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    protein replacement

    This is good advice on the protein intake. I also weight 122-125 and strive for 60 grams/day. When you lift in the morning do you eat anything first? I have heard that it is important to eat first, which I never used to but am now trying to.
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    Leg Question...

    After 15 years of dedicated running I still had jiggly thighs. It wasn't until this year when I cut back on running and added weight training that I really saw a difference. Also, biking either inside or out helps me.
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    What happens when you stop weight training

    Janice - Thanks, that makes me feel a little better. During the summer months I cycle alot and find it hard to get in weight training because my legs are too tired for hard bike rides. Therefore, I have taken about 6 wks off and am now starting back to 1 day a week. Boy am I sore and I have...
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    What happens when you stop weight training

    If a person has done weight training for years and then stops for a significant period of time, what will happen to the muscles in their body? This assumes they keep doing cardio and maintain a good fitness level.
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    Runners use Cathe to Xtrain?

    LHK - This is something I am also experiencing. I cycle alot in the warm months and have stopped doing weights for about six weeks now. I have dropped a pound or two and don't feel as muscular. Last week I decided to do PH and couldn't believe how much strength I had lost in this time, it...
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    what are normal sized thighs?

    I am somewhat obsessed with my large thighs, or trying to make them smaller, it is all in relation to the rest of my body. I'm 5'3", weigh 122#, 34-26-35, thighs are 21". This poses a big problem when buying pants because if the waist fits, my legs won't fit. So the measurement is good for me...
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    Happygolucky - I also have your stats, 42 years old, 5'3" but weigh 122 and have for 20 years. It would be great to weight 115 but it just isn't going to happen, my body is happy at this weight and it is what I can maintain. I'm a runner, biker, and weight lift. It was the recent addition of...
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    Butt Project Update

    Kristie - It is good to hear from you, I know you have similar goals as mine. Question - what is the difference in MIS and PH? My body fat is around 20%, I would be happier if it were lower. I am a good eater and have always been but I did a serious analysis recently of my calorie intake...
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    Will I be sacrificing my strength training....?

    RE: Can't spot reduce that way Funny but I have the opposite results with MIS, have been doing it 2x/wk for 3 months and my inner thighs are showing results most. I am bottom heavy and trying to firm but glutes, it hasn't helped with that. I agree that the fat reduction might be the key.
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    Two schools of thought on bulking issue

    I'm with Christine, I judge my thick thighs by how they fit in pants, which is tight. I would like to be able to wear any old pair of jeans but I just can't. Part of the problem is that my waist is so much smaller that to get the pants to fit the waist, then the legs are too tight.
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    Blood sugar and exercise

    I found this good info from Covert Bailey (who I highly respect): Proponents of the exercise before eating theory believe that glycogen stores have been depleted overnight, which enables fat to be tapped faster and more effectively. The idea that fat will be burned if sugar is low seems to...
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    Butt Project Update

    I'm trying to firm my butt, I have way too much flab back there and on my thighs. I am one of those body types that looks good and firm from the front but flabby from the rear view. My mother and sister were built the same way.
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    Blood sugar and exercise

    I am trying to analyze why my body is not responding to exercise in the last few months and wanted anyone's opinion on this. There are 2 things that I am doing differently than I have been all these years - 1) exercising in the morning 2) lifting weights 2x/wk. I read recently that exercising...
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    Butt Project Update

    I'm reporting in on week 12 of my weight lifting experience doing MIS 2x/wk, cardio 4x/wk. It isn't going so good. Still haven't lost the 4 pounds that I gained and I feel very bulky. I would like to know if anyone thinks that 3 months is enough time to evaluate this or if I should keep going...
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    Questions about Running

    Kristie - I have been running for 15 yrs and have been through many stages, long run marathon/triathlon training and shorter speed work. If your goal is fitness, I would recommend adding some intervals to each 5 mile run, sprint for 2 min, recover, do it again, if you can go longer, do it. As...
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    Butt Project Report

    I forgot one more piece of info. Was looking through Oxygen on the newstand and there is a woman featured in this issue that says she rotates light/heavy weight every other week. So she does light weight high reps one week, then heavy weight low reps the next week. She does it to keep her...
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    Butt Project Report

    Kristie - That is a good idea. Unfortunately cycling season is starting and getting in a 3rd weight day might be tough. I can get good leg workouts on my bike and will do that. This week on my yoga/pilates/whatever day, I did a Karen Voight Pilates tape with the ring and really felt it...
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    Capri pants for "pears"?

    It is a constant battle for me too, I have been trying to buy a new pair of boot cut blue jeans for about a year. Banana Republic has a few styles that work, give them a try. They also carry petites. My experience has been that if I find pants that have a little spandex in them they fit...
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    Difference in LL & MIS Legs

    Thanks Donna - It is my understanding the LL only comes with the complete CTX series, not sold separately. Is that correct? I'm not sure I would use all of the cardio, etc. in that series.
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    Difference in LL & MIS Legs

    I currently do MIS. Can anyone tell me the difference between the leg portion of MIS and that in Leaner Legs?