Leg Question...


I know running can do wonders for your thighs and it did do wonders for mine years ago, but I had a running injury and just cant do it anymore. My legs are thick and flabby especially the inner thighs and despite doing Cathe workouts not much has changed. Does anyone know of an effective substitute for running that is easier on the knees that may finally slim down my thighs?? I eat clean so I know it's not a diet or calorie thing.


Hi Stacy,

How about swimming ? The water supports your joints, and limbs, great aerobic activity, and toning benefits. The breaststroke would be a good one, it would work out your inner thighs.

Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately I dont have access to a swimming pool, but probably wouldnt go even if I did. I like working out at home and that will never change.

:) Stacy
I read somewhere recently (here? or a fitness magazine) that walking lunges do the best for your inner thighs. Not sure if you can do them but they're a possibility. There's something about the walking forward and not just doing forward, rear or stationary lunges...
After 15 years of dedicated running I still had jiggly thighs. It wasn't until this year when I cut back on running and added weight training that I really saw a difference. Also, biking either inside or out helps me.
I don't know if there's a specific "miracle" workout, but I'd try things that use the legs.

-spinning (really tones my legs- just don't use super heavy resistance) or biking
-kickboxing classes usually add squats/lunges/kicks that really tire out your legs
-elliptical trainer (works the legs/butts, especially on an incline)
-walking on an incline

Running is great, but there are alternatives to everything. Mix it up and you'll lose weight regardless of what cardio you choose.
Good luck!

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