protein replacement


HI, I am wondering how many grams of protein is appropriate for replacement after a weight lifting workout. I am using EAS ready made shakes and am curious if this is enough or too much. Thanks in advance.
I use designer whey protein it has 22 grams I think anywhere from 15 all the way up to 40 depending on how many grams you need to take in for the day.1 gram per pound of body wt divided into how many meals.I weigh 124 I try to stay anywhere from 115light day no strengh training to 124 or maybe 130.I eat 5-6 meals a day.I usually wt train in the morn so after I get done I shower and than drink whey shake with non fat milk and either toast and a whole egg or oatmeal and toast or a english muffin with peanut butter and always a glass of o.juice but always whey protein shake after wt training. also I read that if you are getting enough protein you don't get sore the next day.I read that in oxygen by one of the fitness competitors.So I kind of use that as a gage to I am never sore even though I push myself.I always feel tight after the workout but I am never sore the next day and beleive me I use to get sore before I started eating right I remember days of not being able to sat on the toilet I think the whey protein may help to prevent my soreness.I hope this helps.
This is good advice on the protein intake. I also weight 122-125 and strive for 60 grams/day.

When you lift in the morning do you eat anything first? I have heard that it is important to eat first, which I never used to but am now trying to.
I eat after I work out never before.I wait a hour after I do cardio in the evening to eat.But as soon as I shower I eat when I lift in the morning.

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