So much better


Hi everyone,

I posted a couple of weeks when I felt overwhelmed with everything.

Well, things are much better now and learning to say "no" to people is liberating - and I feel no guilt whatsoever. DH and I are TTC at the moment and this month was our first proper try - lots of babydancing this weekend ;-) So let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope to join all you expecting mum's soon !

Thanks to everyone who recommended "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler (sp?). Such an incredible book and I found myself saying to myself so many times "Oh, so that's why x y & z" - it has really helped. I have found ovulation kits to be a waste of time as they don't really pin point when ovulation will occur - my own body's signs are crystal clear ! And I'm one of those rare women who does ovulate on day 14 !

Anyway, thanks again and hope to join you all soon - DH and I can't wait till we're pregnant.

Oh and another thing - I'm also one of those women who experiences ovulatory pain ie when you can feel the egg bursting out of the ovary or whatever - and I never understood why I had this pain till I read Toni's book ! So thanks again for recommending it.

How's everyone feeling with their pregancies and when are you all due? I't such a privilege to be a woman and to have the ability to have children, isn't it?

How nice you're feeling so much better. Have fun with the trying. Hubby feels rather robbed this time around since it happened our first

Looking forward to your future announcement :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Hi Fitnik! So glad to hear everything is better. Sometimes we just HAVE to take care of ourselves and let other things fall into place on their own.

Can't wait to hear the good news!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02

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