Workout Check-In (10/8)


Hi ladies! Hope I'm not stepping on any toes by posting today's check in but I wanted to see how everyone is doing. I'm now in Week 12 and thrilled about it!! It's very encouraging since now the risk of miscarriage goes down. (Although, statistics mean very little to me since I lost one at 20 weeks...still, I'm trying to stay positive.)

I've been feeling good today so I walked on the treadmill at lunch for about 30 minutes. It felt good. I really miss my weight training but I know now is the time to take it easy. Maybe in the next few weeks my energy will increase and I'll find it easier to do some more weight training.

Have a great Monday everyone!

sprout edd 4-28-02
Hi Juju,

I thought I would jump in and join you since I definitely need some motivation to keep up the workouts! Great job on your workout today. Hearing how good you feel is inspirational for me. I am just starting my 7th week and am just soooo tired and now also feeling sick most of the day :-tired Luckily for me I actually have a couple hours in the very early morning when Im not nautious then the rest of the day until bedtime I just get sicker and sicker. It was the same when I was pregnant with my son.

Iam so proud of myself for getting up early today. I actually did Powermax and felt really great! I love that video. It is probably my favorite Cathe step tape. I am still able to do those fun 360s and am enjoying them while I can because I know I won't be doing them much longer! Iam very shocked at how early in pregnancy the workouts get tougher. My heartrate and RPE are up so much higher. Already things are getting much more difficult to do due to fatigue and not trying to overexert myself. I have been reading Expecting Fitness and it's such a great book. I also am trying to read thru most of the old posts on this board to learn as much as I can. It's great to know what you can and can't do and how to modify things. Im learning so much!

I hope you have a great day tomarrow too. Keep up the good work!

WTG, Alison and Juju! Juju, post a workout check-in ANYTIME... We all need each other to keep on going here! :-cool

I haven't posted because i haven't worked out! LOL! I was struck by a NASTY NASTY cold this weekend... and I'm just feeling human today, so I will be doing Circuit Max a little later. My poor hub has the worst of it today, and i feel so bad for him! I know all too well how yucky it feels. :(

Great job, girls! Keep on rocking!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02

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