought or processed, you know, as a career I don't want to do that. So, uh, my father's in the army, he wants me to join, but I can't work for that corporation, so what I've been doing lately is kickboxing."

Ummm...and a bunch of stuff from Full Metal Jacket that I can't reproduce here :)

This isn't a quote per se, but Woody Harrelson wore a tee-shirt in "The People Vs. Larry Flynt" during a court hearing:

"F*** This Court"

"There's one thing I've learned in all my years: sometimes you gotta say "what the f*ck" and make your move." -- Tom Cruise in Risky Business.

I've lived by this rule a lot the past few years.
Donna - I love that line too! In fact I have that soundbyte as the "Windows Opening" sound on my pc. :)

Editing to clarify - I'm referring to the Princess Bride line!
"Hey Boo" (To Kill a Mocking Bird)

"I ain't comin'down till Atticus agrees to play football with the Methodist" (same movie)

I can't think right off hand but there are several Jimmy Stewart lines that are priceless!

I LOVE old movies!
"I'm your huckleberry"
My name Maximum Dessimus Meridius... father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife.... I will have my vengeance in the life or the next."

What an awesome post! I knew you had to be Texan!

I forgot a couple from one of my favorite movies "Ice Age":

"You're hangin' out with us now, buddy, dignity's got NOTHING to do with it!" (Sid the Sloth)


"I've eaten things that didn't complain this much!" (Diego the Saber Tooth Cat)


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