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  1. Jeren

    Low Carbers Challenge - June 09

    TGIF Ladies! Rhea, how do you like Jillian's "Boost Your Metabolism"? I am loving it. Burns mega calories and I really sweat with this one! Happy Birthday Tracy! You are just getting better and better!!!
  2. Jeren

    Low Carbers Challenge - June 09

    Tracy, I hope you get your new house built soon! I bet you won't know how to act!!!! Ces is 22 now, but he's unemployed. The store he was selling appliances for closed down due to the economy. He can't seem to find work anywhere!
  3. Jeren

    Low Carbers Challenge - June 09

    Tracy, do you still have those fabulous arms? Yep, I'm always working on the lower body. I'll always be a pear, but at least I want to be a small pear! I am LOVING my house! We're having a big stone patio put in soon, and I cannot wait! As for my old workouts (and even the newer ones I...
  4. Jeren

    Low Carbers Challenge--April

    Lita, I think moving has helped me to be less of a pack rat. I don't want to hoard things I don't use! Rhea, you'll have to tell me about the Yoga Booty Ballet. My friend Jodi loves it, but she's a beginner. Does it give YOU a good enough workout? Looks fun!
  5. Jeren

    Low Carbers Challenge--April

    Rhea & Melinda, Jillian's shred workouts are just a nice change for me. All three "levels" (there are 3 levels on the dvd) are under 30 minutes, but you get a lot of intensity in that half hour! Lita, I think Rhea has more workouts now, because I don't keep many anymore. If I don't "click"...
  6. Jeren

    Low Carbers Challenge--April

    Rhea, I think of you everytime I make my cheesecake/pumpkin treat! LOL! I like the Shred workouts, but she has a newer one that I LOVE! It's called something like "Boost Your Metabolism" and it's TOUGH but really works! It's longer -- about 54 minutes. I agree though -- the Shred workouts...
  7. Jeren

    Low Carbers Challenge--April

    Hi ladies! Lita just told me you were all hanging here now! I really do miss you all! Not much new with me - still working on the old hips and tush. I'm doing a lot of the newer Firms and also the Jillian Michael dvds.
  8. Jeren

    Need Advice On Getting My Aging Cat To Eat

    We had the same problem with our aging cat (he also had cancer). Our vet gave us some special canned food and also told us that the stronger the smell of the food, the better the cat would be attracted to it (which is why our cat would eat seafood in his later years but not turkey or beef).
  9. Jeren

    The Firm Cardio Step Mix

    I just did this one last night (haven't done it in ages!). After focusing on Cathe step so much, I thought CSM would be a breeze, but it wasn't! I think this is a great workout -- low impact yet high intensity.
  10. Jeren

    Consistency vs. variety

    Hi Rhea:-) Cathe, I would also love to know the answer to this question since I'm exactly in the same situation as Rhea is.
  11. Jeren

    One fav. of Turbo Jam?

    My favorites are Total Body Blast (from the new "on the ball" series) and Cardio Party 3.
  12. Jeren

    Pennsylvania roll call!!

    I'm here in Middletown, PA -- home of the notorious "Three Mile Island".:o
  13. Jeren

    Size 12/14 to size 0!

    Wow, congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment!!!
  14. Jeren

    Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3?

    I have all the Turbo Jams, and CP3 is my favorite! The music is so motivating that I actually crave this workout. While it is the most intense Turbo Jam, I don't think it's as intense as Cathe's "Kick, Punch & Crunch." However, I've started wearing weighted gloves and that REALLY kicks it up...
  15. Jeren

    KK's May Check In

    Good morning you beautiful ladies! Karen Kay, sorry to hear about your cat. My Chippie has been throwing up almost daily now, and the vet says there isn't much that can be done -- he's old (15) and his digestive system isn't what it used to be. I'm feeding him cat food for "senior" cats...
  16. Jeren

    KK's May Check In

    Good morning ladies,:-) Karen Kay, I hope you had a wonderful anniversary! Congratulations!!!! Geez Jeanette, sounds like you did indeed have a perfect day! By the way, I think I'm the only one I know that hasn't seen "King Kong" yet. My workouts are going well. I'm doing mostly...
  17. Jeren

    TLT Workouts

    I think Tracie's "Endurance in Movement" is the most challenging but it is my least favorite (maybe that's why!). I love Jen's workout though. I have all four, but I find that I can't focus on them because they really seem to irritate my back.
  18. Jeren

    Kick Punch Crunch & Legs & Glutes

    Yes, mine does the same thing. Bummer, huh?
  19. Jeren

    KK's March Rotation

    Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Netta! I missed you ladies -- hope you are all doing well. I read your posts, and you all sure are being loyal to the workouts! After having increased lower back pain (I always have back problems), I decided to lay off the TLTs. I actually bought the...
  20. Jeren

    Found a House???!!!!

    I sure hope you get it Kassia! We've been looking for a home for almost a year now. The market here where we live is crazy. You almost have to make a bid immediately on a house or someone else will. Also, most sellers are getting what they ask for if not more! Anyway, the house sounds...