It's a .....


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-01 AT 12:01PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-01 AT 12:00 PM (Est)[/font]

Boy!! Justin Parker, born on 10/03/01 at 1:42 am. 5 lbs 14 ozs and 19 1/2 inches. After 24 hours from the onset of labor(14 hours of hard labor) he was delivered by c-section. He had decided that he wanted to enter the world face up instead of the normal face down, but unfortunately he could not fit that way. Both he and I are doing fine.

I wanted to add a picture, but I didn't know how so if anyone can tell me how I will gladly post one. Thanks!

Congratulations! Wonderful news and much love, luck and happiness to your newly extended family! Get some well deserved sleep (when you can ;-)).
Congratulations on your little one. What a blessing! I love the name you picked as well :) Enjoy every minute you can. Those little ones are so precious :)


Welcome Justin Parker! (Love his name too!) So glad both of you are doing fine. He's a tiny one! Hope you can post a pix. Would love to see him. Thanks for sharing.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Excellent news!

Congratulations, shewolf! 14 hours of hard labor! You must STILL be exhausted! I'm glad you're both well, and hopefully, you can rest a little bit, here and there. :)
Oh, CONGRATULATIONS! So glad it went <relatively> well and you are both fine. :D

Hmmm.... I wish I knew how to post a pic here! LOL! I'd love to see the little angel.

Please keep us posted on Justin's progress and your recovery!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
Congratulations on Justin Parker! Hope your recovery goes well and you are able to get some rest. Enjoy your little one. They grow so fast.
Congratulations!! Glad to hear he's doing well!! Isn't it WAY cooler than you even thought????
Will look forward to hearing how you are doing as the time progresses..
It sounds like you had a rough labor too!! Hope you are feeling good and recuperating quickly!!!


Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. Thanks for sharing the news and your amazingly motivating story of the labor and birth experience. It certainly makes me want to stick with my exercise program.

Again...congratulations to you and your family!!!!!

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