Workout Check-In (10/16)

Where are all the fit mamas?! Come on, gals~ inspire us ALL with your courageous acts of fitness! :-jumpy

I got back from San Fran Sunday, but I just today did my first workout since my return. Sunday, I had to get up at 4am to be at SFO the required 2 hours before my departure, so needless to say, I was WIPED out! I slept 14 hours Sunday nite! :-wow

Thursday, after I arrived in San Fran, we walked and walked and walked all over, plus we took the Alcatraz tour. Anyone who has done this no doubt recalls the MONSTROUS hill you have to climb to get up in to the cell block.... YEEEEEEEEEOWWWWWWW! What a workout! Plus, it was around 80 degrees (!), so I was pouring sweat and feeeeeeeeling it! LOL!

Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT go into a Baby GAP... I just HAD to run into the one across from Pier 39... and my VISA is loving me right now! LOL! OMG, the stuff there is SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute~ beyond words! :)

Anyway, today's workout was FIRM Prime Power Fat Burning. Good UB workout, not too strenuous, but I must say, it is getting tougher these days... I'm being kind to my 6.5-mo preg body, though, and taking it easy.

Have a great workout, everyone!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02

Oh, Michelle, I have taken that Alcatraz tour, and that IS a mighty big hill! But isn't that just the neatest tour? I found it very interesting. And you should be kind to your body at 6.5 months!! You're doing great. :)

Let's see, yesterday I did Christi Taylor's Still Jumpin', and today I did BodyMax legs (not the cardio circuit parts, just the actual weight work in the circuits) and upper body and part of the abs on my inclined step! I meant to tack on Sculpted Buns, Hips, and Thighs, but I was pressed for time, so that didn't happen. Overall it was a great workout, but I feel like I didn't work my legs enough (that leg weight work in BodyMax boils down to about 6 minutes). Maybe this afternoon I will do SBH&T.

Lately I have been adding a stretch or beginner yoga tape in the afternoons when I get home from work. I have had some lower back problems in the past (threw out my back a couple times), and now that I'm pregnant, even though I'm only 17 weeks, I'm really starting to feel my lower back/sciatic nerve area tighten up. I feel that the extra stretching helps loosen me up a bit.

That's it for me....let's hear from everyone else!!!

Hi everyone.
Glad you had a great time Michelle. I think you got your workout in San Fran.
Yesterday I went to the gym and did a 15 min. power walk and 25 min. slow run plus wu & cd. Also CTX shoulders. Today I did the 1st 25 min. of one of the CIA step tapes (can't remember the #) and CTX Leaner Legs plus some standing ab work on my own.
I am feeling my body slow down a little more as I am just about to hit the 6 month mark. I am also finding that I get terrible lactic acid in my feet, calves and shins when I do lower impact workouts. Bananas help a little. Oh well. Only 3 more months.
Hi Erika and Renae! WTG, gals, on the GREAT workouts! We're doing it! :D I did CRUNCH Yoga Mama today~ felt good to get all stretched out. :)

Renae, ENJOY SBHT as long as possible... OH, how I miss that one! The abs, of course, but even table and lying leg work have been out for me for a few months now ~WAY too much strain on the groin! :( So get them abs WORKINNNNNNNNNG! LOL!

Erika, oh yeah, I felt so darn good at the end of 5 months, but the last few weeks have taken their toll on me; every workout requires much more of an effort, for sure. Even CRUNCH Yoga Mama (which I used to scoff at before I was preg) is getting tough now!~ LOL!

Keep it up!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
Does sitting here reading about all of your amazing workouts count as a workout for me this week? :p I cannot believe how sick and exhausted I am with this pregnancy! :-tired I was doing pretty well with working out but for the last 3 days I have done nothing :-( I am pretty much sick from the time I get up till I go to bed.

Still, I am very inspired by reading what other people are doing. Hopefully tomarrow I will find energy for some type of exercise. By the way I meant to ask for those of you who did Circut Max last week do you count it as a weight and cardio or just cardio workout?

Take care everyone :)

RE: Workout Check-In (10/16) to Alison

<<By the way I meant to ask for those of you who did Circut Max last week do you count it as a weight and cardio or just cardio workout?

