Search results

  1. C

    P90X strength videos

    Wow, thanks for all the details! It sounds like there are some interesting variations on what I've been doing w/ Cathe's videos. I just ordered the program yesterday and now I can't wait to get it! Which rotation are most of you starting with?
  2. C

    Vote for Cathe on Fit-tv

  3. C

    P90X strength videos

    I've been looking through the posts here and on Video Fitness for a break down on what exercises are in the P90X strength videos. I found something on the Chest & Back tape (mostly pushups and pullups I gathered), but couldn't find anything breaking down the Legs tape or the Shoulders and Arms...
  4. C

    Leg & Glutes-Modification question

    In place of the glute lifts, you could try more bridges with your feet on the step. In another video I have, they do two variations on the standard bridge: in the first, you have your feet together and as you lift up you open your the second, you start with your feet about hip width...
  5. C

    Muscle maintenance

    Cathe and/or educated crowd: What is the best way to maintain mass and definition gains without getting any bigger? With the exception of chest and shoulders, I'm pretty much where I want to be with the rest of my upper body. Should I be hitting those other areas with more endurance work or...
  6. C

    High intensity CTX?

    Sounds perfect to me. Sign me up. Actually, a lot of people have been requesting a series similar to this lately. Anyone listening?;-)
  7. C

    supplements anyone?

    L-glutamine is crucial to recovery and preventing muscle catabolism, especially if you're doing lots of cardio. I've noticed much better results from my weight training and less soreness since I started using it almost a year ago. Also, I take a multi, and I use a scoop of whey protein powder...
  8. C

    How to avoid a flat butt??!!

    Okay, I have a question. I think I know what "chunks" you're referring to, and of course, any muscle can suffer from overdevelopment. My question is, to get a round or "bubble" butt, don't you need a little bit of a shelf? Otherwise, the way I'm picturing it, it's not really round, but more...
  9. C

    Favorite Fitness Magazines...

    Shape annoys me to no end. Skinny fashion models with not a single bulging muscle to be found. But you'll definitely get good info on which hair products or cute gym shorts to purchase. Sorry, had to rant. To answer your question, Oxygen is the only fitness magazine I read these days...
  10. C

    cereal vs. banana

    Fruits are sugar (fructose), so as stated previously, the only real advantage they have over that kind of cereal are the vitamins and minerals they contain. However, not all fruits are created equal. I almost never eat bananas or pineapple (or any high GI fruit)and stick to berries instead...
  11. C

    New here with a question/comment about step height

    Hi Joni. You're right, the others do pale in comparison don't they? When I first started using Cathe, I used an 8" step height. However, I dropped down to 6" and felt less stress on my knees. With the 6" step height, I know I'm still getting an incredibly tough workout...still harder than all...
  12. C

    PUB/PLB, S&H, SS/PP, KP&C/L&G, ME? What next?

    I like the music in PUB/PLB the best. In terms of the actual workout, PUB/PLB is second only to S&H IMHO. PUB and PLB are a little more versatile, though.
  13. C

    HIIT workout

    You're a genius!! Endless variety...I'd never get bored! It could be as long or as short as needed. Who am I kidding. It would never be longer than 30 min. for me, but still soooo much fun to switch it up!
  14. C

    HIIT workout

    I like the idea of an interval(very high intensity) workout in 30 minutes. These days I limit my cardio to 30 min. 3x/wk to make sure I continue to see muscle growth. But I definitely want those 30 min. to pack a punch. Maybe a combo of step, hi-lo and KB intervals would make it fun.
  15. C

    Anyone have luck in toning butt?

    Yep, KPC and kickboxing in general make a big difference. Especially any kind of side kick or back kick. Leg presses are good. I just started L&G, but I could really feel it in the right places, so that one would get my vote for the best lower body tape. All of the above really work the whole...
  16. C


    Yet another benefit of working out at one watching you humiliate yourself.:D I've done that more than a couple of times, usually early in the morning before I'm awake enough to be attempting complicated choreography.
  17. C

    Men (DH) /Workouts

    I think Trevor might be right about lack of motivation or least where my DH is concerned. He works out on his own at the gym, but not with the intensity that is required for Cathe's tapes, or any workout that requires planning and mental focus. I watch him do bicep curls, for...
  18. C

    Imax III and heavy weight training 6 day split

    I love this exactly as Jillybean has broken it down, both for Imax III and the weight series, except w/ the cardio after the weights. I feel like I have less energy to put into lifting, especially heavy lifting, if I've done intense cardio beforehand. If Cathe made this, I would absolutely...
  19. C

    working those saddlebags

    Okay, I did L&G yesterday for the first time. I was sure I'd be in pain today, but I feel good...just that nice, heavy feeling in the legs. It was much harder than I thought it would be, especially the section with the ankle weights. I can see why people are getting results. Debbie, LL is...
  20. C

    working those saddlebags

    Thanks, Aila. I'm doing L&G for the first time today. I watched it last night...yikes! I hope I can walk tomorrow.:-)