Questions about Running

Hi all,

For the past year I've added running into my workout routine. Up until about a month ago I was running about twice a month around 4 miles or so each time. About a month ago I decided to try a little more running so I've been running for 5 miles twice a week. Just in the short time I've been doing this, it has noticably increased my cardiovascular abilities. It is amazing. I'm really enjoying it. I just have a few questions though. I usually run the 5 miles in about 45 minutes. As it starts getting a little easier, should I up the distance or try to go faster or what? Any other ideas?

Thanks for any input,
Kristie Schultz
Kristie -

I have been running for 15 yrs and have been through many stages, long run marathon/triathlon training and shorter speed work. If your goal is fitness, I would recommend adding some intervals to each 5 mile run, sprint for 2 min, recover, do it again, if you can go longer, do it. As with any exercise, it is good to make changes.

If you are trying to improve your running, as in make it faster for racing, etc. you will want to do speed work during one run and a long run during another. This increases speed and endurance.

If you mainly want to burn calories you may find that making one run a fast one and one a slow one will be enough. Maybe you are ready to start racing? 9 min miles are good for a beginner, you may have good fast twitch muscles and the more you train you will find that you can go really fast.
Hi Kristie,

I'm hooked on running too. A tip: focus on increasing endurance or speed but not both at the same time. Focus on both & you're on the road to injury, especially running, because of the impact.

Runners' World (magazine & website) is a wonderful resource. I use a lot of the training techniques in other activities.

That's a nice pace, Kristie. The next step for you, as I see it, is to sign up for a road race! I run them often and they are very motivating. I just siged on to run the Tucson Half Marathon for Joints in Motion in December and I am excited. Since you train at a nice clip, I'll bet 8 or even 7 minute miles are there for you if you train. Gotta train fast to run fast! I enjoy challenging myself some years and try to beat old records!. There are great books out there for woman runners. I lkie Claire Kowalachiks alot. Check out the resources at Runner's Worl and have fun. Running is such an amazing workout for the body and the head!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
I think you should try running on hills once it gets easier! Hills really kick up the intensity. When I run with my doggies, we go on steep hills. It really decreases the distance I am able to run (usually not more than 3 miles), but I feel completely winded and wiped out by the end.

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