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  1. S

    Is it just me?

    Don't be so hard on yourself! A lot of your weight gain is probably just water, not fat. Some people's weight fluctuates a lot- up to 5lbs- because of the foods, PMS, etc. STAY OFF THAT SCALE! Measure your progress by how you feel, your clothes fit, etc. The scale is not reliable. I go on only...
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    Zzzzzzzzzzz . . .

    I Know! Who knew an hour could mess us up so much?? I'm glad others fell it too. I was soooo tired the past 2 days. I finally got a good 8 hours and am ok again. Our bodies sure are sensitive:)
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    depressed from taking a week off

    I used to have the same feeling when I was around my college roomies who all had some sort of eating /exercise disorder. I thought since I wasn't about to diet, exercise was the thing keeping me thin. Now that I'm away from them, I occasionally take time off from exercise. At first it feels...
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    Suggestions pls. for clean healthy snacks!

    Hi Candice, I have the first problem you have- nighttime eating. I'll eat pretty well during the day, but then at night, I eat junk. Also, on weekends I don't eat well at all since, again, I don't plan, and I'm not as busy. Here are some things I've learned: 1. During the day when I go to work...
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    Thanks! Thanks you guys! Those are some good tips- I'll use them all. You're right about the punching bag- spinning helped to take my mind off of it, but I really wanted to punch and kick to get out the stress. A run would've been nice too.
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    How do you gals deal with stress? I had an argument with my boss today that made me so upset and stressed. All day, I thought about it and was mad. I took a spinning class which helped a bit, but I'm still tense. So I'd like your suggestions. Also, when I'm at the office and put in a tense...
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    Going on a cruise!

    relax I don't know if you'll see this before your cruise, but do NOT worry! I ate out for every meal for a week in the Bahamas and did not one minute of exercise. I was afraid I'd come back huge, but had no problems at all. Your body needs a break - Cathe even says so herself!! If you weren't...
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    Cathe: More Planks, PUH-LEASE!

    Love for Planks I love planks now (hate them when I'm actually doing them though!) too. At first, I think it's not going to do a thing since it's such a simple move, but I did them for the first time in months and boy, my abs are sore. I didn't even do as many as Cathe in S&H, plus mine were...
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    water retention

    LOL Ha! I didn't know what "lol" meant either so I just assumed it meant "lots of love"- I guess I was wrong! Thanks for the info!
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    Has anyone tried...??

    I've tried the Firm- not the package though. Did you see the infomercial?? I have 3 older tapes which aren't too tough cardio wise (years ago, I thought they were though- Cathe really shapes us up!). You use light weights for a lot of them, which can be awkward cause they do fast reps. It's ok...
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    Rude customer service ....

    I ordered online and had no problems. And the order arrived very fast (it's coming from NJ, and I live in PA, so that's why). I like that you can track the order too. Soory to hear about your bad experience. It's so annoying- you're paying a lot for these tapes/dvd's- why can't they appreciate...
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    Have you ever noticed that.....

    I didn't notice that, but Cathe has this laugh/giggle that totally reminds me of Cameron Diaz's giggle. It's such a happy, little girl giggle.
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    Difference between PS series and Slow and Heavy

    I can't give you too much info since I just got S&H and haven't done PS for awhile. I'd say S&H is just what it says. It's broken up into bodyparts (I have the DVD so you can mix and match). I've only done a few sections, but you do about 3 sets and I think 6-8reps each, so it doesn't take...
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    S&H for 3 weeks?

    I just got the S&H DVDs (definately glad I got DVDs!). Cathe mentions you should just do them for short rotations, like 3 weeks, since you need focus. This is only doing the videos a total of 3x's. Is this enough to start seeing results? I want to see some definition- I have somewhat thin...
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    No set routines

    I don't have a set routine either. I get bored doing the same cardio videos easily. When I did try to have a routine, I would always end up not doing it because I might have to work late, have a migraine, an unexpected appointment, snow, etc. and then I'd feel like I failed. So I just try to...
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    Janet Evanovich

    Thanks for the reminder! I love her books. You wait a whole year for a new book, and then read it in a day or 2!
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    CardioKicks intensity comparison?

    Hi, Unfortunatly, I really didn't fall in love with Cardiokicks. I'm not a huge kickboxing fan to begin with though. It really wasn't that intense for me (I did try!). If I did get my HR up, it'd just go down again. I did like the end where she does kickboxing interval things. So I felt like I...
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    Evil Peeps!

    Yup, Peeps are those little yellow "chicks"- but now they come in all spring colors and shapes. You either love them or hate them! Some people think they're so gross (I guess they are if you really think about it!)
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    Evil Peeps!

    At least you know that most of us aren't exactly banning sugar! I told myself that I wouldn't have any chocolate this week till Easter, but I just had a Snickers bar (it was for a fundraiser, so I HAD too get it:)) I ate so many jelly beans over the weekend, that I think they're gross now. I...
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    Ms Fitness America

    I don't know if Ms. Fitness America has very, very muscular women in it, or it's more of a muscular yet feminine look. But from reading "M & F Hers" and "Oxygen" you can see that those women treat training like a job. They really workout hard. Plus, their diets are *very* strict- especially...