working those saddlebags


Hi There!

Does anyone have any advice, exercise, secret formula or magic tricks to help the old saddelebag area?

Any help would be appreciated!!!

Karen :<);-)
x( Ditto that.....I have tried everything since I was 12 to get rid of these flour sacks! I recently took up this going to help? I walk endless miles, both on the treadmill and outside with my little boy in the stroller, run up countless hours on the stairmaster, lift weights, take step classes,........need I go on? Is liposuction the only answer? Please tell me no, because my husband says NO plastic surgery of ANY kind! Thanks in advance!
Hi Karen,

My magic trick has been Legs & Glutes twice a week along with high intensity cardio. I have had great results with MIC,KPC and Imax 2 in the same rotation with L&G. I lost an inch on each side of my hips as well as trimming and toning the whole thigh. Good Luck!!

I, too, saw the biggest differnece in my legs when I got L&G's! There is just something about it that helped my VERY stubborn legs to tone up and also get leaner. I can't wait to get healed from an injury so I can get them back to where they were! Grrrrr!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My "trick" is definitely adding floorwork to my workouts at least 4 days a week. I also noticed that when I did the BB rotation (the first BB rotation that Cathe posted with BB using all the BB workouts during the week)that MY results were very "Slim Series" -like! That rotation really seemed to help that area!

You can do it!

I love L&G! I noticed a big difference when I did many leg workouts in a week that included a lot of tall box climbs and floorwork w/a good amount of cardio. My philosophy is that the cardio slims and the weights tone and the repeated working of the area targets it. I know we are told that cannot "target a specific spot" but that is what worked for me :eek:) My rotation basically consists of the Firm and Cathe. These two exercisers allow a good variation of different workouts to make a big difference in that area. I lost many inches around my hips (at two different times in life - once initially and once after injury) and I attribute it to the variation.
RE: You can do it!

Hey....Thanks everyone! As usual.....great advice!

Watch out legs and I come!

RE: You can do it!

Could you possibly post exactly what tapes your rotations consist of? I have all the Firm workouts (except the new tapes that were just released), and I am working on completing my Cathe collection. I would really like a workout that I can incorporate my Firm tapes and Cathe tapes together. I would like to acheive the results you have by losing inches off my hips.

Thank you for your suggestions :)
For those of you seeing good results w/ L&G, are you using the same amount of weight as Cathe or different? Is twice a week necessary, in your opinions, if doing KPC, ME and floorwork from PLB in the same week? Should I replace one of those w/ another L&G?

Hi Kara,

I use the same weights as Cathe. In my rotation I used L&G twice a week without any other leg workout. I did the original workout (not the premixes) and made sure I did some type of kickbox workout at least once. This really worked for me, but I will emphasize that I did a lot of high intensity cardio in that rotation too. Good Luck!!

Aila :)
Thanks, Aila.

I'm doing L&G for the first time today. I watched it last night...yikes! I hope I can walk tomorrow.:)
I love legs and glutes it seems to be helping me tone my legs and I can't wait to try leaner legs, I have heard great things about that one too.

Have a great Easter weekend.

Okay, I did L&G yesterday for the first time. I was sure I'd be in pain today, but I feel good...just that nice, heavy feeling in the legs. It was much harder than I thought it would be, especially the section with the ankle weights. I can see why people are getting results.

Debbie, LL is great, too. I think it will complement L&G well.
Thanks Kara, I can't wait to try out leaner(meaner legs). I sure do like legs and glutes, Cathe has the best work out videos I have ever tried.


When you do your rotation with L&G's and MC, KPC, Imax 2, do you incorporate any upper body at all?
Do both Legs and Glutes and Leaner Legs have floor work? I've always heard that floor work is the best for saddlebags.
Yes Ginger, both have floorwork and both are excellent, challenging workouts. In LL, Cathe uses a weighted Bodybar and in L&G's, she uses ankle weights. I love both!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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