Baby Sam is here!!



Hi everybody!
Just wanted to let you all know that Samuel John arrived October 7th.. He weighed 7 lbs, 11 oz, and was 22 1/2 inches long.

Unfortunately, he had to spend the last week in the hospital getting megadosed w/ antibiotics due to some tests that showed he may have had some sort of infection. The good news is that all is clear now and he is as healthy as can be and home with us now.

I also wanted to share my labor/delivery experience with you all to let you know how much "being fit" helped as far as the whole experience: I had a pretty yucky time of it--Sam was born face up, ended up being stuck in my pelvis, and my epidural never kicked in. After 2 1/2 hours of pushing, and the doctor having to use forceps, he was finally able to be born.
After it was all over,the doc told me that if I hadn't of had so much endurance and was so fit and strong, he would have had to have done a C-section...
So thanks, Cathe, for helping me stay healthy and strong to get through the experience. It was great to see how being fit really paid off!!
In the meantime, I am immensely enjoying being a new mom and bonding w/ Sam.

Best wishes to you all..
Congratulations, Lynn!

That's wonderful news, and you're an inspiration to all of us fit future moms!
Yeaaaah Lynn!

Sooo happy for you.:7 Give Sam a big hug from all his "Aunts" here. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us. All your hard work with your vids paid off BIG TIME!! Congratulations!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Congratulations on your new little family addition. So happy to hear that Sam is all better and home bonding with you. You sound like one fit mama too. I'm impressed with your ability to endure all that you went through. Love and hugs to the whole family!
Congrats Lynn!

....and welcome Baby Sam!

Wow, it sure sounds like he gave you a time, didn't he?? Well, thanks to all your hard work and a little help from Cathe, you pulled it off--GREAT JOB!!! I'll be sure to tell your story to anyone who claims that exercising in general and/or during pregnancy doesn't make any difference during labor and delivery!

Enjoy your new baby!!

RE: Congrats Lynn!

So happy for you Lynn! Thank you for sharing your story; although you didn't have the easiest labor, it was great to hear how far your fitness carried you! What an inspiration.

LOVE the name Sam! I'm sure he's a cutie! :D

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02

Wow, that sounds like a difficult labor. Congratulations on making it through and having a healthy baby to show for it. Glad everything worked out okay for both of you. Good luck!



I can't beleive it! You and I had almost the same experience. I had started leaking fluid on 10/02 and went to the hospital, fortunately my doctor was already there ( it was a scheduled hospital day for him). When he examined me I was still only 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, the same as I had been for the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy.

He decided to administer this medication that was suppose to help dilate my cervix, the bad side was it had stay in place for 12 hours and I was restricted to bed.

As time went on, my contractions became longer, stronger and closer together, and were 2 minutes apart for about 12 hours, but even with the medication to dilate my cervix I never went beyond 2-3 cm and 50% effaced.

Needless to say, after 12 hours of those contractions and not making any progress (which is really discouraging) I finally asked for the epidural, which my doctor was hoping might relax me and help me to progress. But the epidural only worked on the left side, I was still feeling the force of the contractions on my right side, so they tried to adjust the cathered(sp?) with no luck. So they called in someone else and had them completely redo the epidural, on the bases that if the epidural did no help me progress then they would just use it to perform the c-section.

Of course I didn't make any progress, and at this time they finally determined that the baby was trying to come down face up, but could not make it passed +1 station. He was hung up on my right side. So my doctor decided to do the c-section, because he didn't really feel as though there was any chance that I was going to make any further progress.

In the mean time my epidural started to wear off and the contractions were back in my right side. When they took me to the OR finally they tried to cap off the epidural to perform the c-section, but it didn't work I was feeling everything. So the had to remove the epidural and do a spinal tap instead. Unfortunately for me anesthia makes me sick, so there I was throwing up on the operating table as they delivered my son.

But in the end we are both doing great. I actually can't wait to be allowed to start working out again, in the meantime I have been taking Justin for 1 1/2 mile walks each day since he was a week old.

Hopefully it will go better next time! Did you really feel your contractions in your back, since the baby was face up? I did.

Well anyway, congratulations to you. I am happy that Sam is now home and doing well. Best wishes to both of you. Keep me posted.

Congratulations Lynn!
Very glad you made it through your tough labor! I bet your little guy is so sweet and I'm sure it feels so good to finally have him home with you. Try to get lots of rest!
Congratulations! I'm sorry little Sam had a tough time at first but what great news it is to hear he's happy, healthy and at home.

I are one fitmamma! Congrats to you on being able to endure so much. much did little Sam weigh and how long was he?

Enjoy your new baby :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
What an ordeal!!

Hi Linda-
I can't believe what an experience you had!! It is definitely funny how similiar our experiences were.. Its just awful when the epidural doesn't kick in, isn't it..Just one great big pain relief "tease"!!!
Yes I felt all of the contractions in my back as well.. wasn't prepared for that, very wicked!
Its funny, though.. the memory of the pain does fade!
I can't believe you are already walking again!! You are my hero!
At this point, (I have a 3rd degree + episiotomy) I kind of cringe even thinking about a stroll around the block!!
I am looking forward to getting back to exercising again.. Once I get the O.K. from the doc I'm booting up Cathe's newest videos. I have had them since July and haven't done them yet.. Have been saving them for the "post baby" regimen.

Good luck and will look forward to hearing your tales as the unfold!

Hi Alli-
"Mighty Sampson" weighed in at 7 lbs 11 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long. Dad is relatively tall so he definitely got that part of the gene pool!
His hands are feet are big too.. we did the ink on his feet thing on his hospital certificate and they totally go out of the little frames.

Thanks for asking!
Congratulations Lynn! What a wonderful blessing. Im so very happy for you :) Take extra good care of yourself. I also had a grade 4 tear + episiotomy with my first son so I know how you are feeling. Give yourself plenty of time to heal and just enjoy every precious minute with that sweet little one.


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