Workout Check-In (10/4)

Heeeeeeeey mamas! How is everyone? :D

I just finished Cathe Step Works... WOW! It was so fun! :-jumpy I REALLY like this workout. Of COURSE I had to modify (seg 3, with the side lunges and the turns, I did mostly on the floor), but it still was great! I did Segment 1 on the 6" but went down to the 4" for Segment 2... but I'm not sweating it (no pun intended! LOL!); the most important thing is not overexerting and NOT tripping over my big, clumsy feet! :-wow

Hope you all worked it today, whether it was a walk, some stretching, or a full Cathe workout. :7

Post, post! Inspire us all with your courageous acts of fitness! :D

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
OK, here's mine

Awesome job on Step Works, Michelle. I considered doing that one this morning (my favorite Cathe step tape!), but decided on Step Fit instead. It was so much fun, and I didn't even have to modify that much since this is one of her lower impact tapes. I loved every minute of it--and I am not a cardio freak; I prefer strength work!. It was the PERFECT fit for me today.

I am checking in a day late but better late than never.
Yesterday (10/4) I went to the gym. For cardio I did my wu plus 25 min. on the elliptical cross trainer and then power walked with hills on the treadmill for 10 min. plus cd. I have been on a CTX rotation so I also worked my biceps and triceps (I bring a cue card and follow Cathe's workout if I'm not at home). I could really feel a burn since I did not do any strength training last week on vacation.
Today (10/5) I went to the gym and did 15 minutes of power walking on hills and 20 min. of running on a low incline and wu and cd. I also did a 20 min. mini leg workout of my own incorporating some of the equipment and machines.
Since you were on the subject, on Wednesday, I was teetering between Step Works and Step Fit. I ended up with Step Fit because I needed something not quite as intense. Both are great workouts. Maybe I will try Step Works next week.
Great work to everyone who has attempted something-especially those who are battling severe fatigue and sickness. Just a little movement (yoga, stretching or a walk) really helps.
Well, I haven't done a workout lately. I did Firm Cardio on Monday night (had lots of energy that day) and I've been recovering ever since. My quads and butt have been KILLING me and I've been limping around. Am I a wimp or what?? {{{hanging head}}}}
At least we did get to hear the heartbeat Wednesday. I was thrilled. Dr said everything looks good and he's going to have me back in at 16 weeks for an ultrasound.
Sprout must be having another growth spurt this week because I've been really really tired. Maybe I can walk this weekend or something.
Just trying to make it through this 1st trimester...

sprout edd 4-28-02 (11 weeks)
Hi Juju,
The 1st trimester is the toughest (in my opinion). Hang in there. Just do what you can and rest when you need it.
Take care.
If this is the same Renae...

...who answered my question on the Firm forum, then I am truly inspired that you can do a Cathe tape while pregnant! There is hope that when I get pregnant, I may not have to be sedentary for 40 weeks!


Here's to your continued healthy pregnancy! :)
Hi HollyCat!

Yes, this is the same Renae who answered your post on the Firm forum. :) I am enjoying a very fit pregnancy so far. I have been able to keep up a pretty regular workout schedule, just modifying down on the weights and cardio so I don't get too out of breath or overheated.

Don't worry too much about being sedentary for 40 weeks. I think it's fairly unlikely that that will happen.

Take care,
RE: OK, here's mine to Renae

All RIGHT, Renae! WTG! I'm relatively new to Cathe, so I don't have Step Fit... but it sounds like i should! LOL! Actually, for Xmas, my gift(s) will be the new step (the grey/black one) and SEVERAL of her DVDs! YAHOOOOOO! Can't wait. It'll be the best thing to get my booty back in shape after this baby comes.

Have a GREAT day!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Workout Check-In (10/4) to Erika

Erika! You are ROCKING, girl! WTG! :D

I know, any little activity sure helps... Thurs was my last w/o, as I got hit with a NASTY cold, so I'm just feeling human today, and I can't WAIT to do Circuit Max in a little bit! :-jumpy

Keep posting your workouts! They sure are inspiring!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Workout Check-In (10/4) to Juju

Hey Juju~ I agree with Erika; the first trimester IS the toughest, so ANY THING YOU DO is worth celebrating! I averaged MAYBE 1 w/o a WEEK in my first... and when the 2nd came along, I was feeling well again.

Just do YOUR best, and listen to your body, ok? It's a day-to-day thing. I fet so good the 2nd tri, and now that I'm in the 3rd, I'm feeling MUCH more fatigue. But I'm OK with that... after all, you won't be preg forever, right? Let's do the best we can for ourselves and our babies!

And YAHOOOOOOO on the heartbeat! GREAT GREAT news!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02

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