Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3?


I did a search, but couldn't find anything on this specifically. I'm looking for a new cardio DVD to spice things up and this looked fun. Does anyone have this and could you tell me what the fun factor is as well as how it compares in intensity to one of Cathe's cardio DVD's? Thanks
I have all the Turbo Jams, and CP3 is my favorite! The music is so motivating that I actually crave this workout. While it is the most intense Turbo Jam, I don't think it's as intense as Cathe's "Kick, Punch & Crunch." However, I've started wearing weighted gloves and that REALLY kicks it up a notch. This is a must-have!
I have all the turbo jam's too! I love, love them! The music is awesome and Charlene is so cute :)

I have the weighted gloves too, and let me tell ya, I'm a sweat bucket when I'm done baby doll :)

I love Turbo Jam. Currently my favorite is Punch, Kick & Jam. I use weighted gloves with my Turbo Jam workouts, and find them to be a lot of fun and also a very effective workout. It's all in what you put into it. You can make them as high intensity as you want. I always sweat tons and have a good time while working out at the same time. Intensity wise, I would say they aren't as intense as Cathe, but for variety, I would definitely add them to my workout collection.

I do Cathe, Tae-bo and Turbo-Jam, and I can tell you, my workouts are always fresh and never boring, because I rotate them and therefore keep my workouts fresh. Let us know if you get Turbo Jam, and what you think of them.

I love Cardio Party 3. Like the others have posted you can make it as hard as you want. Wearing the gloves really does take it up a notch. I love the music the moves flow really well with it.
I also like CP2 which is fun but 3 I think it a better workout.
Check out the Ya Yas you might be able to get it in a swap or at a cheaper $$$$.

Thanks for the input, I'm going to try it. I could use something new thrown in and like the fact that I can make it as intense as I want. I feel like I have alot of high intensity stuff, so something medium is great for those days when I don't have 100%. And, I have weighted gloves, so it sounds like I can crank up the intensity if I desire.
This is just my opinion:

Cathe's DVDs are great, they are very sensible. However, I love TJ just to kick it up and let loose while still getting a great workout. Sometimes you just have to have that additional "fun factor" in your life. I do Cathe's when I'm in a more serious mode of body transformation.

I'm 33 and had no idea TJ would be that much fun to look forward to. I can't wait to get the rest of the series I've heard so much about.

Carrie:) :D

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