Had ultrasound today and.......


[marquee] It's a GIRL [/marquee]

I was stunned too because I swore it was a boy. So much for instincts huh?! She had the hiccups while we were watching her and at one point, she decided to throw her right arm up over her head...just the same way I sleep :)

I'll post some pictures on my web site and then post here when it's done. We got really lucky in that last week they started giving printed pictures AND pictures on floppy disk.

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Girl due February 24, 2002​
Alli! How wonderful! I assume all looked a-ok on that little girl! :)

Hope you are well! Haven't heard much from you lately. :)

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
Alli! How wonderful! I assume all looked a-ok on that little girl! :)

Hope you are well! Haven't heard much from you lately. :)

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
Hi Michelle,

Yes, thanks, everything looks just wonderful. All organs are where they're supposed to be and working well.

Sorry I haven't been around much. The same problems I had with my daughter have kicked in on this one. I'm having constant pelvis pain which makes exercise very difficult. I'm still trying to do lunges and work on the upper body but it's gotten me quite down to be honest. This has got to be related to all the complecations I had with my c-section when my son was born. I didn't have any pain carrying him at all and I'm in far beter shape than I was then!! The u/s has perked me up quite a bit though :) I'll keep checking in though and won't be so quiet :)

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Girl due February 24, 2002​
Wow, I bet you are still in shock huh? I'm excited for you and feeling joy for you as you now shift your thought process to names for girls ;-)! Take Care!
Oh Alli!

I am sooo excited for you! Congratulations~A lil' GIRL!!! Thanks so much for sharing her with us. She is so cute ALREADY. Love her little button nose!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Oh Alli!

That's amazing! You can really see her beautiful profile! Thanks for sharing those. How the heck can they see a gender in all that?
RE: Oh Alli!

Actually during the u/s it was much more clear. It was obvious those were her legs and it was obvious it was a clean, clear shot...lol What's really funny is we stopped for lunch after (of course) and our waitress had just had her u/s the day before. We got out our pics and compared them. She was obviously having a boy which really made it obvious ours was a girl :)

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Girl due February 24, 2002​
RE: Oh Alli!


I just wanted to add my congratulations on your sweet little girl! The pictures are wonderful. It makes me even more anxious to get to that point in the pregnancy! I have been debating whether to find out or not. Now I think I am more inclined to find out :) Sorry to hear about your pain it doesn't sound like fun, not to mention how tired you must be with two other children to run after! I give you lots of credit :)


Hi Alli-
Congrats on your new little girl.. So much for mother's intuition on that one, huh?
Glad to hear all was well at the U/S... Just think, in a few more months you'll be able to feel those hiccups!!!
Have you decided on any names at this point??

Take care of yourself,
RE: Congrats!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-01 AT 10:51AM (Est)[/font][p]You know what...I can already feel them :) She has them all the time which I love of course. I just can't wait for her to get her!! :D


Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
RE: Congrats!!!

Hi Alli,
Congratulations on Baby Katie! How exciting for you and your family. I loved feeling the hiccups also with my first pregnancy. Haven't felt them yet this time around. Love your baby's name as well!
RE: Congrats!!!

Congrats! I am so excited for you. How many weeks along were you when you found out? I am hoping to find out in 2 weeks when I'm 16 weeks along, but I don't know if that's too early.
RE: Congrats!!!

I was 21 weeks 3 days along. I was fortunate enough to find out with Jillian at 18 weeks but I wouldn't do it any earlier than that. You may want to re think having an u/s so early. I know it's SO hard to wait but if you only get one u/s then you may want to. I'm not saying you can't find out at 16 weeks but, if memory serves me correctly...and it hasn't lately, 16 weeks is the earliest you can find out.

Good luck either way.

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Hi Juju....

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-01 AT 03:54PM (Est)[/font][p]I am only 18 weeks myself with my first, but, here's my $.02, FWIW!

I had an ultrasound at 16 weeks (because I am at risk for incompetent cervix, so I get them practically every 2 weeks!). The tech said that it is possible to tell the sex at 16 weeks, but that even if he could make a guess (which he did, in my case), not to put any money on it at ALL because it is still very early and pretty difficult to tell for sure (in most cases). Yes, I know ANY ultrasound at ANY stage is never 100%, but at 16 weeks it's just too early to get your hopes up. So my tech told me what he thought it was and explained why, but we're not sharing the news with anyone yet or betting one way or the other because we feel it's just too early for that--even the tech told us not to put any stock in it. I go back at 20 weeks for my next ultrasound, and I'll let him know then (hopefully!) if he was right. :)

Believe me, I know the feeling of wanting to know the sex so badly! I was like that myself at that 16 week ultrasound. But now that it's come and gone, I really wish the tech wouldn't have said ANYTHING one way or the other, because it's almost worse, wondering if he was right or not, than not knowing at all and just waiting til the 20 week mark.

And like Alli said, if you only get one ultrasound, I'd wait til closer to the 20 week mark too.

Either way, have fun! It sure is neat seeing that little precious. I especially enjoyed seeing the tiny little feet bottoms!


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