Anyone have luck in toning butt?


I'd like to hear from anyone who has REALLY toned thier butt area. Anyone have a real squishy butt and toned it? I'd like to hear from you - what videos did you do? did you run as well? etc?
Why did this make me laugh?! I am cracking up, and yet I would like to hear the about anyone with a sort of flat rear end. Opposite of J-Lo. Anyway to build a heiny?:)
Kickboxing and leg presses on the high step do it for me everytime.

Cathe's PLB, KPC, L&G, Tae Bo and Firm Standing Legs. Do 3 of those a week and you will see a difference quickly.

In the last month I have added running to my workouts and other than the increase in my endurance, I'm not seeing a great change in my legs or butt.

Good luck.

- Shopgirl :)
I'm working my way back to "high and rounder". When my butt is really out of shape, it is low, flat and mushy, and when I'm in the shower, I don't feel the roundness of the butt cheeks.

Right now, it's higher and rounder (I can hold a pencil betwee my butt cheeks without flexing, and I feel the round muscle when I'm in the shower).

At it's best, it was because I did a lot of lower body work from The Firm (leg presses, various types of hover squats, floor work) and I think step aerobics help as well. I find that if I do too much kickboxing vs. step, my but gets flatter (not what I want!) but that may just be me!
Sadly Kathryn, I think I just might be able to hold a pencil UNDER my butt cheeks:p Now what is up with that?!
Yep, KPC and kickboxing in general make a big difference. Especially any kind of side kick or back kick. Leg presses are good. I just started L&G, but I could really feel it in the right places, so that one would get my vote for the best lower body tape. All of the above really work the whole booty, but I feel it most in the upper part (the "shelf" so to speak).

Also, I'm not a runner, so I can't help you there. Although, I have heard that walking on an incline (either on treadmill or hills) works that area.
My butt is the most doomed subunit I own. In much the same way that my DNA blesses me with a flat hard belly I am proud to show anyone who will look, my butt is a shameful ugly abomination I wouldn't want a doctor to look at.

I'm thin, I'm fit, it's better than it's ever been, but it still has soft dimply gross flubbery lumps on it. Maybe 2 or 3 pounds on each side. ACCCCCKK! I am stressing myself out.
i didn't know my post would produce such a reaction.... that discription is hilarious! sadly, though, i agree. my abs are flat and toned, my arms are toned....but when i turn around at look at my back side.....its YUCK< YUCK, YUCK!
I SHUTTER to think what mine would look like if I do all those lunges, step ups, squats ......

ps. I'm not quite sure I get the pencil trick.
Susan C.M.
I've got a dimple on one side. I think mine's kinda cute... :D

I like Lotte Berk's High Round Assets. Really heavy squats will shape up your butt, too, but ya gotta go low...
Well, I really never had a "squishy" one or a flat one to begin with (genetics), but I have definitely improved it's shape with Cathe's strength training workouts! I can't really say which one or ones did the most good, because it was such a gradual thing. I also have good solid muscles back there, which I never had before I started doing Cathe's workouts. I think just doing overall strength training exercises for the glute area helps. It all works!

Hyuck;! Too funny,

i actually like the shape of my fanny-from the side.

Tall box leg presses are critical for me. Lunges and dips.

To me it seems like you can only do so much with what the genetic roulette table gives you. You can make it perky, but not necessarily cute.

I always cringed when i saw Sandahl Bergman's rear sliding down the back of her leg out of her leotard for vol.3 of the Firm. She was in amazing shape and a dancer too. But her rear looked like it had it's own definition of fitness.

I would think that the bodybuilding websites would have info on what to do. Silicone implants, anyone?


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