Workout Check-In (10/10)

Hey fit mamas! How are we all today?! :D

I did Circuit Max yesterday, and I just finished FIRM Cardio... YAHOOOOOOOOO! My shoulders are VERY VERY awake right now! LOL! :-wow

I worked out with my SIL, and I'm so glad... if we hadn't planned a workout today, I know I'd have done yoga or something more mellow. But now I have two GREAT workouts down for the week. I know my working out (along with my prenantals) helped me recover from my weekend cold very quickly! :)

I'll be in San Fran for a business meeting the rest of the week/weekend... I'll be walking around Fisherman's Wharf tomorrow, so that'll be some activity, at least. I'll be ready to hit it hard Monday, though, and I hope you all will, too! :7

Have a great week!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
Hi Ladies,
Way to go Michelle I have to admit I am a little jealous of your energy but none the less I am happy for you
I have to tell you I am feeling so depressed.
I have caught a cold and feel horrible but the worst part is that I do not have that second trimester energy everyone talks about I am totally exhausted all the time this is my 3rd pregnancy and I am 24 weeks today I have not worked out in 2 weeks and I don't know where to start
I am hoping and praying I will get energy again soooooon.

DUE 1/29/01
Hi everyone.
I have had a hard time getting up to work out these days. Ever since becoming pregnant I want more sleep. I have to work out in the morning or I lose my motivation. I did get up by telling myself I could nap later with my son. It usually gets me going.
Anyway, today I went to the gym and rode the stationary bike on hills for 20 min. and then did a slow run for 15 min. plus wu and cd. I also did CTX chest and back. I always feel better once I am up and at it.
Michelle-have fun in San Francisco. Your body and esp. calves and shins should get some great walking on those hills. Would love to go back there!
RE: Workout Check-In (10/10) to Marisol

Hi Marisol! Hey, every pregnancy is different, so don't feel badly! You are almost in your 3rd trimester. Honestly, I feel blessed that I feel so darn good; I don't know many other expectant moms who are as active as I (excluding the ladies here, of course). :)

I had a cold last week, too, and it was the worst! I didn't do a darn thing, and that is fine. Needed to recover.

See if you can go for a quick walk or do a yoga tape~ you might be surprised at the energy you GET from a workout. Have you talked to your doctor about your low energy? Maybe there is a reason... Do you take prenatals? Are you getting enough nutrients?

Take care, and keep us posted.

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Workout Check-In (10/10) to Erika

WTG, Erika! You are hitting it hard! :D

Hey, I UNDERSTAND~ I NEVER want to get up in the am! It's hard enough getting up to get my son off to school on time... LOL! :-rollen

Whenever you do it is great, as long as you do it, right? I notice, too, that the earlier I get it done, the more likely it is to GET done. I usually start around 815am, when my son and hub leave.

Keep it up!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
A little late...

I didn't see this yesterday, so I'll go ahead and post my workout for Wednesday here!

I did Circuit Max, too, Michelle! How funny. I just love that workout. I had to modify it of course, took out most of the impact and just took it down a notch in general--that workout kicks my butt even when I'm NOT pregnant, so I knew I had to modify!!

Michelle, I live near San Francisco (in Farifield). Enjoy your weekend; you will definitely get lots of exercise from all that walking--but of course you'll probably counteract it by eating all that yummy sourdough bread, clam chowder, and Ghiardhelli's chocolate!

RE: Workout Check-In (10/10) to Marisol

actually I do walk but i guess when you are used to Ms. cathe walking just does'nt seem to be enough.
I am taking my prenatals and I believe I am eating well.
I just have very little energy I have alot going on from my 2 kids 10 and 4 and also we are under construction and with alot of the functions in my church my husband and I run a youth program at our church so I guess I am wiped out.
Not to mention I barely sleep at night in between bathroom runs and baby moving almost impossinle.
But I guess I just have to try daily to workout
RE: A little late...

Iam also late so I will join you Renae on the check in. Actually, I was so sick and so exhausted yesterday (not to mention a little sore from MIS on Tues) that I couldn't find the strength to workout. Today, I somehow managed to run/walk for 50 minutes on the treadmill though so I feel good about that. I forgot how awful the sickness and fatigue is in the first trimester!

Michelle, have a great time in SanFrancisco! It's one of my most favorite cities. Im sure you are going to have a wonderful time.

Marisol, with 2 kids already I can totally see why you are so tired! Sometimes I think the fatigue, sickness and aches and pains of pregnancy are just our bodies ways of making us slow down a bit. I try to remind myself of that all the time lately :-tired Also, I bet you are getting a pretty decent workout walking now.

I'm very impressed that you both did Circut Max. Weights have been getting really hard for me and I haven't had the courage to bring that one out for some reason. I do Power Hour and MIS but I take alot of rests in between the body parts. I think MIS took me 1 hour and 45 mins this week LOL.

Keep up the good work everyone!

Edd 6/3/02

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