Runners use Cathe to Xtrain?


Active Member
Hello, I would like to know if there are any runners out there that use Cathe cardio videos to cross-train. By runners, I guess I mean those of you who use running as your primary cardio activity. Has cross-training helped your running? How many days a week and what Cathe videos do you use? I run 4 or 5 days a week, but I would like to start cross-training with other forms of cardio. :)
Hi Colette!

I am in training for an October marathon, so for at least the past five months running has been my primary form of cardio. Right now we run on average for 3 or 4 days a week, with Saturdays always being our long mileage increasing run. Throughout the past 5 months crosstraining has been the only thing that has saved me from overuse injuries. For crosstraining I have used both Cathe Cardio Videos (although I usually do try to use a little lower impact, so no MIC to give the joints a break) and the Tank Top Rotation. I have also added periodic days of spinning, powerstrike, Mindy, and swimming. I feel lately that I am in the best shape of my life and feel that it is the result of all the crosstraining we are doing. I am not only able to run faster, easier, and for longer periods of time, but have also noticed that when I move to another type of cardio activity that it is not like starting over. In the beginning, we were running 5 days a week, and both of us (I run with my sister-in-law) were having the first twinges of knee pain, shin splints, and general pain. Since we started crosstraining our injuries seem to have decreased and I can always approach our runs with a higher level of enthusiasm. Sorry that this is so long, you sound like you are doing great things, especially since running is such hard work. Just wanted to share how crosstraining has worked wonders for me. Best of luck!
Hi! I use Cathe to cross train. Her strength tapes are excellent. I do them 2-3 times a week and run 4-5 times a week. I get about 30-42 miles a week in running. I found that my last 1/2 marathon was much easier than previous ones. I am sure it was due to the cross training. I also do a lot of her cardio workouts in the winter when I don't get out to run as much. They are all great and you can't go wrong with Cathe!!!
Hi Colette!
In warm months I run exclusively, for cardio, but cross-train w/ Cathe tapes for strength work (mainly upper body).

In winter I do all Cathes for cardio AND strength. (IM, BM, CM, SM, CK, etc for cardio and MIS and PH and BM for strength)

My summer body is leaner, my winter body is more muscular.

The cross training always helps running! My spring run times were faster than my autumn times because of the intense Cathe-cardio I did all winter!

But no, I don't cross-train other types of cardio, not really.
I know I probably should!

Hi Colette
I'm one the few male cathe users.I am a runner.I started using cathe weight tapes and thought I would like to learn step as I read that step is easier on the knees.I now incoporate step into my routine.I used to run every second day- now 2-3 times and one kickboxing and one step.I have't really noticed any improvement in my running but I have become much more coordinated and enjoy the mental challenge of mastering a routine.I know cathe is supposedly easy choreography but for a klutz lke me it's hard.I'm slowly going through the catelogue.I have found that yoga has improved my running.I try to do a yoga tape every so often and I find I am so calm and's strange.but yoga for athletes works.

This is something I am also experiencing. I cycle alot in the warm months and have stopped doing weights for about six weeks now. I have dropped a pound or two and don't feel as muscular. Last week I decided to do PH and couldn't believe how much strength I had lost in this time, it made me very sore.

It has been hard for me to keep doing weights 2x/wk because my legs are tired on the bike since it is a good strength/endurance workout too.

Do you find this when you go back to weights at the end of the summer?

I too am a runner who uses Cathe PS, PH, and SH for Strength...nothing is a better compliment to my running for building and keeping my legs strong and injury free and also for building a nice upper body and avoiding that "ammaciated" runner look. I also try to get in one spin class, a kickbox and Cathe's I-max in a week.

I want to salute Kisizu for joining the Cathe husband is a runner who has been using Cathe strength tapes for 2 1/2 yrs. now and has gained a good deal of muscle and found his running has been MUCH easier from all the lower body work as well! We are very excited about her "Intensity Series" coming this fall/winter.

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