Hi Alison! I don't label my workouts record-keeping purposes, but I do know the day after I do Circuit Max I feel like I've done some weights! OOOOOOOOOH my shoulders are always smoked and my booty is feeling it, too! Not like the day after a straight cardio. So I just see what I'm up for the next day (be it a cardio, walk, yoga, or REST!).

Don't feel bad about the lack of motivation... it comes and goes. I did yoga on Wed, nothing yesterday (registering at Babies R Us + a doc appt + soccer practice...), and I don't really feel like doing anything today! LOL! I have a LOT of work to catch up on anyway... so I'll just workout when I WANT to, and I'll enjoy it more.

Hang in there!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Workout Check-In (10/16) to Alison

I love reading your posts! You are so enthusiastic! What caught my eye is your due date, 01/06/02. My last baby was due on the same day this year. He was 9 days late, the little stinker. He was just hanging in there getting fat, 9 lbs! I worked out all throughout my pregnancy, doing Cathe tapes and running (11 min mile pace by 8 1/2 months!) My favorite tape was BodyMax, in fact the tape wore out and I need to get another one. I gained 31 lbs, the same amount I gained with my 2 girls. I am finally at my prepregnancy weight (actually have been for a few months.) However, my body will never be the same but who cares, I earned all that extra skin on my abs. Good luck to you and may your babe come on time!

First post here since I found out! I'm at 9 weeks now and so lazy. My workouts for this week: PS Legs standing work only; PS Back & Biceps; Cory's CST; 20 minutes on treadmill. I will try to do better next week. I love Cathe but I'm considering going back to my Firm videos for now.
Hi Windyh! Congratulations! I'm glad that you are listening to your body and working out to what is most comfortable to you. Take Care!
Check in/ pregnancy video decision

Hi Everyone! I haven't made it over here for a check in lately. Glad to hear you are all doing so well. I just had an ob visit today and I gained 5 pounds this month and 7 last month:-wow. Doc says not to worry about it and it is 100 percent normal so thats all I needed to hear.

Workout wise I have modified some impact in my classes but I am still teaching my ususal classes and have not needed to cut back on days yet. I also completed my yoga certification two weeks ago (with many modifications).

I'd also like to tell you that after some long hard thought, I have also decided against doing a pregnancy video at this time. Although the desire to do one remains high, the timing just is not there. I would have to do all of the leg work now and continue through the entire holiday season. Then rehearsals and filming would start in January. With young children in our lives, we all know the holidays are a very special time and I did not want to take that away from my family. I'm sure everyone can understand that.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
RE: Check in/ pregnancy video decision

That's understandable.

That's great that you are now certified in yoga. I suspect that future videos may have some yoga in the cooldown. Or maybe an entire yoga tape.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. It is all about being with the ones you love:).

...and, I'll be one of the first to put my order in for a CATHE Yoga tape!! It is one area I need but just can't stick to doing any other tapes then yours, Cathe. I know there are others here that feel the same way. BTW, I think it's great you can keep up with all your classes. That is wonderful! Happy Pregnancy!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Cathe and all the other expectant moms!

I like to lurk over here as I am trying to become pregnant (at 41 - ugggh)! I'm glad to hear that you are able to maintain a good balance in your life and do what you think is best for you and those most important to you. You go girl!

Glad to hear about your yoga certification - what kind of yoga is it? I so enjoyed a four week run of your Slow and Heavy series, and made good strength gains - but now I'm in a yoga rotation, and boy am I tight! Balance is so important!

Well, keep up the good work, all you pregnant ladies - it's interesting to see how each individual copes and maintains optimum health. Thanks for sharing.

Wishing you Cathe, and one and all a happy holiday season!!!

Colia :)
RE: Hi Cathe and all the other expectant moms!

Hi Colia! The certification that I took was YogaFit, which is a hybrid yoga that combines the elements of Hatha Yoga mixed with traditional fitness exercises and stretching routines. It focuses more on yoga for the athlete or fitness instructor/enthusiast rather than yoga for those who prefer it for its spiritual aspects. This approach was appealing to me. Not only did it work within my comfort zone but it also supported my fitness beliefs. I was very pleased with the training.

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