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  1. M

    So much better

    Hi Fitnik! So glad to hear everything is better. Sometimes we just HAVE to take care of ourselves and let other things fall into place on their own. Can't wait to hear the good news! Michelle in So Cal due 1/6/02
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    Workout Check-In (10/16)

    RE: Workout Check-In (10/16) to Alison <<By the way I meant to ask for those of you who did Circut Max last week do you count it as a weight and cardio or just cardio workout? >> Hi Alison! I don't label my workouts record-keeping purposes, but I do know the day after I do Circuit Max I feel...
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    She has a name!!

    RE: Awwww! LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-01 AT 01:31PM (Est)[p]ALLI! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Olivia! Awwwwwwwww! I just couldn't pick it because it rhymes with my last name (Olivia Villa is pretty mean to do to a kid! LOL!). How sweet and exciting! Michelle in So Cal due 1/6/02
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    Had ultrasound today and.......

    Alli! How wonderful! I assume all looked a-ok on that little girl! :) Hope you are well! Haven't heard much from you lately. :) Michelle in So Cal due 1/6/02
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    Had ultrasound today and.......

    Alli! How wonderful! I assume all looked a-ok on that little girl! :) Hope you are well! Haven't heard much from you lately. :) Michelle in So Cal due 1/6/02
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    Workout Check-In (10/16)

    Hi Erika and Renae! WTG, gals, on the GREAT workouts! We're doing it! :D I did CRUNCH Yoga Mama today~ felt good to get all stretched out. :) Renae, ENJOY SBHT as long as possible... OH, how I miss that one! The abs, of course, but even table and lying leg work have been out for me for a...
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    Workout Check-In (10/16)

    Where are all the fit mamas?! Come on, gals~ inspire us ALL with your courageous acts of fitness! :-jumpy I got back from San Fran Sunday, but I just today did my first workout since my return. Sunday, I had to get up at 4am to be at SFO the required 2 hours before my departure, so needless...
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    My first Cathe tape!

    WTG, Gina! I love Circuit Max, too! It never ends, does it?! :o Wishing you a 2nd trimester full of energy! :D Michelle in So Cal due 1/6/02
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    Do any of you get this?

    <<While I believe that most people who have advice for pregnant women are well-intentioned, many have obsolete information--often women who have not been pregnant for years and years>> I agree with the above! And yes, I get it all the time, too. Just carrying something, and someone will tell...
  10. M

    Baby Sam is here!!

    RE: Congrats Lynn! So happy for you Lynn! Thank you for sharing your story; although you didn't have the easiest labor, it was great to hear how far your fitness carried you! What an inspiration. LOVE the name Sam! I'm sure he's a cutie! :D Michelle in So Cal due 1/6/02
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    Workout Check-In (10/10)

    RE: Workout Check-In (10/10) to Erika WTG, Erika! You are hitting it hard! :D Hey, I UNDERSTAND~ I NEVER want to get up in the am! It's hard enough getting up to get my son off to school on time... LOL! :-rollen Whenever you do it is great, as long as you do it, right? I notice, too...
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    Workout Check-In (10/10)

    RE: Workout Check-In (10/10) to Marisol Hi Marisol! Hey, every pregnancy is different, so don't feel badly! You are almost in your 3rd trimester. Honestly, I feel blessed that I feel so darn good; I don't know many other expectant moms who are as active as I (excluding the ladies here, of...
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    Workout Check-In (10/10)

    Hey fit mamas! How are we all today?! :D I did Circuit Max yesterday, and I just finished FIRM Cardio... YAHOOOOOOOOO! My shoulders are VERY VERY awake right now! LOL! :-wow I worked out with my SIL, and I'm so glad... if we hadn't planned a workout today, I know I'd have done yoga or...
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    It's a .....

    Oh, CONGRATULATIONS! So glad it went <relatively> well and you are both fine. :D Hmmm.... I wish I knew how to post a pic here! LOL! I'd love to see the little angel. Please keep us posted on Justin's progress and your recovery! Michelle in So Cal due 1/6/02
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    Workout Check-In (10/8)

    WTG, Alison and Juju! Juju, post a workout check-in ANYTIME... We all need each other to keep on going here! :-cool I haven't posted because i haven't worked out! LOL! I was struck by a NASTY NASTY cold this weekend... and I'm just feeling human today, so I will be doing Circuit Max a...
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    breathing while pushing

    RE: pushing Hi Beth! I'm sort of late in responding here... After I read about this on the forum a while back, I talked to my doc about it. He admitted that he always encourages the purple pushing, but that I could do as I wish~ the toughest obstacle is often the nurse in the room, who will...
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    Workout Check-In (10/4)

    RE: Workout Check-In (10/4) to Juju Hey Juju~ I agree with Erika; the first trimester IS the toughest, so ANY THING YOU DO is worth celebrating! I averaged MAYBE 1 w/o a WEEK in my first... and when the 2nd came along, I was feeling well again. Just do YOUR best, and listen to your body...
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    Workout Check-In (10/4)

    RE: Workout Check-In (10/4) to Erika Erika! You are ROCKING, girl! WTG! :D I know, any little activity sure helps... Thurs was my last w/o, as I got hit with a NASTY cold, so I'm just feeling human today, and I can't WAIT to do Circuit Max in a little bit! :-jumpy Keep posting your...
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    Workout Check-In (10/4)

    RE: OK, here's mine to Renae All RIGHT, Renae! WTG! I'm relatively new to Cathe, so I don't have Step Fit... but it sounds like i should! LOL! Actually, for Xmas, my gift(s) will be the new step (the grey/black one) and SEVERAL of her DVDs! YAHOOOOOO! Can't wait. It'll be the best thing...
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    Workout Check-In (10/4)

    Heeeeeeeey mamas! How is everyone? :D I just finished Cathe Step Works... WOW! It was so fun! :-jumpy I REALLY like this workout. Of COURSE I had to modify (seg 3, with the side lunges and the turns, I did mostly on the floor), but it still was great! I did Segment 1 on the 6" but went...