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  1. I

    WORKOUT Thursday 07/15

    Hey Dutchie!:-) This might sound unbelievable, but I think it's your attitude making you actually feel slower. Remember the little engine who could? Maybe if you try a different way of looking at it, you won't be/feel slow. If you think you don't run as well in the morning, you won't. Think...
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    why do the people we love the most hurt us the most?

    RE: why do the people we love the most hurt us the most... Cookie, I actually began to cry reading your message. I know how painful it is to have someone cut you up about something you've worked hard to succeed at. First, I admire you and have a lot of respect for you for putting yourself out...
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    Cool push-up variation

    sounds fun!:7 I've not heard of it until now, thank you, I will have fun trying it out. I've heard of the jump clap push-up, where you push your self up with your arms, clap, repeat 12 times, then follow up with normal pushups for 12. Something to that effect. Anyway, I'll try both.:7 Thank...
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    Say something to get me going again!!! :)

    Thanks, you guys, you all helped. OH, some real comedians in here I tell ya. I laughed right out loud at a couple of these replies. Thank you. Deborah, ha,ha,ha, ha! oh yeah, intensitylisa, the picture is not me, it's one of my fitness idols. I'm not bad, but definately not like that, ha,ha...
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    For In2Aerobics

    This is so Ironic, I had a friend named Lisa on my other posting board. anyway, I am 31 and about 5ft.4 and the picture to the side is my idol, not me, just in case you're wondering. Ha, ha, ha, a lot of people ask me that. Maybe I should change the picture. ANyway, In the spirit of curiosity...
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    Anyone able to tell me what extra risers for a step does for us?

    I know it's beneficial to our body if we can get that far, and I applaud the ones who are there! I wonder what does it do for our body? Thank you. :D
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    Say something to get me going again!!! :)

    I thought I did pretty well at Easter....and I worked out Monday and Tuesday afterward, but skippeed ther rest of the week, lacking motivation, and I need to hear some words to get me going again, please someone help. I was going strong for 3 months. NOw, I feel real tired, I need motivation, or...
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    OMG! How could they be so stupid!!! Thanks for the warning, maybe you can write the company letting them know you have the same issue with a different date and see what they offer you. Who knows. It really makes you think too, I mean a company that would do something like this, just may steal...
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    about these threads and their order...does everyone have alphabetical?

    RE: about these threads and their order...does everyone... Great! Thanks Shelley!:D
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    What gave you better results?

    Sherry, WoW! That's impressive. Okay so I have to comment on a few things from your album. 1.YOU LOOK FABULOUS! 2. what an adorable video library. 3. Your son is such a hottie, Woah.....think I'm going to go back to bed and try to dream about him. Whew, got a cold shower? teehee. Anyway...
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    about these threads and their order...does everyone have alphabetical?

    all the topics appear on my screen in alphabetical order, is there anyway to get them in order by date? or does everyone have theirs in alphabetical order? Maybe I am supposed to ask this under the new suggestion folder, I just don't know. Input please!;)
  12. I

    uncontrolable hunger... and a calorie count site.

    WOW! I must have ahd a lot of caffien when I wrote all that, ha, ha. I'm sorry, I hope nobody took offense to anything I had stated, because I meant no harm. after looking over again what I wrote, I might have been offended by my own words. I was thinking with tongue in cheek I suppose. Sorry...
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    Okay, I punched myself out yesterday

    OMG! I think this thread has jinxed me!!!! I was working out using my weights and when it came to the crossover pulls, I slammed my weights into eachother by mistake and bashed the top of my hand and now there is a lump and a blue mark from bruising, ARGH! It happenened right after reading this...
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    uncontrolable hunger... and a calorie count site.

    RE: I don't think eating is a choice for me after my workou... No, I apologize for any misinformation I may have given, I didn't mean not to eat afterwards, just that you should not be quite hungry afterward. Yes, it's true that you should eat at least within 2 hours after a workout (an intense...
  15. I

    uncontrolable hunger... and a calorie count site.

    Hi SamanthaEve, Just want to let you know, scientifically speaking, that exercise does not make you hungry. Because sustained activity increases your body's production of noradrenaline, a hormone that is a natural appetite suppressant. Intense exercise can increase your body's nonadrenaline to...
  16. I

    Which burns more calories weight training or cardio?

    HI. Just want to let you know, scientifically speaking, that exercise does not make you hungry. Because sustained activity increases your body's production of noradrenaline, a hormone that is a natural appetite suppressant. Intense exercise can increase your body's nonadrenaline to as much as...
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    I can't believe this. It can't be true, someone, please input. Thanks.

    Yeah, that's who it is, Minna Lessig. She is my idol, and in my dreams I look like her, Ha, ha, ha. :D
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    Why do veins "pop"?

    Actually, your both wrong. Because it lacks oxygen, the waste-rich blood that flows through the veins has a deep purplish color. Because the walls of the veins are rather thin, the waste-rich blood is sometimes visible through the skin as a bluish color. Look at your wrist, or hands, or ankles...
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    How did you all do at Easter Dinner and with the candy?

    Well, I couldn't resist the chocolate. Luckily, I recieved only a small box of Godiva in which I ate in one sitting. ARGH! However, I made up for it by sitting at the table with the people who talk the most at dinner making me talk more than I ate, and then my food was cold when I did have a...
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    Which burns more calories weight training or cardio?

    I didn't take the time to read through these replies, so Forgive me if I repeat anyone's opinion. ANyway, here is the deal...Cardio burns more calories technically if you break a sweat. However, lets look at some examples of calorie burning by example and see. Okay, for the sake of comparison...